Every Story needs a bully

Chapter 4: Every Story needs a bully

Feng sighs as he sits at his corner sit table, looking out the window at the blue sky and white clouds.

Right now, school is a waste of time for him, and he is considering dropping out because he knows his future is in God's Art.

Fatty Zai is seated in front of him, and Ling PeiPei, the class flower, is sitting to his right. Feng accidentally knocked his pen onto the floor while looking out the window and pondering what to do. He didn't think much about it as he followed the pen to a halt before bending down to pick up the pen that had rolled over to the table next to him.


A scream echoes throughout the classroom, drawing everyone's attention to it.

"This scumbag cockroach is attempting to peek up my skirt!" Lin PeiPei, the class flower, screamed in disgust as she stood up, holding her hands towards her skirt, attempting to protect her modesty.

The pen had rolled in front of Ling PeiPei's desk without his knowledge. Feng was bending down in the direction of Ling PeiPei's legs. Feng realized there was nothing he could say to defend himself in this situation.

At this point, Gao Xiong approached Feng and grabbed him by the collar.

"You scumbag! Trying to peek Ling PeiPe I?" He let out a growl.

Fatty stood up to defend Feng at this point. "Come on, my brother Lin Feng was just attempting to pick up the pen! I admit we're pervs, but Lin Feng even declined my invitation to spy on you girls during PE class today."

'Tsk, Fatty... that's not helping me...' Lin Feng snickered. The entire class was staring at him. Fortunately, he has enough life experience to know that this shit will pass through, so there is no point in getting agitated or embarrassed.

"I knew he and his Fat friend were perverts! Goa Xiong, luckily I was sharp enough to notice what he was up to. "Ling PeiPei sobbed as she spoke. At this point, the entire class was looking at Feng with disgust in their eyes.

Feng didn't bother to explain, holding the pen in his hand, because he didn't see the point.

Looking at Gao Xiong, he first inquired, "Are you her boyfriend?"

Gao Xiong, perplexed, could only reply, "No."

Taking advantage of Gao Xiong's confusion, Feng shook off his grip on his collar. Freed of Gao Xiong grip he asks while turning towards Ling PeiPei, "and do you have evidence that I am peeking at you and not picking up this pen?"

"What else could you have done to end up in such a position? Your planned excuse must include the pen. Everyone knows you and your fat pal are disgusting creatures!" She retaliated.

Feng let out a sigh. 'Why did you feel the need to insult my friend?' Feng pondered before continuing, "Must be the ugly scar on your buttocks. You must have been concerned that I would notice it."

"You-! How did you find out about my scar?" Ling PeiPei exclaimed.

"How could I have known if you hadn't shown me in bed?" Feng responded with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I know you're upset because I insisted on it being a one-night stand, but do you have to cause trouble in class purposefully?" Feng shook his head, giving the impression that he had been wronged in this instance.


The sound of air being sucked in resounded around the class.

'Ling PeiPei and Lin Feng had such a relationship?'

"What nonsense are you-" Before she could finish her sentence, Feng added.

"In addition to the scar on your buttocks, there is a mole beneath your right breast, right here near your nipples."

"Ahh... In fact, there is a small birthmark on your upper back near your left shoulder." As he spoke, his fingers pointed to the indicated locations.

The girls in the class quickly began to murmur and gossip. At the same time, the guys had no way of knowing if Feng's words were true. However, based on the girls' reactions, they realized there was something wrong.

After all, the girls in the class do change for PE and swimming lessons together. Based on the girls' demeanor in class, the guys soon began to form their own opinions.

There is a chance that Feng peeked on Ling PeiPei, but some of the locations Feng has indicated cannot be seen unless one is fully naked. Particularly the mole near the nipple. It was difficult to see because the mole was so small, and the girls only found out about it when they were having their girls talk.

Unfortunately for Ling PeiPei, they did have a fling after a class gathering in the future. Feng was considered quite successful within Gods Art at the time, and he had yet to meet Chen MeiHua.

Gao Xiong observed the unfolding events, his face turning redder with each sentence. He clearly had feelings for the class flower, Ling PeiPei.

"Don't try to get out of this, you weasel!" Gao Xiong yelled, unable to take it any longer.

"Okay, Class. Settle down." A sweet yet stern voice broke through the chaos from the class's front door.

"As most of you are aware, my name is Ms. Zhen, and I will be your homeroom teacher once again this year. I'm hoping this year will be as enjoyable as the last."

Ms. Zhen Xin Ru is a well-known hottie among the teachers at this school. Ms. Zhen, who is approximately 23 years old, joined the school after graduating due to her family connection.

Her lovely figure and perky ass, evidence of her active lifestyle, are a fantasy for all the boys in school. In his previous life, Feng could recall the many sleepless nights he had spent with Ms. Zhen.

Feng recalls having a crush on her in the past while wearing her signature white shirt tucked into a tight knee-length skirt. He'd just admire her body now, but figures like hers were something he and Fatty had enjoyed a lot in nightclubs in his previous life.

Her face, on the other hand, tells an entirely different story. Even Feng had to admit that when compared to celebrities, her beauty ranks among the top.

With light makeup on her flawless skin, a ponytail of her flowy wave-like hair, a strict yet feminine heart-shaped face thanks to her small jawline, a high sharp nose, and deep brown almond eyes.

With her contrast of sharp and feminine features, she reminds one of a Korean movie star. With her family history, she is someone that most guys would kill to be with.

"Meet me at the gym after the break. You're going to die if you don't." Gao Xiong returned to his seat, letting go of Lin Feng's collar.

Time flew by quickly as the lessons began.


The bell signals the end of the morning session.

"OK, the bell has rung. Before you leave, make sure you have turned in your holiday homework," Ms. Zhen wrapped up the class.

"Lin Feng, meet me in the teacher's lounge after this," Ms. Zhen said as she walked towards the classroom door, leaving Feng with no opportunity to speak.

Feng got out of his seat and walked towards the door without much of a fuss.

"Are you forgetting something?" Gao Xiong fixed his gaze on him.

"Well, it was the teacher who summoned me… There's nothing I can do about it, little bear. "Feng teased without blinking his eyes.

"Little- BEAR?!" Gao Xiong growled as the rest of the class held their laughter.

Feng exited the room, oblivious to the chaos within. Ling PeiPei, who was sitting in the corner of the classroom, stared at Feng as he walked out the door. She was perplexed as to how he knew about her secrets.

Gao Xiong approached Ling PeiPei, having had enough of the class staring at him with teasing eyes.

"PeiPei did you and Lin Feng, you know..." Gao Xiong struggled as he softly asked Ling PeiPei.

"Are you taking his words seriously?" When Gao Xiong questioned her, Ling PeiPei almost slapped him across the face.

"No, no, no! I apologize..." Gao Xiong murmured, half believing what she said. Feng, after all, seemed to know a lot about Ling PeiPei's body. Nonetheless, as Lin Feng had stated, he is nothing to Ling PeiPei.

He couldn't openly pursue Ling PeiPei because he didn't know about her relationship with Lin Feng. In any case, Gao Xiong had yet another reason to beat up Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had not realized that his casual remark had once again triggered a butterfly effect. In a previous life, Gao Xiong had been Ling PeiPei's first boyfriend. Things may change as a result of his interference now.