Meeting Gao Xiong again...

6 am the next day:

Having had their breakfast, Xin Ru and Feng changed into their work out attire. Like yesterday, he would be jogging to Fatty's place first before dragging him along to the fitness centre.

Feng could not resist checking out Xin Ru in her white sports bra and yoga pants as they took the lift down. Her top with a plunging V neck, ruched details below and racerback as she proudly shows off her cleavage that is enough to get Feng loins stirring a little as he stares at her.

"Haven't you seen everything already" unable to stand the attention of Feng on her, she said.

"Well, there is a difference between naked and almost naked", Feng replied

With a ridiculous look on her face, "what do you mean almost naked? Only my top is slightly revealing" As she cups her breast in her palms, "and this is the asset I am most proud of."

"Well, there is also the fact that you are not wearing any panties below", Feng replied as he recalls their conversation earlier while changing when he noticed her going commando.

Xin Ru insisted that panties and Yoga pants do not mix because of visible panty lines (VPL), which, while true, Feng pointed out the option of thongs which she rejected flatly as she hates having something digging into her butt crack.

"Why you worried?" she asked teasingly.

"No", he replied

"Ya, you are worried that guys would ogle at me."

"Nope", he affirms his stand firmly.

"Mmhmm….." she replied as she began stretching by bending down, reaching for her toes, before squatting down, with her sole firmly planted on the floor, she spread her legs out wide and opened into a V shape and with her elbow she pushed her inner thighs wider as she bent her back forward.

Noticing the slight bump in his pants, she couldn't help but reach her finger forward a little with one hand as the other slumps within her thigh.

Ding~ Level 1.

The door slowly opens as an old couple who had gone out for their morning walk waits outside the lift. As a young lady squatted on the floor, a hand within her thighs, the other hand at the young guy's groin, the scene would cause a misunderstanding for just about anyone.

"Ahem…." the elderly lady coughs.

"Ha Ha Ha…..Young ones sure are active." The older man laughs as he comments. "We should not lose to them too much, old lady."

PA! The elderly man lays sprawled on the floor, the old lady's hand too fast that the two of them could not catch what she had done besides the sound of impact.

'Who the hell is this old lady!' Feng thought as Xin Ru dashes out the lift in embarrassment; he followed after her.

"Hey, old lady!" The elderly man jumps up nimbly after the 2 young ones are some distance away. "Can you be lighter with your punches? We are not that young anymore."

"Seeing how lecherous you are, who would believe you are nearing 200." The old lady replied with contempt.

"Come on, that broad earlier was of top quality, you got to admit." The elderly man countered shamelessly.



The jogging trip to Fatty's house was pretty uneventful as Xin Ru ignored Feng all the way. Arriving at Fatty place, she stood a distance from the main door as Feng walked forward. Surprisingly Fatty's room light is on.

With a stone in his hand, he threw it, giving the window a light tap. Fatty, who was already ready, turned the light off as he headed down to meet Feng. Opening the door, he saw Feng and the sparse figure of Xin Ru as the wooden fences blocked her.

"hmm….bro, who is that?" Fatty could not resist asking.

"Someone you know," Feng replied.

"Someone, I know?" Fatty eyes raised. "I really cannot recall anyone I know with such a voluptuous body!"

"You can't even see her full body from here. How do you know her body is voluptuous?!" Feng finds his statement ridiculous.

"Instinct, bro. Instinct shows me the rest of her body." The lecherous smile of Fatty made Feng roll his eyes.

"How long are you all going to take?" An irritated Xin Ru asked as she walked out facing them.

As Fatty stood there wide-eyed, his fingers raised and pointed at Xin Ru.


"Ms.....Ms…...Ms ZHEN!" he stammers as he staggers back, falling on the porch floor as if he had seen a ghost.

Feng standing by the side understood Fatty's roller coaster-like emotion at the moment. After all, they had both discussed their fantasy with this hot bod teacher countless times before. Even when older, while drinking, they had often wondered where she was and how she looks like at that moment.


