Chapter 113

The sound of wings beating, akin to Pidgeot's own, yet heavier rang through the air and them blazing purple and gold lit up the cave.

A missile of purple energy with a corona of gold circling it shot forth from the darkness and tore through the gathered fossil pokemon before they could react, sending them flying from the force of it and tearing straight on towards Charmeleon who stood atop one downed and beaten Kabutops.

"Giga Impact!" I recognised it instantly.

It was pretty iconic after all.

"Meleon!" Charmeleon snarled and whipped around to face the rapidly approaching aura clad Aerodactyl.

And instead of dodging, launched himself forward to meet it head on. The size difference was akin to a child standing before a ten foot raging wave from the ocean.

But Charmeleon was not deterred. A blazing hot orange aura exploded into existence around his fist and he met the Giga Impact head on-

With Blast Burn.

A thunderous impact and raging explosion erupted from the clash, heat washed over my skin and I instinctively brought my hands up, clasping the pokeballs of Bellossom and Victreebel to shield my face.

I was blown ass over tea kettle and slammed into the ground with a groan. All I could see was bright orange as I looked up, a veritable wave of heat.

Before it was torn asunder a second later and Charmeleon came into view. His arm clasped in the great rocky jaws of an huge draconic stone head as Aerodactyl carried him up into the air.

Charmeleon lost the clash.

Stunned as I was, I could only watch as Aerodactyl took him high into the air and rammed him bodily into and through a stalagmite, before shaking its head like a crocodile and whipping its head around and letting go, tossing Charmeleon to the ground.

He landed a few feet away from me, smashing into the ground hard.

"C-Charmeleon!" I tried to cry in shock and worry, only for the left over heat to invade my throat a bit and make me cough.

I pulled myself to my feet to make my way over to him, but by time I did, Charmeleon was pushing himself up on shaky legs, one fist punched into the ground and glaring up at Aerodactyl with heated eyes, scales a mess of bruising and blood.

The Aerodactyl chose that moment to look down and I swear, it smirked arrogantly down at us, or more precisely, Charmeleon.

"Char!" Charmeleon snarled and spat out a great gout of flame up towards it with a Flamethrower attack.

But with the distance, Aerodactyl easily glided to the side and evaded it.

Aerodactyl landed on one large rock pillar and smirked down at us once again.

Then stuck its tongue out goadingly, mockingly at Charmeleon.

You know, for an ancient pokemon that was just awoken, it sure was a lot less angry than I was expecting.

Actually, now that I look closer, its eyes are much clearer than the other ancient pokemon. Not at all bloodshot.

It kind of looked like it was having a good time taking the piss out of Charmeleon.

I placed my hand on Charmeleon's shoulder, "Calm down buddy," I told him, "Don't let it get in your head. It's fresh and you're not. Just because it got the better of you in one clash doesn't mean you're weaker. You've been working hard all day remember? And you just shot off a bunch of attacks before it showed up."

Charmeleon grimaced at my words, but, he gave a tight nod of understanding. Even if he did shoot another glare up at the Aerodactyl.

"Besides, I promised Dragonite I'd let him fight it, remember?" I pointed out.

Charmeleon blinked and then had the decency to look away guilty, "Char..meleon…" he nodded in acceptance.

"Aero…?" Aerodactly called down, giving us a bored look.

I ignored it.

I released the two pokemon from the pokeballs in my hand, Bellossom and Victreebel appearing at my sides ready for action.

Aerodactyl snorted derisively.

"They're not for you big guy." I snorted back at him...her…it? And it was a big guy. I can only estimate right now since I can't measure it fully yet, but it was larger than Pidgeot.

Which was quite the feat considering how big my try hard birb has gotten lately.

I replaced the two pokeballs in my hands with another, Dragonites.

And left him out.

With a booming, proud roar Dragonite appeared in a flash of light and smirked arrogantly up at Aerodactyl.

Aerodactyl sized Dragonite up and down, taking in his size…before turning away and snorting…derisively.


Dragonite's eyes lit up with rage.

"…Go get em'." I told my pseudo legendary simply.

Dragonite did just that. Wings rapidly beating and with an angry snarl on his lips, Dragonite shot up rapidly through the air like a bullet towards Aerodactyl.

Dragonite reached Aerodactyl only a split few moments later, fists erupting into electricity like Charmeleon before him.

And promptly got slapped out of the air by Aerodactyl's wing before he could even land the blow as the ancient flying type suddenly whipped back around and knocked out of the air and through a few stalagmites.

He hit the ground hard, just like Charmeleon did.

I sighed.

Aerodactyl chortled in pure amusement at the indent Dragonite made as he landed.

This thing…I can't get a bead on it. Does it just like lording its strength over others, or is it an utter troll?

Or going by its reaction to Bellosssom and Victreebel, did it want a challenge? Or does it just think so lowly of them that they weren't even worth its time?

I didn't have much time to think on it as Dragonite tore out of the crater he'd formed with his body and shot back up towards Aerodactyl, murder in his eyes and a trio of icy blue jagged beams erupting from his mouth up towards it.

In reply, Aerodactyl casually spat out a great gout of flame that could give Charmeleon's a run for its money that met the Ice Beam head on…and overpowered it.

The flamethrower washed over Dragonite, but he just charged through it towards Aerodactyl even as he got baked by the fire attack.

Aerodactyl took to the air and dodged a second later as Dragonite tore through its previous spot with fists that were crackling with the power of thunder once more.