Chapter 47

As I made my trek back through the abandoned half of Hollywood, heading back to the bustling side of the city and towards the Pokemon Centre, a thought occurred.

This is an urban area.

Better yet. This side of Hollywood is a massive, abandoned urban area. And there was a certain pokemon that the games highlighted as being a pokemon that tended to stay in urban areas.

And my jaunt through the alleys of Pewter City just confirmed it for me.

"Hey," I stopped and spoke up to the pokemon on my shoulder, "I've got another little mission for you if you feel up to it."

Zubat cocked his head to the side at my words and waited, "There's a certain type of pokemon I want to catch, it'll go a long way to helping me reach my goals," I explained, pulling out my phone and quickly bringing up the entry on a specific pokemon, "These are called Smeargle. They're pretty damn rare, but they tend to be found in urban areas like this. You're the perfect guy for the job in finding any here."

"Ke!" Zubat gave a sort of scoff, spreading his lightly bruised wings wide, but nodded confidently.

"I figured you'd be able to handle it." I nodded. Zubat was keen on proving himself after all. A bit dickish to take advantage of that, but he wanted the chance to show off, so I didn't mind providing the opportunity.

Plus, if this works out. It'll be pretty damn amazing.

First things first though. I'm gonna need to take care of the damage on those wings. "Hop down for a sec mate." I said, motioning to the ground.

Zubat did so, flapping his wings and lowering himself to the ground in front of me. With him off of my shoulder, I pulled my backpack off of my back and crouched down and began rifling through it.

A moment later, I pulled my hand back out, grasping a potion, "Right, this'll sting a little but, for a tough guy like you, it should be no problem," I said, "Hold your wings out for me mate?"

Zubat did so without any preamble and I sprayed the potion over his wings. He gave a small jerk as the medicinal spray seeped into his wounds. but, being the try hard mouse bird that he is, Zubat refused to let out any sounds of pain.

"Good lad," I grinned, patting him gently on his little head, "You're a badass."

Zubat simply nodded in agreement before ducking his head away from my gaze.

Shaking my head I pulled three of my pokeballs from earlier out and released the three inside. In a flash of light, the gargantuan form of Butterfree, Fearow and Pidgeotto appeared in front of me.

"Right guys, I've got another job for you," I said standing up and looking them over, "You remember Smeargle, right?" I asked, pullung out my phone once again to show off the profile of my former wannabe Kakashi.

Butterfree nodded, but Pidgeotto and Fearow both gave me blank looks. 'Ah right, I never had Smeargle on the team with them and only Poliwrath really saw him.' I remembered, "Well basically, a pokemon like this in the profile. I think there'll be one or two kicking around here if we're lucky. I want you guys to follow Zubat's lead and search for any of them, okay?"

"Row!" Fearow happily saluted with one of his massive wings, while Butterfree again simply nodded, all stoic and badass like.

Not something you'd expect from a butterfly, but I'm an adaptable, accepting sort. I only beat the crap out of a few gay guys growing up after all.

And that was just because they were pricks. One seriously idolized that 'Leave Brittney' alone dude and shoved it in my face and called me a homophobe when I told him to please not do it near me. We were on a bus, to school.

He was seventeen, and I was 12 and full of piss and vinegar. Suffice to say, I beat his ass and my opinion on homosexuality was soured for a few years.

But that is neither here nor there.

I looked to Pidgeotto who looked at the tiny in comparison to himself, Zubat, and then to me and gave me an aghast, wide eyed look.

I shrugged at his look, "C'mon mate, you don't exactly have sonar," I pointed out, "Anyway, offer them the option to join up with me if you want. If they refuse though, just beat them down and drag them back to the Pokemon Centre, I'll be waiting for you guys there."

Pidgeotto continued to stare at me before scoffing and crossing his wings over his chest and looking to the side with a scowl on his beak.

Yeah, I figured he wouldn't be happy to be following the lead of a pokemon he literally slapped out of the air in spars.

The rest gave sounds of agreement and understanding. Only then did Pidgeotto huff and give a tight nod as well.

In moments, all four flying pokemon took to the air and began scouring the abandoned half of Hollywood for any Smeargle in sight.

"Now to head back to the Pokemon Centre." I mused. After all, I'm not just going to be lazing on my ass. I needed to get some research done.

Before that though. I stashed the potion bottle back in my bag, put my phone away and clipped the now empty pokeballs to my belt, before grasping another pokeball and letting out the pokemon inside.

"Bella!" in a flash of light, Bellossom was released from her pokeball and smiled brightly up at me. She jumped up into my arms without a months hesitation and began to nuzzle her cute little face against me chest.

It was amazing how tiny she was. Literally at most half the size she was before as a Gloom, if not smaller.

I laughed, and carrying her along began making my way back to the Pokemon Centre now that I have some good company on my walk back.