Entering Gods Art

After the banter-filled dinner, Lin Feng sat on the sofa as he inspects his gaming helmet. Looking at the familiar helmet, Feng felt nostalgic. It was then that he ponders on the possibility of him meeting Chen Mei Hua and Long Tian Ba in the game.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep…..

The sound of an alarm suddenly went off. Turning around he looked towards the source of the alarm, the stairs to the 2nd level. Looking towards Xin Ru, she gave him an I Told You So look.

The previous week, the 2 of them had eaten out one evening at the mall. Walking past a security alarm shop, Xin Ru stopped for a moment before going in. Puzzled, Feng waited for her for a moment before joining her in the shop.

Stepping in, he saw Xin Ru had already purchased something and is currently making the payment at the counter.

Unable to hold his curiosity, Feng asked "What did you buy?"

"A motion sensor alarm." Xin Ru replied with a slightly cheeky tone as a grin flashed on her face.

"Motion sensor alarm?!" He had not heard her talk about the need for one before "What do we need that for?"

"The gathering!" She replied as if the answer was obvious.

Looking at his confused appearance she then asked "Want to make a bet?"

"What bet?" Feng replied

"I bet that during the gathering, your best pal Fatty would try to sneak to the 2nd level," She said.

Realising the meaning behind her words "I Reject that bet" he answered

"O really? You have not even heard the terms of the bet." Xin Ru said disappointingly

"Nope, not betting. It's a sure lose bet" Feng replied

"Well...what if you win? The winner gets to control the loser for a day...you know you could do anything you want with the loser..." her voice leading trailing off as she leads Feng on.

"Anything?" Feng's eye opened wide at her proposition.

"Anything" Xin Ru affirms his words.

Despite the odds being against him, Feng just had to try his luck on the bet. Who knows Fatty might just not do what he thought he would.

However, reality proves that the proverbs 'a leopard never changes its spots' to be right once again.

Putting down the helmet onto the desk, he walked towards the stairs. Barely climbing a few steps he saw Fatty still trying his best to shrink his large body as he hides behind the concrete wall of the spiral stairs.

"Hey Bro" Seeing Feng, Fatty greeted him "sorry I am a little lost and am just trying to look for the toilet."

Pointing his fingers downstairs as if he really believes the lie Fatty told, Feng, shook his head.

Going down, Xin Ru was waiting for him by the stairs entrance. Seeing Feng approaching, she moved her lips to his ear as she whispered:


Her words causing him to clench his butt as he remembers the butt plug once again. Joyfully, Xin Ru walked off towards Yu Han with a skip in her steps.

Haiz...darn fatty….he mumbled as he stared at Fatty that is sitting alone at the dining table a little afraid to move around.

Walking back to the sofa, he saw Hu Wei seated as he fumbled with the helmet.

"Nervous?" Feng asked

"Not really. Maybe more amazed at how far technology has advanced," he said as he could not keeps his eyes and hands off the helmet.

"Indeed the ability that humans have in being steadfast moving forward is amazing" Feng replied.

"By the way, I have not had a chance to thank you yet," Hu Wei said as he settled down the helmet on the coffee table.

"Thanks? What did I do for you?" Feng asked surprised. Hu Wei has not been one to talk much about his own feelings ever since they got to know each other.

"Well, there is the fight and also the game we are about to enter. Without you, I would have probably failed to maintain myself as a professional fighter nor would I have gotten to know such an amazing platform for training." Hu Wei said earnestly.

Hearing his words, Feng fidgeted a little. After all, his intention had been about earning credits at the start before he got Xin Ru investment. Also, without him, Hu Wei would still turn out very successful in the fighting world.

Now with him interfering, who knows if there would be any changes to the future. For all he knows, Hu Wei might get too addicted to the game and quit the professional fighting scene!

Thinking about this, he felt a little guilty towards Hu Wei as he looked at him.

Sensing Feng's glance, Hu Wei thought it was an encouragement for Feng for him to talk more.

"Also, without knowing you, I won't be able to join this awesome family. While we are not a real family, the last 6 months spent training with you guys have been fun." Hu Wei said earnestly.

Choot~ (sound of an arrow hitting someone)

Feng felt his heart being pricked after hearing Hu Wei honest thoughts. Well, he can't confess the truth or else who knows what would happen. In times like this, Feng felt glad about his previous life experience.

As an earnest smile broke on his face, he patted the back of Hu Wei as he said

"What is there to thank? We are a family!"

"Hahaha True! True!" Hu Wei slapped his leg as he laughed before becoming solemn all of a sudden. "I Hu Wei swear to be a brother to you, Lin Feng. Should anyone have any issue with you they have to step over my dead body first."


Hearing Hu Wei with his wuxia like swear, Feng sucked along and deep breath of air as he felt his guilty conscience prick him again. Still, as a pro in his previous life, his game face came on.

"And I Lin Feng, shall treat you Hu Wei like my real brother. If anyone has an issue with you, I will be the first to step out." he declared

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Rounds of manly laughter filled the room.

The ladies who are looking over from the kitchen gave a confused/disgusted look.

"You sure about him?" Yu Han asked Xin Ru as she eyeballed Lin Feng.

"Yes, Sure" Xin Ru replied without batting an eyelid.


Gathering at the sofa table, they each held onto their helmet anxiously. While to many the count down is for the new year, for them it is to a new world of adventure.

Fiddling around as they shift their bodies to find the most comfortable position they could find with solid backing to slump back on Feng spoke first.

"Remember, the starting location is random. However, we will all be given a choice of city at level 10. So for now let's all work our way towards that target. For the stats allocation, follow the one's I gave you. The class change would be at level 10 but do not, i repeat, do not! Mess up the stats allocation" Feng said as he reminded them.

Soon the shouts from the crowds outside sounded off as the count down begins. The reasons behind the count down different from the ones gather in Xin Ru's home as they put on their mask and lie back.











As the familiar and nostalgic twirling and slightly dizzy feeling hit Feng, the adventure for the team and him begins in a new world.