Brotherly Bond

So to begin with, Belrick and Lemin started arguing.

"I didn't even say that!" [Belrick]

"I bet you thought it though!" [Lemin]

"You're just assuming things!" [Belrick]

To sum things up, Belrick and I met up with Lemin after our duel. I expected this whole talk about how Lemin was scared or something about how Belrick crashed out and stuff, but boy was I wrong. It was about how Lemin felt insecure that his talent didn't match up to Belrick's.

"The only reason why I could join the Royal Guards was because you refused to join without me!" [Lemin]

"Hold on, when did this-" [Belrick]

"You know it, I know it! I was a part of the two in one deal! Except I wasn't even wanted!" [Lemin]

If you're wondering where my position in this was, it was standing aside in silence. I don't even think Lemin noticed my presence.

"Do you really think that?!" [Belrick]

Belrick grabbed Lemin's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Lemin, you got into the Royal Guards through your own effort. You have talent." [Belrick]

While I thought that sounded heartwarming, Lemin thought differently.

"Get your hands off me." [Lemin]

He smacked away Belrick's arms and placed a finger on his brother's chest.

"You can say all these flamboyant words all you like, it doesn't change the fact that you're talented and I'm not. At this point, I'm not even in the Royal Guards because of my dream. I'm shackled here so you can stay." [Lemin]

Belrick was speechless. Actually, I was too. Lemin, the cheerful demon was being… hateful.

"...How can you say that? The Royal Guards was your dream since… forever!" [Belrick]

Belrick's words received Lemin's scorn.

"My dream is dead." [Lemin]

Lemin continued to prod at Belrick.

"Over and over again, I failed the test to join the Royal Guards. I had your support at my back and I felt on top of the world. However, it wasn't until I mentioned to the captain that if I got in you'd join too." [Lemin]

"I just wanted to be with you! How can that-" [Belrick]

"Shut up and listen to me!" [Lemin]

Belrick's voice choked on his own words.

"At first, I thought it was by chance. I merely joined by chance and my own efforts." [Lemin]

He pulled his finger back from Belrick and began pacing.

"It wasn't until my first training that I began to have doubts. I failed to keep up with even the easiest assignments. Not to mention the training." [Lemin]

I was beginning to feel like I shouldn't be here listening to this.

"It was really strange. I never got kicked out due to my lack of performance. In fact, it was like I wasn't even there. I experimented with purposely failing duties, even to a horrendous extent. Yet, there wasn't a single punishment. Rarely, I might get a word of complaint." [Lemin]

This was hard to listen to. This whole… monologue.

"...Lemin, it was because the Captain believed in your latent talent. He believed that some day, you'd grow stronger." [Belrick]

Lemin let out an uncanny chuckle.

"...Talent. You say it so easily. How dare someone so blessed with it utter it so nonchalantly." [Lemin]

"Lemin, talent doesn't-" [Belrick]

"Don't tell me that hard work beats talent that fails to work hard." [Lemin]

That shut Belrick up.

"The truth of the matter is, hard work only beats talent that doesn't work at all. I could spend ten years catching up to you, but all it would take is for you to lift a muscle to outclass said hard work." [Lemin]

…Maybe Lemin was onto something? I normally would disagree, but that golden glowing eye mode of Belrick was nothing to scoff at.

"Everyone in Lithik knows of you. Ever since we were little, you were stronger than the neighborhood kids." [Lemin]

Oh so we're bringing up actual childhood? Damn, this squabble is going DEEP deep.

"We were kids then. Something like that isn't enough of an example." [Belrick]

"Oh yeah? You killed a D rank monster with your bare hands at that age!" [Lemin]

"You were in danger! What was I supposed to do, let you die?!" [Belrick]

"Maybe you should've! Then I won't have to suffer everyday knowing that I'll never match up to you! That I'm your tagalong! Belrick's sloppy seconds! No- Sloppy thirds!" [Lemin]

The two went silent after that.

"...I kept deluding myself that I could catch up one day. If I just kept trying and trying." [Lemin]

This guy still wasn't done yapping? Sorry that was rude. I meant trauma dumping or venting.

"It wasn't until I saw that… form." [Lemin]

"...Form?" [Belrick]

"Your horns grew, your sword turned green, and your eyes shone gold. A form only seen in legends." [Lemin]

That… kind of explains why it was so strong.

"I thought to myself, how could I possibly match a legend? My conclusion: it's impossible. Legends are legends for a reason." [Lemin]

Belrick shook his head.

"That's not the only legend our race has." [Belrick]

The two exchanged some kind of look that I didn't quite understand.

"You mean for me to kill myself?" [Lemin]

Belrick shook his head.

"No, I'm just saying that there are other paths." [Belrick]

Okay, I'm lost. Someone fill me in on the conversation later.

"Paths that are blocked off." [Lemin]

"How so? You're in the famed Royal Guards. The only thing higher is becoming either a Demon Lord or a Feerae." [Belrick]

Lemin gave him a blank look.

"You said it yourself. The only positions higher are already occupied. There can only be one Demon Lord, and Feerae is something only a god can appoint. You're the next candidate. That means I'd have to beat you." [Lemin]

That's how it works? Maybe it's the same rule for heroes too.

"There can be multiple Feerae at once, you know." [Belrick]

"I'm aware. Those are just exceptions though. Which is of course, not something I am capable of." [Lemin]

He must speak of strength. I could tell the Feerae I met in the First Hero's Tomb was powerful, and the one protecting the Demon Lord even moreso. It wouldn't be surprising to see Belrick becoming the next one. Either way, their conversation was becoming more and more sour by the second. So, I decided to step in.

