Back to the training field.

The bath is refreshing as both guys came clean and recharged. 8 hours have passed in the game, of which half was spent for prep work. While Feng is pretty sure that they still had an advantage in level, it was definitely not as huge as before.

By his estimation, most of the players should have reached level 2. As for those that are on the same level as he is, he doubts that there is many if any.

Walking to the weapons shop, Feng picked up a simple sword that cost 25 silver. Compared to the rest of his equipment, it can be considered trash but he is running low on silver with just 135 left. The forging of a weapon is much costlier than that of armour. As such, Feng would have to make do for a while.

Common sword

Attack +10

Str + 2

skills: Nil.

Next was a trip to the general store. Besides stocking up on HP potions, his other purchases got Hu Wei curious. The total purchases cost 45 silvers. However, he just followed along with the flow without asking. Last but not least Feng spent 80 silver to upgrade his storage bag to 20 spaces from 10 spaces.

Looking at his balance of 10 silver, Feng realises that he has about almost as much as Hu Wei has on him now.

With all the items on him, Feng headed for the southwest gate this time. Once they exited the gate, they once again pass by the rabbit's area which still has quite a few players farming for exp.

The next area instead of goats are pigs. Which is slightly lower in level than the goats at level 2-4. The area is increasing in player count as the minutes pass since most players have reached level 2 and made attempts for a higher level area.

Stopping for a short water break, they made their way for the next area. Just before they reach the next area, Feng found a secluded spot and stopped.

"Gather some firewood for me." Feng looked at Hu Wei as he instructed him.

Nodding his head, Hu Wei went about on his task. By now he had learnt not to question Feng's instruction when on the field.

As Hu Wei left, Feng found 2 stones with a gap in between. He then took out the items he had bought at the general store earlier.

There was a saucepan, a mortar and pestle, a few empty spray bottles, a small hand knife, ropes, a bowl, clothes and cayenne peppers.

Slicing the cayenne peppers, Feng grinds them using the mortar and pestle as he was about done, Hu Wei came back with the firewoods. Placing them in between the rocks, Feng prepares to start the fire.

Selecting a long and thing branch, Feng sharper the edge with the knife before coiling the rope around it. Placing it above one of the firewood, he got Hu Wei to hold it down before spinning it by pulling the 2 ends of the rope alternatively.

After a few spin, sparks could be seen as smoke slowly rises. Hu Wei looked at Feng impressed by his wild survival skill. Unknown to him this all thanks to his previous life experience where he had done this before in the Gods Art.

Before long a fire broke out on the wood. Placing the saucepan above the 2 rocks, Feng added water and the ground cayenne pepper in as he allows it to boil for about 20 minutes. Using the cloth as a strainer, he transferred the mixture into the bowl before pouring them into the 2 spray bottle.

"Pepper Spray?" Hu Wei asked as Feng passed him one of the spray bottles.

"Well to be exact Bear Spray. Aim for the snout." Feng replied before leading Hu Wei on deeper into the training area.

Just as they were about to reach the next area, Feng took out the ropes as he found a tree to scale up using his Qing Gong before lowering the rope down for Hu Wei.

From their vantage point of view, they could see the monster in the next training area which once again is devoid of any players.

Grizzly Bears

Name:Grizzly Bears

Level: 5-10

Hp: 500-1200

MP: 50

Skills: ???? need identification skill.

Description: Do not mess with a bear. Never mess with a bear unless you have a death wish. Their strength and damage are on another level altogether.

Looking at the brown bear that is once again slightly different from the normal grizzly bear in real life.

Crawling on 4 legs, their paws are of a much larger size with claws that look like they could slice through rocks. On top of that, their teeth are razor sharp as salivas drips down the side of their mouth that seems unable to close because of the teeth.

"The larger the size of the bear, the higher their level is. The highest level bear has a higher HP than the goat lord we had killed before." Feng explains to Hu Wei.

"I guess this is what we are killing next!?" Hu Wei asked excitedly.

"You are not thinking of charging in, are you?" Having fought with Hu Wei for a while, his train of thoughts had become easy to guess...not like it was hard in the first place.

"Isn't that why we joined this game? To battle and hon our fighting skills?" Hu Wei replied to Feng as if there is nothing wrong with his thoughts.

Rolling his eyes at the battle maniac muscle brain, Feng wondered if he should let Hu Wei charge to his death so that he can learn that not everything in the world can be solved by using muscles.

"Yes, we joined the game because of how it will help in your battles in real life. As such, I am adding training criteria. Never die in the game. This will train you to think about your opponent, analyse them and overcome them."

"O..! Yes! Indeed you are right Brother Feng." Hu Wei exclaimed as he realises he had learnt something new.

'Gee isn't this basic knowledge? No wonder you suck that bad in my last life when you just started your career despite your fighting talent'

Taking out the last item he bought at the general store, Feng waved the fish at Hu Wei as he said.

"Lure them over. One by One. Beat the shit of them as we did earlier to the goat lord. Play safe till we reach at least level 5. Pepper spray to incapacitate the bear." Feng said as he ties one end of the rope to the branch to assist them in climbing back up.

With another rope, he tied one end to the branch and the other end with a fish.

"You will head down and attack first. I need to retrieve the fish before heading down. They are....too expensive to feed the bears with." Feng said with a straight face as he slowly lowers the rope with fish.