Chapter 22

Pidgeotto luxuriated in the way his feathers ruffled in the morning breeze, the way the air itself tingled across his wings as he stretched them out and released the tension he'd built up in them from this mornings training.

He held his wings out for a few more moments before tucking them to his side and roosting down comfortably on the ground, resting.

Around him, the rest of the team captured by his human in the scant few days they'd been together took up similar positions. All except Poliwhirl.

Pidgeotto eyed the large humanoid water type as he continued on working himself to the bone. Up and down, up and down the water type pushed himself from the ground with his hands.

A push up was what his human called it. The training method was something the Poliwhirl had taken to quite happily.

The kind healer of their group was resting in a seated position. She wasn't much of a fighter, but Pidgeotto had to admit, her value to the group had been proven five times over with her efforts to help their training.

The rodent, one who would have been little more than a morsel to devour at any other time if he were not part of the team sat beside her, small purple head placed on his paws.

Actually, could Rattata even be food now? Pidgeotto cocked his head to the side in thought. While he was a tiny little thing before, he'd grown quite a lot in the few days they'd been together. The musculature of the little rat was far beyond any of the rodents he'd come across in the wild.

Beedrill was not far away from his human. Lances crossed over one another, the bug refused to show any weakness and continued to stand and coolie observe Jord. The bug was an interesting one. Not as strong as he, not even close, but for a mere bug his strength was something else. And he had quite the respectable attitude.

Usually those of his species were a lot more hot blooded, and cowardly and tended to group up in massive swarms instead of relying on their own power. That was where the bug on his team differed. He had been alone when captured, and from what little the bug had told him when they did converse, he had been alone since he was but a small Weedle and reached his final evolution through his own efforts, with none to rely on but himself.

Granted, bugs like him evolved quickly, but nonetheless, he was much more respectable than the other cowards from the Viridian Forest.

Pidgeotto looked away from the bug and eyed the last member of the team. The one closest to him in power, and another flying pokemon just like him.

Fearow practically preened under Jord's attention as the human went about fitting some form of saddle he went out and bough this morning to the other birds back.

Frankly, with how terrified Jord had been of being up high just yesterday, Pidgeotto was surprised he was willing to actually prepare to ride Fearow. Respectable as it was for him to face his fears head on.

Then again, Jord was Pidgeotto's human after all. He'd proven his mettle moments after they met. After all, what human would actually think to fight a pokemon as great as he when he decided to attack?

Pidgeotto when he was but a Pidgey had come across many a trainer, and many of them tried to capture him. Heck, the boy Jord met in the Pokemon Centre back in that other city had tried to wrangle him with a blanket of all things, but a simple Gust had sent him flying away and he gave up.

Like that boy, many had tried to capture him. None had come close to succeeding. He had been alive an entire year at this point, living in Route 1, and no matter how many of those trainers started with their Bulbasaur's, Charmander's and Squirtle's, none had come close to defeating his might!

But Jord had surprised him. When he had attacked with his mighty Wing Attack after the boy had hit him by mistake, the human boy had punched him square in the face with all the power of Poliwhirl's Mega Punch!

His capture was a fluke more than anything else. He had been so stunned that any human would dare attack him he had no registered the ball enclosing around him until it was too late.

But in the end, how could he not agree to become Jord's pokemon and replace the weakling that was stolen from him? Jord was clearly a human a cut above the rest, and his training had proven it so. In just mere days, his already mighty strength had grown exponentially and he had evolved. Truly, Jord was a human destined for greatness, and only one such as he, was worthy of being Pidgeotto's trainer!

Still! Pidgeotto cast a glance at Fearow who had the audacity to look smug just because he was bigger now with his evolution. He had to train harder from now on! So that he could reach his final evolutionary form and tower over Fearow once again. It was a slight against him that the second rate bird was being chosen to transport their trainer above him!