Chapter 4

kept walking for a good few minutes before I decided to stop, and truthfully, I was kind of finding it really hard not to gape. Now that none of the Spearow were in view, it was like pokemon were out in the droves.

I mean, I saw it all the time in the anime but they're everywhere! The path I'm on right now has a field full of trees on one side, and on the next a small little slope that levels out into a small marsh alongside the path and right beside it a lake or river or something, a creak? It's a river I think. It leads all the way up to Viridian according to the map on my phone.

I saw dozens of Pidgey flying overhead. A bunch of Rattata and Sandshrew running through the grassy fields. Even some Mankey swinging through the trees. It was amazing, awes inspiring, it was fucking ludicrous and I just can't contain the sheer excitement, joy and more beating in my chest that has me almost drooling with glee.

This is every Pokemon lovers dream come true! And I'm living it! Well I hope I am atleast.

I want them all!

But I have no money at all.

I'm a responsible dog owner thank you very much. Or was atleast since I'm here now, thankfully my lovely Rocco, my gorgeous half breed staffi will be well cared for by my family if I'm stuck here.

Still the point is. I'm an adult despite being in a twelve year old body. The first thing about being a pet owner is telling or not if you can care for them in the first place.

Two little birds like Pidgey and Spearow? No problem. If taking on Gym's pays like I think it does, I could care for quite a few Pokemon. But if not, I'm gonna need to find at least a part time job. Feeding them all would be a real problem just starting out.

But if Gym's do pay out, I've already got a working idea, as long as I beat Ash to Pewter to battle Brock. I've already got a plan for him. For one, I'll take Ash's Iron Tail training regime and teach my little birdies Steel Wing. Then I'll get them Rain Dance. With how much pain Onix was in from those sprinklers back then, it'll be piss easy to beat him.

But no way can I beat his dad Flint. I only know two of the pokemon he has, but there's no way a Pidgey and Spearow could take on and beat both a Golem and Rhydon, and who knows what else the guy has. He'd apparently been travelling the world training to become much stronger before he came back and took over for Brock.

A splash of water to my side drew my attention and I turned, almost once again gaping in awe as I saw a diminutive blue human-like thing burst from the water and land on the ground at the bottom of the hill slope. I recognized it in an instant from the white gloves on its hands, to the swirl on its belly.

A Poliwhirl.

It look me straight in the eye for a moment before seemingly dismissing my presence and began to stretch its arms and legs out, chanting, "Poli! Poli! Poli!" all the while.

Was it training?

Damn, if only I could catch that thing. It'd take care of all my problems in one go.

No way I'd be able to get it without help though.

Pulling out Pidgey's pokeball I bit my lip and looked it over, my mind racing. One more mouth to feed wouldn't be that big a difference. If Pidgey listened, I may be able to beat it. Pidgey had only been caught because I caught it off guard when I punched it and stunned it for a moment. It had a bunch of awesome moves, if I could get Poliwhirl caught off guard for one of a Gust-Quick Attack enhanced Wing Attack from Pidgey, it may just get the job done.

It all hinges on if Pidgey will listen to me though.

Well if it doesn't, no way Spearow will. And then everything will be fucked. For me atleast.


A louder cry of exertion caused me to look back at Poliwhirl and my eyes widened. Its gloved fists were glowing a bright yellow and it unleashed punch after punch in front of it. One, two, one two. Over and over it kept on punching.

And I recognized that move! Red's Charizard used it to finish off Mewtwo in the Origin's special. Mega Punch.

It really was worthy of being called mega. I could see and hear the wind being shifted itself with each punch.

I frowned though, because while impressive the punches themselves were mundane as hell, not even basic enough to be called the basics. No change in stance, no change in direction, no shifting of the wrist or twist in slightly from the side to pack more force behind the punch. Just straight punch after straight punch.

Despite its power it really did have no idea how to throw an actual punch. Granted I wasn't much of a wiz myself when it came to all the different ways to punch, but I know the basics, how to shift my weight, my centre and such. I did a bit of Kick Boxing when I was younger.

Still I had to withhold a whistle, that was some power behind its blows. Just one of those would probably shatter my ribs. Maybe…

I've been feeling a bit odd since I got here. Like my body is in even better condition than it had been when I was actually twelve. And that was saying a lot since I played football a few times a week since I was four, alongside Basketball, Badminton, swimming nearly every weekend for years. Not to mention I started hitting the gym and lifting weights when I was around twelve at the urging of a friend. And once again not to mention my job at the time, a milk delivery boy, running around for hours from midnight to 8 AM bouncing from a moving fan and carrying around really heavy trays of glass milk bottles.

I was in top condition at twelve, not some super athlete, but well fit. But this feels so much more. The best way I can describe it, is anime body? Like just being here gives me a passive physical boost.

Regardless, this was a chance. Poliwhirl was really hammering out those mega punches. It'd be tiring out from it and the advantage would go to Pidgey if I could just get it to listen.

Deciding to bite the bullet, I pressed the little white button on front of the pokeball and held it out in front of me. I had to clamp down on my urge to giggle like a little girl as it burst open in a ray of blinding light and Pidgey materialized standing on the ground in front of me.

I waited with baited breath as the light died down, watching as the Pidgey shook its head then opened its eyes and peered straight up at me. I had to withhold a gulp at those hawk like eyes. The bird was little bigger than my hand but still had a powerful presence.