The next day we were up bright and early, or well, I was. As usual, while I got up at five in the morning to get those epic gains, Hilda lay in bed until nine am.
Still, it was a very, very good day. Why? Because when I was done training with my pokemon and cruised around the local market area, I found it. It was in the display window of a second hand electronics store, but I found it. An electrical generator that could connect to a pokemon.
It cost me a full on thousand pokedollars to buy, expensive as all fuck, but I got my hands on one. And you know what that means right? Electricity, even in the wild!
I made great haste in zooming throughout all the shops in the area after that, picking up a gaming system, games to go with it, a television, master plug extension and more.
Alongside the supplies I stocked up on, alongside pokeballs to make up for the ones I had used while in this city, I ended up spending a full five thousand pokedollars in total, especially considering I was upgrading my diet.
Still, by time I was done and Hilda was up and had her breakfast alongside her pokemon, it was eleven in the morning, so still quite early.
And we set off from Hollywood, resuming the journey towards Vermillion City.
I was not the only one wide a wide ass smile on my face as we left the city behind though, Hilda couldn't have wiped the one off of her own face if she tried, "Somebody's in a good mood." I pointed out.
"Look who's talking," Hilda snorted, but continued smiling, "Besides, why wouldn't I be? Things are looking all bright and shiny for me now!" she pumped a fist into the air happily.
"Because of the prices on land?" I asked, eyebrow raised at her. She was doggedly pouring over the computer last night looking it all over even after I returned from training my pokemon Winona style and was still at it when I went to sleep.
"Obviously!" Hilda shook her head and rolled her eyes, "Do you have any idea what kind of treasure trove that place is?"
"...I mean it's land, at super cheap prices and with no taxes, it kinda speaks for itself." I pointed out. Beyond there probably being some useful items scattered throughout the area that were lost and dropped by accident, or even just left behind because the owner didn't know the true value.
My Meowth's with Pickup would be good for trawling through all of the abandoned side of Hollywood to find anything of use. Pickup as I'd learned from the Pokedex, was for pokemon, like a sixth sense that led them towards scattered items that they themselves considered valuable. Basically, an item finder. I have no idea how that works, just that it does and I will happily abuse it for my own gains.
I am awesome like that. Strategy is good, great even, but finite. But gains? Gains are eternal!
Or at least they will be for me once I get a Honedge. Hopefully. I mean, if it worked for AZ it should work for me right? 'Heh, y'know if this was actually the anime television show with people watching, I'd be the total boss villain hidden in the shadow of Team Rocket, wouldn't I?' I mused. And I am totally okay with that, I won't lie and say my plans in regards to getting a Honedge aren't quite fucked up.
'Wait, shit!' My eyes widened as I remembered. I had totally forgot to see about getting into contact with Professor Sycamore! Damnit!
Damn you Goldeen memory! 'Note to self, figure out a way to do something about that.' I reminded myself. Maybe I should get an Alakazam or something to connect to my mind twenty four seven and read my mind, then remind me when I forget something?
Delegation at its finest.
"Still a kid, huh?" Hilda teased, breaking me from my thoughts. And I am not ashamed to admit my eye almost twitched as she reminded me of Iris, "Have you forgotten what I'm wanting to do?"
"...Build a studio?" I gave her a blank look. C'mon, I know my memory is shit, but it isn't quite that bad.
"Yes, and do you remember what's on all that land for sale that the city of Hollywood has given up claim to, that has no ownership currently?" she arced a brown eyebrow at me.
"Broken down buildings?" I asked. Because that really was all there was there. It was a shit hole after all.
Hilda sighed at my apparent stupidity, "Theatres and other studios you dolt!" she huffed at me, "They left tons of equipment behind that I can easily repurpose, Dusion will be able to gather it all for me easily and I'll save even more money in starting up my studio!"
Oh, right. I forgot for a moment that there were tons of theatres and crap that were abandoned as well.