Chapter 8

An hour had passed since I dealt with Team Rocket. When I did, Nurse Joy and Misty rushed into the main hall of the Pokemon Centre moments later. Misty barely paid me any attention besides thanking me, she had just slumped down on a seat in relief, while Nurse Joy was quick to wheel of Pikachu and Ash to a recovery room.

Minutes later, Officer Jenny turned up. And honestly, I spent the time ogling everyone. I felt like a bit of a creep when I did so to Misty, but she was older than her anime counterpart, she had to be at least body wise. She was quite a bit taller than me and curves that reminded me of the Misty from the Electric Tales of Pikachu manga.

It was very hard not to ogle the blatant fan service girl in tiny jean booty shorts, a nurse in a skimpy habit that barely reached mid thigh and a police officer in the tightest pencil skirt I've seen outside of Jessie.

And after that I was left to my own devices for the moment. Misty quickly fell asleep after the adrenaline wore off, Nurse Joy had to contact her sisters and get back the pokemon she sent off to Pewter City and Jenny was quick to drag off the unconscious goons and their pokemon to the station and lock them up.

At least Nurse Joy took Poliwhirl and Spearow to give them a look over. I'll need them ready by morning if I wanted to get to Brock before Ash.

So for the last hour, while I've been waiting for Nurse Joy to come back, I've been sat down at the computer behind her desk, browsing the internet. Nobody else was on staff tonight apparently, so she asked me to man the front desk.

I was completely fine with that, it let me earn some brownie points with a beautiful older woman and do some research at the same time.

I've learned quite a few interesting things. The most important being, that yes indeed there was money involving in the pokemon trainer profession. While Pokedex's aren't given to every trainer, they are expected to at least have the same app I do on my phone, interesting to know. While the phones didn't have quite the same processing power as the pokedex, it worked and it was connected to a trainers registered bank account. Which explained why there was a symbol for money on my profile on the phone.

How much depended on the general age, experience and overall reputation of defeated trainers. You earned more for beating gym leaders, like a whole bucket load. Brock apparently had only been a gym leader for a year at this point, and I'd found the prize money he had to give out was eight thousand on average, more depending on the circumstances of the winner, such as how well they did in the battle and their experience level, as in, how long they'd been a trainer.

On that route, it was easy to find when the next league tournament of Kanto was taking place. And the Indigo League was scheduled for eleven months from now. Plenty of time to be honest.

More interesting is the fact that Technical Machines are a thing. TM's. They're apparently created by infusing the knowledge of a pokemon onto what basically amounts to a computer disc that could then be applied through a pokeball to a captured pokemon. The only downside to it though, was that upon creating the TM, the pokemon who done so would then lose the knowledge on how to perform it themselves.

Quite the drawback, on top of being expensive.

And the final thing I'd found out was how money worked. For the most part, the best I could tell, it was more in line with dollars from my own world than yen. Food stuff was very cheap in comparison say pokeballs, about the amount I'd expect the same from my world, like I checked a supermarket website and found they were selling cheap food deals for as little as below a pokedollar on deal, but the average pokeball was priced anywhere from a hundred to three hundred depending on the demand apparently.

I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in, "Ugh." I groaned, rubbing my temples. I'd learned a lot, but there was still so much I needed to do. My eyes landed on the two snoozing peacefull atop the desk on either side of the computer. Pidgey was perched on the raised little wall of the desk beside me, while Rattata was curled up into a ball just a few inches from the keyboard.

My eyes lingered on the little purple rat. He hadn't wanted to return to the pokeball Nurse Joy had stored him in to treat him. He was a wild pokemon before being treated apparently. I fingered one of the two shrunken pokeballs in my pocket, Poliwhirl's and Spearow's were with them while they were getting treated.

..When it looked up at me with big and wide pleading red eyes when Nurse Joy offered to let me take the little guy, I just couldn't refuse.

The sound of someone yawning behind me caught my attention and I looked over my shoulder to see Nurse Joy walking into the main hall, one hand raised up to her mouth while the other was stretched high in the air, loosening up her muscles.

I couldn't stop my eyes from lingering on her thighs as her habit rose up a bit higher, nor from taking in her breasts. The pink haired woman was curvy as all hell, they were big enough I was surprised I wasn't seeing some of that traditional anime jiggle and bounce.

I made sure to look away from her curves as she lowered her arms and stopped yawning, her emerald green eyes locking with mine. She smiled sweetly at me and walked over, "Thanks for manning the front desk for my Jordan, it was a big help," she said in greeting, "I'll be sure to have the hourly pay that one of my assistants would get into your account."

Booya bitch. Some actual moola, cash money!

"How much is that?" I couldn't help but ask.

"One hundred poke little guy," she replied, ruffling my spiky hair, "Speaking of, Jenny just got off the phone and told me to tell you she'll transfer the bounty money that was put out for the capture of those thieves into your account, she just needs your trainer number."

..Thinking on it, didn't they actually have a wanted poster early on in the anime? Well, now I'm just glad I decided to step in. My money problems are pretty much solved already.


"And how much is that?" I arched a brow at her, not at all bothered by her ruffling my hair. It would probably annoy any normal kid my age, but with her thighs practically in my face, what is there to complain about?

"Greedy aren't you?" the pink haired nurse chuckled, "Their bounty amounts to two thousand, three hundred poke, so that's two point four thousand you'll get transferred to you after tonight."

Well shit. In the pokemon training industry, it isn't really a lot, training pokemon costs a lot of money. But normal day to day living? It would be just the same as if I made nearly two and a half grand in an hour in America. Plenty of dosh to get myself set up.

Nurse Joy placed her hand not on my hair on the desk and placed two shrunken pokeballs down beside Rattata, "Here you go," she chirped, "Your Poliwhirl and Spearow weren't too bad off. A half an hour in the restoration machine and they were back to full health."

Perfect, with them healed up I can basically take off whenever. Ash and Misty were in Viridian Forest for at least five days, but probably leaning more towards a week since it seemed to be a new day when he encountered that Weedle that he failed to catch and ran into Samurai.

That left me with four days to get my pokemon ready to beat Brock and get there before Ash. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about Steel Wing, and as long as Pidgey can get at least that down, Poliwhirl should be able to handle Brock's pokemon.

...I hope.