This brother of mine.

Leaving the group behind, the two of them proceeded back to the beginner town.

Haiz...Feng sighs as he walks with Hu Wei. Ever since coming back into the game, his bad habits have been showing up little by little, way too often. Hurting others, the strong hunting the weak. Being a little too quick in temper. Being a bastard.

Ting Ting was not someone for whom he had deep feelings...why was he feeling possessive at the moment? Maybe it is because of Li Fei Long. Their grudges from before had lasted for a long time.

It does feel like Xin Ru is the one that anchors him down.

The phrase 'Behind every successful man is a strong woman' is true. Like a tree root, having someone to anchor him when the wind gets strong is a good thing.

Well...they were obviously there with intentions that aren't good, even still he should have controlled his moment of lust for Ting Ting. Looks like there is still a lot for me to learn. The last year has been too peaceful.

He had barely spent much time in the game and the devil has reared its face, realising how much an asshole he had been in the past especially since this is just but the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps if it were not for Fatty being with him, anchoring him down a little, he would have self destruct before.

As he looks at Hu Wei...

Nah this guy can't hold me back. It is more likely he would start a brawl first!

Feng shook off his thoughts as they arrive back at the beginner town.

Let's focus on getting to level 10 first so that we can all meet up in the city.


Back at the hunting ground, the group of 9 had recovered as 7 of them stood before the seething Li Fei Long.

"I don't care how but find that guy and kill him off till he quits the game!" he ordered.


Back at the beginner village, the crowd had dispersed as everyone went hunting in the field after realising that there does not seem to be a quest available.

Reaching the general store, he sold off all his goatskins. Looking at his account he has 350 silvers at the moment. Approx 4 hours have passed in the game. That would mean close to 90 silver and almost 1 level per hour.

While the levelling would definitely slow down a lot later, this is way better than he had expected. Also, the new OP equipment they had gotten would cushion the impact of needing more exp the higher the level.

A lot of this is down to the help of Hu Wei. The partnership with him has been extraordinary. While still a new player, as a pro fighter his ability is truly godlike. Not forgetting his luck...

argh...all the good thoughts I have for Hu Wei just disappeared...

Hu Wei had been pretty patient with him, following him where he went. If he was a boss, Hu Wei would have been his outstanding employee of the year.

Taking out 100 silvers from his storage bag, he approached Hu Wei.

"Here," Feng said as he reaches out his hands clenched.

Taking the silvers in his hands, Hu Wei began counting them.


"Thanks, Brother Feng. I did not expect anything from the kills as I just want to train myself. Still, it feels good to pocket some silver in case I need to buy anything." Hu Wei said earnestly, with not a pinch of sarcasm or anger.

Feng had begun with 100 silvers, but with each step he took, the devil in him convince him to keep a little and as such by the time he reached Hu Wei, only 10 silvers were left in his hands. Looking at the honest and earnest Hu Wei he felt his heart got pricked.

"No worries. Now let's go get us some armour and weapons." Feng said.

'Yes, this has been my original intention all along...' Feng thought as he looked up 'I guess this really is my cheat code in this life. To meet some really true and honest people who trust me.

Leading the way they reached the armoury. Walking in, Feng head to the counter. Hu Wei stood behind as he admired the weapons and armour on sale wondering which to get with his 10 silver...

"Brother Feng!" Hu Wei called out "I think the price of the items here is too high! The cheapest item is more than the 10 silvers I have. I am fine with what I have just get something for yourself."


Another arrow struck Feng's heart.

"You need not worry Brother Hu...just follow me," Feng said as he paid for his purchase costing 180 silver.

As Hu Wei follows Feng, they reached a staircase at the corner of the shop, follow

Going to the 2nd level, they reach the smithing room.

"What is this place?" Hu Wei asked curiously as he had expected them to just shop around on the first level.

"Smithing room," Feng said. "Those equipment you see below are trash. It is better to spend some time forging your own weapon and armour. It's not easy so be prepared to sweat out a little.

"Won't our level be stuck if we stop hunting?" Hu Wei asked.

"It will be worth it and our level won't get stuck. Well, base on our hunting speed before it would probably be slower but still in the long run it will be worth it. The drop rates from mobs are not high so the chances of us hitting the jackpot like before would probably not be soon. So the next best thing is forged equipment." Feng explained

'Actually, maybe it is just my luck that would hinder yours.' Feng thought

"Gee you know so much about this game" Hu Wei said as he admired Feng's knowledge as he continued, "It is almost like you have played this game before I did."


'This bastard! Why is he so sharp at times and yet so dense at other times' Feng inhaled a sharp breath of air as he looked wide eye at Hu Wei.

Looking at Feng eyes staring at him, Hu Wei felt a little weird out.

'Did Brother Feng discover how beautiful my muscles are?" Hu Wei thought as he subconsciously flexes his pecs, his chest muscles began bouncing up and down, the movement obvious from the tight-fitting beginner/villager robe he is still wearing causing Feng to roll his eyes.

'Darn you think my pecs are small and you are showing yours off?' Feng thought as he clenches his fist and does his best to flex his pecs back at Hu Wei.

Just like that, they walked to the smithing room Feng had booked. Flexing with each walk.

Opening the room door, the gush of heat hits them as the forge had already started burning. The items he had ordered downstairs are neatly placed on the middle table and there were 2 workbenches for them to do their smithing.

Walking over to the left bench, a prompt from the system appears which Feng dismissed as he picks up the hammer on the table.

Bronze Smithing Hammer.

Attribute: Increase forging rate by 5%, increase the chance of stats morphing by 5%.

Feng had paid extra silver for this. Out of the 160 silvers, almost 50 silvers were just for this hammer, another 40 for the room and the remainder 70 were for the materials.

Setting the hammer down, Feng turned around to the bench as he sets aside the material into groups base on his memory.

Looking at Hu Wei, Feng said "There is a tutorial on basic forging. Walk to the working bench and you should see a prompt on that. Spend some time learning about forging, it would be useful in the future. Once done let me know."

Nodding as he understood Feng's instruction, Hu Wei walked to the working bench for his tutorial leaving Feng alone.

Feng picked up the material's he needed as he walked to his working bench. Before starting his work, Feng tapped open his system screen as he prepared an email to Hu Wei, listing down the material, steps for the items he needed Hu Wei to forge before sending it to him.

Once he had chosen the mould that is he wanted from the list of available mould, Feng prepared to smelt the metals. Picking an Iron with his tongs, he prepared to soften it as he brought it to the forge.

As the iron begins to turn red, Feng heard Hu Wei's voice from behind.

"Brother Feng, I am ready."

"That fast?!" Feng asked. Barely a few minutes had passed.

"Yup, it seems pretty easy. Manual jobs like this are always easy to me."

"...ok...if you say so. The list is already in your mail." Feng instructed Hu Wei.

Nodding his head, Hu Wei checked his mail.

Ping Piang Ping Piang, sounds of metal hammer soon fills the room as 2 topless men hammered away, not forgetting to flex their pectoral muscle as they showed off their tone body to each other.