"Can I speak now?" [Solace]

The two looked at me with surprise. Did they forget I was here?

"A-Alt… When did you-" [Lemin]

"From the start." [Solace]

They both looked embarrassed.

"Right… You were here." [Belrick]

Quite the genius we've got here.

"Look, guys. I get that you've got a lot of things bottled up." [Solace]

I looked at Lemin.

"You especially. HOWEVER. You guys are still family." [Solace]

The expression on Lemin's face seemed to change to realization. If I were to guess, he probably thought something along the lines of:

("Of course! How could I have forgotten! Have I been blinded by my own incompetence and greed that I even began to see my own brother in contempt?!") [Lemin]

Okay, that might be a stretch. You get the idea though, right?

"Lemin, I want to ask you something. What is it that you want to do now?" [Solace]

Lemin looked pretty puzzled at the question.

"...What I want to do?" [Lemin]

"Yes. You said that your dream is dead. I can only assume that your dream of joining the Royal Guards is over. What is it that you want to do now? Will you leave, or will you stay?" [Solace]

Lemin took a moment to think it over.

"I… I don't know…" [Lemin]

"Then we should look for it. I don't think bashing heads with your brother is what you really want, right?" [Solace]

Lemin nodded slowly.

"Y-Yes… You're right, Alt. How could I…?" [Lemin]

As he started developing his critical thinking skills or whatever, I was absolutely glazing myself over here.

("By the gods am I amazing at speaking. Call me the preacher the way my words are the gospel.") [Solace]

After some time, Lemin came to a decision.

"I've decided on a new goal." [Lemin]

"Oh yeah? What is it?" [Solace]

Awesome. Now I can get on with my life.

"I will defeat the heroes." [Lemin]

"...Oh. Just the hero or is their party included?" [Solace]

"All of the above." [Lemin]

Nevermind. He wants to end my life.

"That's great, Lemin! Every demon's dream is to defeat a hero someday!" [Belrick]

("Seriously?") [Solace]

Lemin shrugged.

"You could call it revenge or something. That day when the hero's party invaded, we all almost died. I don't even recall how we drove them away." [Lemin]

Belrick glanced at me.

("Bro, you're going to give me away. Keep your eyes down bruh.") [Solace]

"Even if I can't be a Feerae I can also use my life to protect Lithik. My- no, OUR home." [Lemin]

Is this character development? How did this guy change emotionally like, three times during this entire conversation?

"Ever since the new demon lord took up their position, life became so… I don't have the words for it." [Lemin]

"Peaceful?" [Solace]

"You mean the quality of life went up." [Belrick]

"Yes, that. If I were as smart as you, I'd be able to describe the demon lord's greatness better." [Lemin]

It was at this moment I thought I could get some crucial information.

"So what is the demon lord like?" [Solace]

"Nice, kind, generous, and intelligent." [Belrick]

"What he said." [Lemin]

Okay, so suddenly they both are in sync after arguing.

"Uh-huh… So what does she do?" [Solace]

"From the top of my head… Improved the economy, implemented better defensive strategies to fend off humans, improved construction stability, sanitation, medical knowledge, education, career fields, and few other things." [Belrick]

"What he said." [Lemin]

…Genuinely what the fuck? Pardon my language, but a literal child did all that? Did they reincarnate too or something?

"I'm speechless." [Solace]

"Of course you are." [Lemin]

First of all, why did he look so smug? I'm not praising you lil bro. You didn't do all that. Second, I wanna punch him.

"You can also add the feat of saving all our lives." [Belrick]

I had almost forgotten that she healed everyone inflicted with that one divine curse. You know, the one where we can't heal wounds.

("Am I that ungrateful?") [Solace]

In any case, that information is kind of useless to me.

"Do we know how strong she is?" [Solace]

Belrick and Lemin looked at each other.

"No?" [Lemin]

"I mean, I assume pretty strong. Considering her magic and all." [Belrick]

So more useless information I guess.

"What about the Feerae protecting her?" [Solace]

"Oh yeah, he's mega strong." [Belrick]

Lemin nodded in agreement.

"I heard he fought three hero parties at once and came out on top." [Lemin]

Surprisingly, useful information. Also, my party may be screwed if the Feerae is actually that strong.

"Do we know what he can do, specifically? Like abilities wise?" [Solace]

"Nope." [Belrick]

Lemin shook his head as well.

"Great. In any case, it looks like you guys could use some alone time so I'm gonna head out now." [Solace]

I excused myself seeing as I no longer had a reason to be there. As I made for my dorm room, I found Wilharrow running around in a panic. Once he spotted me, Wilharrow pulled me aside.

"Wilharrow? What're you-" [Solace]

"Alt! Listen! We don't have much time!" [Wilharrow]

"Huh?!" [Solace]

"Fina's symptoms are acting up!" [Wilharrow]

It took me a minute to remember what he meant by symptoms.

"You're telling me Fina's manaless physique is flaring up?!" [Solace]

Wilharrow made an anxious expression.

"Yes, it's calmed down for now but I don't know how long she has left. She may die in a week or a month!" [Wilharrow]

"...Shit!" [Solace]

We need that demon lord's heart quickly.

"We're moving the plan forward. No more time to dilly daddle. I'll inform the others. In two days, we will strike." [Wilharrow]

"...Understood." [Solace]