Chapter 33

"So what's with the kid?" Violet asked as Hilda sat down beside her, "Not the kind of company I'd expect from a girl like you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" The brunette Unovan asked with a frown.

Violet shrugged, "You're a total dime, and a movie star on top of that," the blue haired sister replied, "Guys probably line up to try and hang out with you, yet here you are with some cocky kid trying to play in leagues way above his level."

"You think so?" Hilda mused, while yes it was true that guys constantly hit on her and invited her to travel with them, she wasn't so sure the kid was batting out of his league, "I'm not so certain, there's something about him that's different, special, I feel like he's gonna go places."

Violet rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me you think he's gonna go far because of how young he is?" she snorted, crossing her arms over her chest, "Like, let me tell you girl, kids like that pop up now and then, most of them never get anywhere."

"What about Lance Wataru, or Steven Stone?" Hilda asked in curiosity, those two were known for being young prodigies that started early as well, and both were within the top five trainers of the world, hell, Lance was the current reigning strongest trainer in the world.

An even stronger snort left Violet's nostrils, followed by a scoff, "You're kidding right? Lance was raised the heir to the Wataru clan, the foremost experts on dragon type Pokemon in the world, and Steven is the heir to the Devon Corporation, they had all the training and resources they could need, they're born winners, absolutely rich hunks," she jutted her chin out at the boy facing off against her pink haired younger sister, "Who's this runt? Never heard of an Odhar family, and look at his pokemon, a freaking Raticate, are you kidding me? He'll be a loser wash out just like all the-"

She was cut off. Not by Hilda, no. But by a massive boom. The Raticate blurred forward at a word from its young trainer, crossing the distance between it and Dewgong's platforms in all but the time it took to blink a few times, one glowing foot planted deeply into the blubber of the Dewgong's lower body, the impact was so powerful, small waves blasted in both directions of the swimming pool away from the platform they were on, and the platform itself crunched audibly and split down the middle. Dewgong letting loose a loud groan of pain before it was launched beneath the water as Raticate lashed out with a second glowing foot and nailed it in the face, using the force to launch itself back through the air and land on another platform.

"You were saying?" Hilda asked, fighting off a massive grin as she looked at the open mouthed, gaping form of Violet. Honestly, she was surprised as hell herself, she wasn't expecting a Raticate of all things to pack that much speed, or strength.

Her eyes landed on the kid who'd been shamelessly flirting with her since they met as he pumped his fist and praised the Raticate.

'Yeah there's definitely something about him.' she nodded to herself. He claimed he had only been a trainer for a little over two weeks now. And she had two specimens of his pokemon to draw analysis from. His Beedrill, which easily defeated the Charmander that beat her Vullaby with ease, and now a seeming monster of a Raticate.

Violet was right about guys lining up for her. But, it wouldn't be long, if Jord kept up a pace like he was, before word got out about him, and girls would be lining up for him. Those with the potential to reach the top of the trainer circuit, were widely regarded. They were after all, the main protectors of the entire world, the superpowers that kept wars from breaking out and the main line of defence should forces of nature like legendary pokemon go out of control. Power and riches were practically their right.

Dewgong burst out from the water a moment later, there was a deep purple bruising forming over its upper torso, and one on its head too, with a bellow, it opened its mouth at a command from Lily, a trio of massive icy blue jagged beams lancing through the air towards Raticate's position.

A glow suffused Raticate's body, before once again, it disappeared in a blur of speed, easily dodging the Ice Beam. Then, it appeared again, at the side of Dewgong, and spat out a much smaller trio of icy blue jagged beams. They pierced the water around Dewgong, and in moments, it froze around the water and ice type, freezing it in place. Trapping it.

Lily called for a Hydro Pump, and Dewgong showing how well trained it was, didn't panic and obeyed, firing a massive, highly compressed jet of water at Raticate, but again, it dodged with blinding speed using Quick Attack, getting to safety on another platform. Which seemed to be Lily's plan, since then Dewgong redirected its head downwards and kept up the Hydro Pump, blowing away the ice around its body.

A good plan, just not quick enough as Jord called for Focus Energy and then Iron Tail. Raticate practically exploded forward propelling itself through the air as with Quick Attack as its body began glowing red and its tail shone with a metallic silver light.

A massive tower of water thundered into the air, over thirty feet high as Raticate slammed a massively momentum enhanced Iron Tail into Dewgong's back before it could escape.

Hilda pulled her hat down over her eyes as the tower of water rained down everywhere, even over her and Violet from where they sat quite a bit away from the battle field. When the spray cleared, Dewgong was laying limp in the water, unresponsive, while Raticate happily bounced between the platforms and jumped into Jord arms who happily and surprisingly easily caught it, and held it up, spinning it around, celebrating and praising the normal type.

'I definitely made the right choice.' Hilda nodded to herself, a grin forming on her face. Lily was who she battled for her Cascade Badge. She had faced the girl in a three on three. Using her Duosion, Snivy and Emboar, against Lily's Prinplup, Seaking and Dewgong. Emboar had managed to defeat Prinplup and Seaking before going down to Dewgong, who then defeated her Duosion as well and almost took down her Snivy with that monstrously powerful Ice Beam of theirs.

If Jord really was of the same make, like Lance and Steven, then sheer fame and publicity her studio would get if she was the main go to for interviews and such with him, would literally put White Studios on the map! She didn't even have a main building or company really at this point, but it would still put her on the map. That was just how much love the people had for their Champions and Elite Four and such.

Champions were named Champions for a reason. They were the people's champions after all.