Chapter 92

I attached the pokeball to my belt and grinned at Fearow, patting him heartily on the back, "Way to go buddy, you're on fire today!" I praised, "You beat Pikachu and Scizor earlier, both monstrously strong really and now you've clapped a Dragonite as well!"

Fearow grandly spread his wings and squawked happily in victory.

After all, he might not be a match for Pidgeot, but that doesn't mean this big birdie boy isn't a beast himself.

While Fearow was celebrating, I pulled out my phone again and brought up the pokedex app, checking out the information of my newly captured Dragonite.

'Dragonite, the Dragon Pokémon. Dragonite is said to live in the sea. With its small wings and large body, it can fly faster than the speed of sound. Gender: Male, Height: 7'03, Ability: Multiscale - Attacks Known: Wrap, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Dragon Rush, Thunderpunch.'

Hmm, a bit different from what I remember, with the Wrap and Thunder Wave attacks, but then, all Dratini practically knew those attacks, so probably just a left over from then.

'Right, time to get a move on to the Island itself them.' I nodded to myself. I still have to see about catching something to help Hilda out just in case something is actually going on and she isn't just visiting family.

I was about to let out Milotic and return Fearow, since I'll have to go under the hurricane storm surrounding the island and hiding it from outsider, but just as I was about to, my phone began ringing.

I blinked, wiping away the rain that covered the screen again to see the caller ID.


Huh, she's already calling me? I only separated from her like an hour ago, maybe two at most.

"Sup?" I answered the call, bringing the phone to my ear, I should look into seeing about getting some good ear buds actually now that I think about it, hmm, can the ones I have already pick up my voice? Questions for later, "Miss me already?"

"You wish," Misty snorted on the other line, "Are you still around Vermillion City?"

"Not really," I replied, "Why?"

"Well, we're kind of in a bit of a situation," I could practically hear the grimace in her voice, "You remember when Nurse Joy came by earlier and asked for Ash and Brock to go with her?"

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, apparently there's been some kind of pokemon egg in this place for a while now, it's been drifting about for ages from place to place, starting out in Sinnoh," Misty replied, "It's been dormant for years with no sign of hatching, until today, it apparently started reacting to Ash according to Nurse Joy, no idea how she figured that out or why."

I blinked slowly, "…And?" I asked, not sure how that concerns me. Cool to know, and I guess Ash will be getting his first baby pokemon earlier than usual, but that just seemed par the course for him, especially here.

He was quite forthcoming with all the pokemon he had this time around and I made sure to memorize them, because fucking hell were things different here, wildly different.

Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Beedrill, Venomoth, Scizor, Quagsire, Ludicolo, Cloyster, Bulbasaur, Staryu, Squirtle, Charmander, Krabby.

His original counterpart in the anime only had seven pokemon by this point, this Ash has thirteen, more than half of them fully evolved already. And considering how free he's been with item evolutions already, that'll probably be bumped up to eight fully evolved pokemon when he buys a water stone for his Staryu.

"The pokemon hatched about a half hour ago, not one I'm familiar with either, apparently it's super rare, a pokemon called Riolu," Misty expounded and my eyes widened in absolute shock, "It ran off as soon as it hatched though and has been picking fights with wild pokemon in the area, it almost got crushed by an Onix if not for Ash managing to find it in time and beat it with Bulbasaur, by the time he caught the Onix though, Riolu had run off again."

Okay…okay, what the hell!?

That was a lot to digest there. It made sense to me why a Riolu egg would react to Ash, he's Mr. Super Aura after all, but what the fuck is a Riolu egg doing in the Vermillion City Pokemon Centre?

And on top of that, Ash now has an Onix?

Good on him I suppose.

"Riolu aren't just super rare, they're ultra rare, they evolve into Lucario an incredibly powerful pokemon, they're stupid strong," I informed, and also, once it evolves, alongside Onix, Ash will have three steel types, and he already has six water types, is he trying to put gym leaders out of business? "They use some kind of power called aura, so if it reacted to Ash, it must have felt his own aura and liked it, and if it the fact it's running off to fight wild pokemon is anything to go by, it's a little battle nut, so it must have really liked Ash's fighting spirit or something."

At least, that's as far as I can roughly guess.

"Good to know. but what's aura?" Misty asked.

That is the billion pokedollar question, now isn't it?

"It's some kind of energy, life force I think?" I shrugged, "Every living thing has it apparently, but only a few can use it, kind of like psychics, but more physical oriented, leaning more towards like fighting types while psychics tend to lean towards…well psychic types."

"…There's stuff like that out there as well, huh?" Misty hummed, "You sure do know a lot though."

I smirked, "I'm just awesome like that," I chuckled, "Anyway, I won't be much help, I'm too far away right now and in the middle of something important as well. But, while I don't know a whole lot about aura, I know that it can be used to sense things, kind of like sonar, so it'll have a much easier time finding opponents. If it's really looking for strong opponents though, I think you guys should let out all your pokemon and give it chase, it'll feel how strong your pokemon are and might come running straight to you."

"And you're so modest about yourself, huh?" Misty laughed in return, "Not without reason I guess. Thanks for telling me this, hopefully we'll be able to grab that little annoying thing up quickly so I can finally get that shower."

"That wouldn't have been a problem if you just accepted my offer to get into the shower with me." I pointed out, my smirk widening. I'd brought it up while we spent an hour making out before I left.

"No, nice try, you'll have to work a bit harder for that buddy," Misty snorted, "Anyway, thanks for the info, I'll call you later and let you know how this goes."

"Good luck," I replied, before biding her goodbye and letting her hang up, I leant back on the saddle atop Fearow's back and looked up at the storming sky above, "Now isn't that interesting."

Not just Scizor, but now he'd have a Lucario in the future as well. Both were pokemon incredibly suited to Ash, fast and strong hitters, but tanky as well due to their typing.

Not to mention a possible Steelix as well, three possible mega evolutions of the steel type.

This really is a whole new breed of Ash Ketchum I'm dealing with.