3. Search and Find

Iris followed the signs around the hall and into a different room. There were less people here. This room was labeled for the Marketing Department Hiring. She noticed maybe five or ten women and men sitting on rows of chairs. She joined and sat in one of the metal chairs. Then waited. Slowly the people in front of her went into the conference room and quickly they left. Some in tears, others tearing up their resumes in anger. Iris didn't realize she was nervous. She was busy tapping her heels on the floor in a calming tic.

"Iris Morgan, please enter."

It was her turn. She entered and sat down in one of the swivel chairs at the conference room oval table.

Iris figured that Teresa must be the fierce blonde in the middle with piercing green eyes. It was like a cat's face and probably the same attitude too. Two colleagues were at her left and right. The female colleague on the left first spoke.

"Hi. My name is Margie. I am the manager over the marketing team's Unit 1. To the right of me is Teresa, the head supervisor over the marketing department. To the right of her is Mark, who manages Unit 2."

Teresa then cleared the air and spoke. "I see you are Iris Morgan. You co-owned MarketingMadness. Your company was a huge rival. Why did you leave."

Iris took a big breath and said her practiced verbatim, "I helped manage MarketingMadness with my best friend for 9 years. However our legal paperwork was not correct or up to date so legally I owned no part of the company. I was replaced by her fiancé to create a family owned business."

Teresa laughed. "Your best friend screwed you over!" Margie gently nudged Teresa while Mark just stared at Iris.

"Fuck it, you're hired. Add her to Mark's unit and if she performs well she can move to Unit 1. We just got to steal our competition. I think we have found the hire we needed, " Teresa said and continued to chuckle. "Go back to the lobby and ask Karen for the HR forms. I expect to see you here promptly at 8 AM CST sharp on Monday. Welcome to Gastropf-Quill Industries."

As Iris left, she heard Teresa continuing to laugh and Margie telling her to shut up. Last sound Iris heard before returning to the main room was Teresa on the phone saying, "Guess who I just found, brother?"


Antoine and Alex had been led to the last company Iris was fired from by Tony. They were chased out saying that she doesn't work there anymore. They went to a run down apartment to get chewed out by the landlord telling them that if they find her that she better pay her rent on time or she will be evicted. Last place they stopped was Dallas Central Hospital and confirmed the pregnancy tests by compelling the nurse to give them the paperwork. It was true that Iris was pregnant. Antoine requested a paternity tests and provided his DNA. This was compelled to remain secret and the results only shown to Antoine.

Next the three vampires met up with Marcus at the spots of recent bitings. They smelled the blood. Each spot rang true of female O Neg. The strongest blood type. Best for those who wanted strength or needed to grow—like a baby vampire. Paternity test completed or not, Antoine was starting to realize that all Tony said was true. He hated when Tony was right, but he couldn't deny it any more. Plus admitting his fault would make Tony easier to deal with for the next few days and he definitely needed his help.

"Tony, you were right. I am almost positive that this mess is my fault."

"Aww, you couldn't just say 100% positive. It makes victory so much sweeter."

"Don't push it. I can take it back."

"Nope. Already said. Thanks, bro, for recognizing my superiority."

Alex punched Tony. Marcus laughed. Antoine just stood there in the midst of it all.

Right then, Antoine's phone went off. It was his sister Teresa. He picked it up and answered.

"Hey bro. So you know I heard what happened at the meeting this morning. Well start thinking of ways to thank me. Guess who I just found, brother?"

"Who, Teresa?"

"Iris Morgan just applied for a job in marketing. I hired her. She starts on Monday. You're welcome. Now about that new handbag I wanted—"

Antoine hung up on Teresa. "We found her. She's a new hire at the company. Perfect to keep an eye on her. I will tell Mark to make sure she works nights. We need to keep an eye on her."

The guys decided to celebrate and returned to Bite On Bar to enjoy a round.