Chapter 86

With Misty's agreement, I led the three out to the back of the pokemon centre were there was a battlefield free to use.

I took up space at one side of the battlefield while Ash took the other, both Brock and Misty at the side.

"So how do you wanna do this?" I called over, while Fearow settled in front of me, ready and waiting, "Wanna stick to just a one on one or anything more?" I wanted to get moving already, but at the same time, this was a good chance to see how Ash was improving.

If I'm going to leave the world ending events to him, I've gotta make sure he can handle them after all.

"How about a standard two on two?" Ash shouted back, Pikachu leaping off of his shoulder to land on the battlefield at the ready, facing off against Fearow, "Course Pikachu and Fearow will fight first, but I want to show off some of my other pokemon to you as well!"

"Fine with me!" I agreed, seeing one of his other pokemon besides Pikachu should give me a good basis to go from and get me out of here quicker as well.

"Alright, then I'll referee," Brock took it upon himself, "This will be a two on two battle between Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town and Jord Odhar of Viridian City, begin!"

Ash acted instantly, "Pikachu thunderbolt!" he shouted.

"Pika!" the small yellow rodent nodded, cheeks sparking and an instant later, a huge aura of electricity forming around his body and firing off in a massive bolt through the air towards Fearow.

My eyes widened, 'Holy shit.' I almost gaped, the power behind it was near comparable to Surge's Electivire!

"Ground it!" I countered.

"Row!" Fearow instantly obeyed, his wings glowed with bright silver metallic energy and he thrust both huge feathery appendages down into the ground below him, sheathing them deep within the earth just as the Thunderbolt landed.

"Woo direct hi….t?" Ash wooped, before trailing off as he noticed something odd.

Fearow didn't even make a sound as the electricity arced over his entire body. After all, it was all being directed into his steel energy enhanced wings and harmlessly into the ground.

"What…?" Ash gaped at Fearow.

I grinned, "Throw some rocks at them." I ordered next.

Fearow nodded, before jerking his wings, hard.

With the leverage he had, the ground cracked and split apart, and a second later, two large boulders torn from the ground were tossed through the air towards Pikachu.

Who said Fearow couldn't learn Rock Throw?

"Quick Pikachu, Iron Tail!" Ash hastily commanded.

"Follow it with Razor Wind." I ordered at the same time.

Pikachu was completely dwarfed in size by the two huge rocks Fearow ripped from the ground and lobbed at it.

Despite that though, it didn't stop the electric rodent from shooting into the air and cleaving straight through them like a hot knife through butter with a metallic silver glowing tail.

A bad move though, because at the same time, Fearow began to beat his wings rapidly, unleashing a heavy barrage of compressed wind blades from his wings in the dozens.

"Block it!" Ash shouted quickly.

To Pikachu's credit, the mouse rotated rapidly mid-air and using his tail, rapidly cleaved through a few of them, but, he couldn't move well in the air and was quickly overwhelmed.

Dozens of wind blades slashed into Pikachu, tearing the mouse from the air with a cry of pain and slamming him into the ground hard.

"Pikachu, are you okay?" Ash cried, worried.

Pikachu trembled on the ground.

"Lunge in with Peck and hit it with Toxic." I quickly ordered Fearow, giving no mercy.

I knew this wouldn't put that Pikachu down.

"FEAROW!" Fearow shrieked and took off through the air, charging towards Pikachu, shooting over like a bullet, massive beak igniting with power.

"Pikachu! Quick Attack and Double Kick!" Ash ordered the yellow mouse as it struggled to its feet slowly.

Showing grit that just shouldn't be possible for a freaking Pikachu, the yellow mouse recovered and white light exploded from his body throwing him towards Fearow, he flipped around, both little feet glowing.

Foot met beak, and surprisingly, despite the sheer size difference, Pikachu held his own, a small shock wave erupting from the clash of attacks.

Pikachu was quickly being overpowered though, and cried out in pain a moment later as Fearow's beak changed from glowing white, to an ominous dark purple that seeped into Pikachu's body.

Unable to hold on, Pikachu was sent flying back and that was my chance, I punched forward, "Hyper Beam!"

Fearow opened his beak, an orb of glimmering black energy swirling and compressing into existence.

And then Fearow launched his head forward and unleashed his attack, a huge black beam of energy launching through the air and slamming into the mid-air, immobile and stunned Pikachu and washing over its body.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted in worry.

Fearow released the attack a moment later, and a heavily bruised and beaten Pikachu fell to the ground, limp and unconscious.

Ash wasted no time in rushing over and picking him up.

"Pikachu is unable to battle!" Brock declared, "Jord and Fearow win, Ash, send out your next pokemon!"

Ash made his way back to his position, Pikachu in his arms and laid the little guy down gently, "Good job Pikachu," he praised the electric type before turning to me, "Fearow is really strong, huh?" he mused.

I grinned, "Definitely, he's worked incredibly hard since I caught him." I replied.

Fearow spread his wings wide at my praise and crowed to the sky in victory, "FEAROOOOOW!"

He had avenged his loss to Pikachu before.

"I can see it, but don't think for a second this is over," Ash smirked at me, and I blinked as he suddenly reached up and turned his cap around, "This battle has just begun actually!" he reached down, grabbing a pokeball from his belt and enlarged it.

"Scizor, I choose you!" Ash shouted, unleashing the pokemon within.