As it turns out, Graveler isn't the only one smarting over not coming out the top contender tonight.
While Butterfree didn't seem to give a crap at all, neither Pidgeotto or Fearow were at all pleased that they did not find Meowths old gang. They were the try hard birds after all, even a simple search mission was a competition for those two.
Possibly Zubat as well. Because, the bat perched on my shoulder and directing me towards my targets? His small form seemed a little bigger and more puffed out in the chest than usual.
'I think this is his first win since joining the team.' I mused, eyeing the bat on my shoulder out of the corner of my eye. Granted, this little mission was tailor made for him with his sonar abilities, but a win was a win.
It was probably pretty grating for him in a way. Going from the strongest of his flock in Mount Moon, to one of the weakest in my team. It was probably why he trained so hard over the last week.
Too bad Pidgeotto and Fearow had little problem putting him down in spars. But, once he evolved and put on a little more bulk, he'd get there, I'm sure!
Which reminded me. I should really look in to finding out how to teach Graveler Rock Polish and maybe Automize while I'm at it. If he wants to be Sonic the Golem in the future, then I'll make it happen.
'Ah, so much to do, so little time.' I withheld a sigh. The sooner Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot the better. There's only about eleven months until the Indigo League.
Call it wishful thinking. But, I want to go dominate it. But before that, there are a ton of pokemon I want to try and get my hands on. Which I can't really do reliably until Pidgeotto evolves.
I've got the money I need now to put my plans into motion, just not the pokemon.
And beyond all the pokemon from the anime I remember that I want, like the shiny Metagross in Sinnoh, there's a single specific pokemon I have a plan for that goes beyond merely being an incredibly rich and powerful trainer that can live the best life possible.
'The pokedex claimed it can drain peoples life force with the cloth hanging around its hilt.' I thought to myself, walking down the abandoned streets of Hollywood.
If it could drain life force. Was it then possible for it to pass that life force on to others? 'There's plenty of evil pieces of shit this world would be better off without.' I felt a grin spread across my face.
And their life force could be better used in the hands of an upstanding citizen like myself. I'd practically be doing the world a favour taking their life force for myself.
It was a win win situation. I get what may possibly be eternal youth, the evil pieces of shit get erased from the world. Everybody wins.
Except them. Which was a good thing in my book.
I put it out of mind as Zubat lifted his wing, grabbing my attention and motioned to a huge hill of junk rising up behind a few buildings. A junk yard, I'm guessing.
"Is that where they are?" I asked.
"Ka!" Zubat grunted and nodded his little furry head.
"Got it, good work." I praised him, reaching up to stroke his fluffy head.
The small flying and poison type grunted and merely ducked his head under his wing, but didn't actively push me away or recoil.
Progress is progress I suppose.
I made my way through the streets towards where I could see the massive hill of junk and soon found myself standing outside a massive junk yard. It was bordered entirely by a huge circular metal fence, but the gates of it were literally rusted to all hell and barely hanging on to the hinges keeping them up.
Leaving them wide open for me to just walk on in.
And just like the junk yard itself, it didn't take me very long to find my quarry at all.
After all, they were all lounging not far from the entrance, relaxing or sleeping on various piles of junk. I counted eight in total. Eight meowth that is.
Seven of them were spread around the piles of junk, while the eight lay at the very top of one junk pile atop a car, laying next to a much larger cream furred feline with a red gem on its forehead.
"Mrow Mrow!" Persian hissed at me as I entered the junk yard and began walking towards where they all lay strewn about. All the Meowth, at the sound of their leaders hissing leaped to their feet and began snarling at me.
They were warning me not to approach I assume. Probably also something about this being their turf or whatever.
The only one not doing so, was the Meowth that had been laying beside the Persian. 'Meowzie, I take it?' I grinned.
I don't at all feel threatened. How could I be after all? For all I wanted to catch this gang of cats, it wasn't for their strength.
Their leader got defeated by Meowth after all.
"How's it going kitty cats?" I greeted them all with a simple wave and smile.
Persian stopped hissing to give me an odd look, before jumping down from the car and getting closer and glaring at me, the gem on its forehead gleaming with crimson light.
"C'mon mate, don't be like that," I chuckled, crossing my arms, "I'm here with a great offer for you guys. Like, how would you like to live in an actual comfortable place and never have to worry about being hungry again?" I tossed the offer.
Persian paused in his hissing, head cocking to the side at my words.
"The names Jord, future strongest trainer in the world," I introduced myself casually, "How would you all like to become my pokemon? You won't even really have to battle much, only you Persian. In return, I'll make sure you're all well looked after and well fed."
Persian stared at me for a few moments, looking me straight in the eye, "Mrow?" the cat pokemon said.
I have no idea what it meant though. I could take a guess though.
"Are you asking how you can trust my words?" I guessed, then my smile stretched wider when Persian nodded his head, "For one, it doesn't cost me anything to look after you guys, in fact, the more pokemon I catch the more funds I get to look after you all. But, to sum it up, I can't really be the strongest pokemon trainer without the strongest pokemon, now can I?"
Persian digested my words for a moment before looking around at his subordinates, "Mroow mrow?"
It seemed to be asking its followers for their opinion. But in return, most of them gave a bunch of varying noises and nods. Apparently, from what I'm guessing;
They're leaving the decision up to Persian itself.