Moving home and Meeting his saviour

Seeing Xin Ru falling asleep, Feng adjusted his seat down and closed his eyes to have a nap too.

After approximately 45 minutes, the robotic voice's sound roused Xin Ru and Feng up from their sleep.

"We have arrived at the designated address. We have arrived at the designated address," the robotic voice repeated itself till Xin Ru tap on the accept button on the screen.

Looking out of the windscreen, she saw a depleted building that belongs to the olden era. Walking into the broken down lift, she wondered if it would break and come crashing down. For the first time in her life, she realised that humans could be that poor.

Looking at Feng, she realises she knew nothing much about him despite knowing every inch of his body.

She hesitated as she wondered if she had made a wrong decision to allow him to intrude into her life that much. However, it is too late to change anything with all that has happened between them last night.

Even if she is wrong, she could only sink deeper a little. Lucky enough for Feng, to Xin Ru, 5 million credit can't be considered an amount substantial enough to worry her or else she might have changed her mind and pulled back the investment.

Leading Xin Ru into the one bedder room, Xin Ru saw how simple Feng had lived. There was a stove near the door with a basic toilet opposite it, following which is a computer table next to the window with a simple mattress laid on the ground behind. By the side of the mattress was a pile of clothing with no proper wardrobe to store them in.

Taking a duffel back from behind the pile of clothing, Feng proceeded to stuff them all in.

He had no idea how he would shift the desktop on the table. With how old it is, there is no monetary value in it anymore, especially since he did pick it up from the dump below when someone else threw it out. However, he needed to surf the internet for information as he continued to prepare for the launch of Gods Art.

Looking at Feng's troubled face, Xin Ru could guess what he is thinking but considering she had already given him that much, she felt that perhaps she should hold back a little.

After a short time of pondering, Feng looked at Xin Ru and asked, "is it possible for me to share your quantum CPU with you?" he asked.

"I just need it mainly to search for some information online", he asked.

Looking at Feng's troubled face, she relented since it was not much of a favour anyway.

Seeing her nod, Feng then unlocked the drawer on his table and took the stack of notes before folding them into his duffel back. The pile of papers contained most of his thoughts and plans for the coming year and is to him the most important thing in the room.

Finished with his packing, he stood at the door of the room before giving it a final glance. Closing the room's door, he had not expected to move out of that soon. They both stood silently within the same squeaky lift to the ground floor, each absorbed in their own thoughts.

Indicating to the apartment manager his intention to return the room, he handed over the keys and left the building with Xin Ru.

After a quiet drive back to Xin Ru place, she handed him the access card he needs to enter her home. He then followed her instruction to unpack his clothing into her walk-in wardrobe. He had thought he would have to sleep on the sofa with his clothes in the corner of the house, but from her gesture, it does feel like Xin Ru intentions seems to be different.

Once done, they both than snuggled on the sofa downstairs, munching on the take away that was ordered and enjoyed a simple movie, making some small talks much like a couple on their day off.

The passionate and crazy sex of yesterday was a thing of the past as they adjusted to having each other in their life.

Just like this, their evening passed as they laid on the bed, preparing to rest for the night. The fact that he did not visit the fitness centre did niggle on Feng a little, but perhaps a rest is indeed something that would benefit him now to allow his muscle to grow.

Lying on the bed, Feng held Xin Ru in his arm as he stared at the ceiling.

"Tomorrow is a school day, as such, I won't be available till the later part of the afternoon. I will pick you up around 4 pm as we need to reach the lawyer place before 5 pm. Once the paperwork is done, the 5 million credit should be credited into your account." Xin Ru told Feng as she rested her head on his chest.

"ok. can you pick me up at Black Eagle Training Centre? I will be heading there after waking up." Replied Feng

The conversation between the 2 was like a conversation between a couple married for years. To Feng, this reminded him of his nightly conversation with Mei Hua in their earlier days of staying together.

However, as time grew, such conversation between them lessens. Perhaps if he had spent more time talking to her, they would not have grown apart, and things might have turn out different.

Perhaps he should have noticed earlier when their conversation got lesser and lesser as they stopped talking about their daily lives.

A relationship between 2 people relies on such daily communication. All he had done before was to engage himself in Gods Art and the guild activity, neglecting his relationship with Mei Hua.

Her betrayal was, to a certain extent, his fault. However, Feng knows that such thoughts are too late, and all he can do is look forward. Regrets are to become his lessons for tomorrow.

Closing his eyes as he hugged onto the shapely body of Xin Ru, he soon dozed off.

Early the following day, he woke up at about the same time as Xin Ru, who was preparing for work. Changing into his work out attire, he left home slightly earlier than Xin Ru and jogged towards Black Eagle Training Centre's direction.

Being this his first time trying jogging there from his new location. It took him a while to figure out the route.

Upon arrival, with his balance of 3500 credit, he splurged 2000 credit for two D rank nutrient fluid. Considering that he should get 5 million credit soon, he felt that it would be better if he gave himself a better head start as early as possible.

There were packets of B and even A rank nutritional drink in Xin Ru's fridge, but their relationship right now is pretty unclear. She was his investor and his other half in bed. Feng had decided that it would be best to have a line drawn somewhere till their relationship reaches a more established state.

Gulping down a nutrient packet, he saved the other for after his work out.

As per usual, he started with the gym, then the pool, before heading to the Dojo to practise his sword swing. He soon received the phone call from Xin Ru informing him that she is on her way to pick him up.

Washing up, he quickly changed into the new attire bought by Xin Ru yesterday, a smart-looking shirt and pants, before heading out of the building. As he walked down the stairs at the entrance, Feng saw a familiar pretty face walking up the stairs.

Isn't this the lady that helped me at the swimming pool the last time?

Beep Beep

Before he could organise his thoughts, the familiar white Ferrari had arrived at the side of the road. He skips down the stairs and gets into the car without thinking much.

With a frown on her face, the pretty face he saw turned her head as she looked at him boarding the car. She was unimpressed with how someone she had saved before did not even bother to thank her for help.

However, her frown soon went away. She had never been one to be bothered much by such stuff. Perhaps in her effort to save him, she had given him her first kiss, which caused her to pay some attention to the matter, but it was her choice to save him.

Casting her thoughts to the back of her mind, she headed into the fitness centre for her work out.