An hour later:

The trio has arrived in front of Black Eagle Training Centre. The journey here had been pretty eventful as numerous office man turned their head to look at Xin Ru, causing trips and falls to occur frequently.

The most surprising thing is the improvement in Fatty's stamina. The 2 hours run from yesterday was cut short to an hour, all just because of how desperately Fatty tried to keep up with Xin Ru to ogle at her butt as she jogged in front.

Xin Ru, however, was almost immune to all that happened around her as to her this was just a typical day. Funny enough, Fatty did not ask Feng much about the appearance of Xin Ru.

Perhaps he didn't have a chance as she ran off soon after Fatty fell, causing him to pick himself up and chase after or maybe he was just too thankful to have the opportunity to run with Xin Ru and could not be bothered to question Feng anything.

Even the usually sedate Hu Wei eyes glowed a little when he saw Xin Ru for the first time. As they broke into pairs for their work out, Feng could almost see the tears of Fatty as Hu Wei dragged him away.

During the workout, the attention on Xin Ru and himself did annoy Feng a little. Add on how cold Xin Ru was treating him after the morning incident; Feng felt a little irritated for the first time in a long while.

Somehow there happened to be an orientation for a group of students that day and among them was a face Feng find familiar, Gao Xiong.

"Welcome to Black Eagle Training Centre. We are the most advanced training centre in our country at the moment with the state of an art training facility meant for future pro fighters like you..." the representative from the training centre introduces the group of almost 10 as they toured the gym.

"Hey, hey, check that babe out," One of the guys in the group said as he pointed towards the beautiful curvy lady.

"OMG!" Another guy fawned upon seeing her.

"Who is that leak beside her?" The guy beside him asked

Looking over, Gao Xiong saw the familiar face that he sees every day in school. Ms Zhen! The guy beside her!! Isn't that Lin Feng?! How the hell did he bulk up so much during this time. Gao Xiong stared at them, observing their close body language; he was confused.

Noticing the direction of his stare, the guys beside him cluttered over.

"Hey Gao Xiong, do you know them?" The guy who spotted them first ask.

"Yes, and that scrawny kid owes me a fight, in fact." Gao Xiong added

"O... " the guy replied "leave them to me," he said as he walked towards them

Feng got curious, looking at the stout and muscular kid walking towards him from the mirror as he lifts his weight.

'Hmm… am I that attractive towards even guys now that some random dude would walk up to get my number?' he thought.

On the other hand, Xin Ru felt something was wrong as she stopped her weight lifting as she walked to the side of Feng.

"Hey! You there, little brother*" The guys spoke sarcastically.

"Hmm," Feng's eyebrow rose as he looked at the guy talking to him.

'Who is this kid' he thought as he tries his best to search his memory but can't recall anyone like him. However, the guy approaching behind him is someone he is familiar with.

"Little Bear**!" Feng waved at him almost like a friend as he spotted him.

Hearing Feng teasing him, Gao Xiong felt his rage building up.

"You asshole! Don't act like we know each other that well!" Gao Xiong growled

"Hey, hey, I heard you owe my brother Gao Xiong a fight", The guy chipped in.

"Yes, I do," Feng said as he recalled that he did promise so before.

"Good good, let's settle this now. There is no need for brother Gao to dirty his hands. I can fight on his behalf, and if I win, how about giving me your number, lovely lady?" The random guy spouts off his mouth as he looks at Xin Ru.


Before she could reply, a fist had connected to the guy's solar plexus as he felt the wind taken out of him. Before he knows it, an uppercut aiming for his chin comes, and the next thing he knows, he is on the floor.

"Learn to respect a girl. What does our fight have anything to do with her number? You want her number, just ask like a man, and if she gives it, I have nothing to say," A cheesed off Feng said.

*In Chinese culture, little brother or Xiao di is usually a derogatory term, especially when a guy uses it on another guy unless they know each other well. If a lady uses it on a guy, it could be different based on her tone. While Da Ge or big brother is used to bootlicking the person or usually. Again the tone plays a part.

** A direct translation of his name Gao (tall) Xiong (Bear), as such Feng is teasing him by calling him little bear.