It was the shifting of the warm and soft naked body pressed up against me that drew me from my dreams. Instead of opening my eyes fully and getting up though, I just lifted them just enough to peek out between my eyelids.
Hilda, pressed against my side, large, soft breasts squishing against my torso, making it hard for me to not grin smugly, untangled her legs from mine and stretched them out.
A groan left her lips and the fluffy haired older girl proceeded to try and pull away from me. Key word being try.
The grip I had on one of her bodacious, round ass cheeks, stopped her in her tracks. Even asleep, I wouldn't let go of such a fine piece of rear.
"…Of course." Hilda groaned again, voice dry and shook her head when she noticed my grip fully.
She reached down and grasped my wrist and tried to pull my hand off, but, just as she did, I made my move.
Said hand tightened its grip, fingers somehow seeking even deeper into the soft expanse of bouncy soft arse cheek and I pulled with it just as I rolled.
A surprised squeal left Hilda's lips as I bodily rolled us both around and landed kneeling over, naked as the day I was born, with the equally naked girl laying on the bed beneath me, my eyes tracking her large breasts as they jiggled on her chest from the abrupt movement.
Now, I didn't bother hiding my smug, cocky and wholly arrogant smirk, "Mornin'." I greeted her, and before she could say anything back, leaned down and captured her lips with my own.
I only pulled back a good minute later, and when I did, my wholly arrogant smirk became even larger when I saw her flushed cheeks and how deeply she was breathing.
"Morning…to you too," she snorted, "Should have figured you'd be awake already."
"Nah, I only woke up when you began moving." I denied. After all, I even turned my alarm off last night, we hadn't exactly went to sleep at a reasonable time.
"Ah, my bad then, didn't mean to wake you," Hilda replied, "I just figured it's about time I got up and got dressed, my flight leaves pretty early."
Ah, the wonders of technology. She booked and paid for a plane ticket, while we were in the middle of fucking like wild animals last night.
Poor, poor Nurse Joy. She definitely wasn't a big fan of it went she came up to our room to drop off my pokemon and their pokeballs.
Funny as fuck though, her face went tomato red when I opened the door to her, not a stitch of clothing on me and Hilda was laying face first down on the bed catching her breath.
Good times, good times.
"Or, now hear me out, you could get a later flight, I'll even pay for it," I hedged, before reaching down and cupping one of her large breasts, "And we can continue where we left off last night."
I should mention, my morning wood is ready and willing, and resting across her toned belly, the greatest weapon I have at my disposal, just awaiting the time it can be 'sheathed'.
Hilda gave me a flat gaze, "Yeah, how about no you horny brat?" she deadpanned, "We went at it for over six hours, I don't even know how you kept it up that long and I can barely feel my legs as is."
"I'm a Mega Sex-Zard, what can I say?" I smugly puffed my chest out in pride. Admittedly, getting an erection going one after another, while a bit hard at times, wasn't outside my ability, the problem was the 'well' drying up and basically firing blanks.
…That didn't happen. I may as well have changed my name to Mega-Jordtoise last night with how much power my cannons, aka my testicles were firing.
"You know, I've noticed you have an odd obsession with Charizard," Hilda shook her head, "You might make your other pokemon jealous if you keep that up."
…She had a good point.
"Solid advice," I nodded, before letting go off her breast and lifting my hand up to gently trail my knuckle up her cheek, "So, no convincing you then?"
"I'd love to, but I can't," she shivered lightly and answered, "Last night was fun, amazing even and you totally blew my expectations out of the water, fucking of my life indeed, but this is too important to blow off."
Too important, huh? She basically said it wasn't really that big of a deal yesterday though.
"Ah well," I rolled off of her and landed laying down beside her on the bed in her previous spot, "I suppose I'll get that lap dance you promised me when you finish with your business then." there was just something ringing alarm bells in my head about her suddenly stopping in the middle of her journey to return home.
It would be one thing if it was just any other random person, still worrying, but not to the same degree. It is the fact that Hilda is the one suddenly bringing it up out of nowhere that is making me feel wary.
As far as the series' went, usually, despite their being two 'protagonists', one usually outshone the other. Red was the highlight of Kanto, never Green, Gold always overshadowed Krystal or Lyra, Brendan got most focus over May and her counterpart, Dawn was the leading lady of Sinnoh over Lucas. Unova though, was a weird one, because, it could go either way depending on what version of the series you were looking through, be that game, specials or manga. Hilda was generally the leading face of the part one generation five in the games and specials, where as Black only lead over her in the manga.
"I never promised you I would, I said' think about it," Hilda snorted, pushing herself up into a sitting position, "But, sure, next time we meet up, I'll give you a lap dance that will rock your world."
"I'll hold you to that." I chuckled lightly as she pushed up off the bed and limped her way bowlegged over to where her bag was to grab out some clothes for the day and her toiletries.