Chapter 122

'Water Gun, Slash, Absorb, Night Slash and Rock Blast, not bad.' I mused, looking over the pokedex not long later.

Kabutops was sitting at my side, happily eating from a bowl of sitrus berries and a lot more relaxed now. Though, he hadn't attempted at all to greet any of my other pokemon even when they introduced themselves and head instead shied away to my side.

I noted Kabutops knew the exact same moves as the other one I'd caught and which was currently at the Viridian City Pokemon Centre, and according to my pokedex, was a bit larger than the average height noted for the species that were listed in the pokedex.

But that could be from a multitude of factors, like being older or just adapting to the cavern where he lived and becoming a bit bigger. Honestly speaking, I couldn't even gather much on fossil restoration pokemon, it had apparently only been around for a few years now and the specimen pool of revived pokemon was dreadfully low and didn't quite match up with what I knew.

…For instance, Champion Lance did not have an Aerodactyl. There was a list on the official league website of trainers that owned fossil pokemon. Lance was not on it.

The list was dreadfully short and there were only two names on it that I recognised, Roark and Byron from Sinnoh. Roark was listed as owning a Crandios, while Byron was listed as owning a Bastiodon, Armaldo and Cradily.

Going by the list, there were apparently less than one hundred revived fossil pokemon in the entire world.

That was kind of crazy.

Hell, crazier was, I didn't see a single Aerodactyl on the list. 'Am I the only person in the world that owns an Aerodactyl?' I wondered.

Surely not, right?

If I did, that made Aerodactyl's value sky rocket immensely. But beyond that, I wasn't sure if it was possible to breed him and get more naturally born Aerodactyl.

In the games, when you bred two pokemon of different species, the one born would be from the mothers species. The only way to get pokemon of the males species without a female, was to breed them with a ditto.

This required more research.

And by that I mean typing 'pokemon breeding' into an internet search engine and seeing what popped up.

Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, it didn't take too long to get an answer to my question.

Though it did involve sifting through a few threads about weirdos talking about pursuing romantic relationships with pokemon.

I even saw one person waxing poetic about a Meganium.


Anyway, apparently it was possible to breed pairs of pokemon from different species if they were compatible and it was generally consented that the baby could be born either species and was a toss up.

At least according to one Professor Elm.

'Though I don't see any mention of Ditto's being used to breed.' I noticed as well.

…The closet had been one guy talking about how Ditto was his ideal life partner.

Again I repeat, freaks.

These weirdos should never be allowed near pokemon.

Seriously, disgusting.

Repressing what I read on that front, my mind wandered to Aerodactyl. Specifically, the pokemon I remembered they were capable of breeding with in the games.

'I remember Pidgeot and Staraptor…and Honchkrow as well.' I mused. I'd never really bred many Aerodactyl in them.

Actually, now that I thought on it, Aerodactyl were compatible with Altaria and Noivern as well. I'd did a Lance playthrough once and wanted an Aerodactyl that could use a dragon attack from the get go and bred with an Altaria to get Dragon Breath.

And if Aerodactyl can breed with Pidgeot and Staraptor, they're probably capable of breeding with all the regional bird variants Like Noctowl, Swellow, Unfezant, Braviary and the like.

Man, it's too bad Aerodactyl is a male. If he was a female, I'd breed it with Pidgeot right away. With how strong my Pidgeot is, I'd get a bunch of power house baby Aerodactyl.

I looked down at my phone and pulled up the pokedex, looking over the entry for my Aerodactyl.

As expected…he was massive.

The first thing I noticed on his profile was that he was literally fourteen feet in height, bigger even than Charizard.

Interestingly, his ability was Rock Head and knew quite a lot of attacks. Bite, Wing Attack, Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact and Ancient Power.

Though, I'd saw him use all those attacks except Ancient Power earlier.

Speaking of though.

It was about time to deal with him.

Standing up, I stowed my phone away and whistled, gathering everyone's attention, "Right, time to deal with Aerodactyl." I announced to them.

Most of them didn't react overly much, it was just business as usual for the most part after all.

Dragonite though, tensed and looked over his shoulder at me at the mention of my newest capture.

I grinned at him and he turned around, standing up and made his way back over without saying a word.

Though of course he left his empty bowl of food over where he was sulking. The big baby.

A nudge at my side had me looking down to see Kabutops giving me a worried look. Ah right, he was scared of Aerodactyl.

"Don't worry, Aerodactyl won't be able to do anything with everyone here," I gestured to them all, and then pointed out Charizard, "Charizard here beat him down before before he evolved, he can do it again even easier now."

Especially since Aerodactyl still hasn't been healed yet. He'd be easy pickings for my pokemon even if he did get violent.

Charizard grinned at my words and flashed a thumbs up towards Kabutops, while Dragonite huffed and looked away.

I'd have included him in the praise, but he would have just been insulted by it. As far as Dragonite was concerned, he lost to Aerodactyl and Charizard won as a Charmeleon, outside factors like Dragonite wearing Aerodactyl down a bit, were not even considered by him.

I honestly can't tell if that is a healthy way of looking at things or not. On one hand, he isn't making any excuses for losing or being shown up, but on the other, he was being way too hard on himself.

Well, we've not been together all that long to be honest. Once he saw some real tangible results in his growth, especially in a few months or so, I'm sure he'll calm down a bit.

I reached for my belt and grabbed Aerodactyl's pokeball, before getting right down to it and letting him out by pressing the button on the middle.

The pokeball clicked open and a burst of bright light erupted, forming into the towering form of Aerodactyl.

Who was hunched over due to his wounds…for all of a moment. As soon as he noticed his surroundings, Aerodactyl rose up to his full height, spreading out his massive wings and roaring, "AEROOO!"

"DROO!" Dragonite snarled back and stamped forward to face the rock and flying type face to face.

Except Aerodactyl towered over Dragonite, almost double his size.

Aerodactyl blinked at Dragonite's challenge, before outright laughing at him and sticking out his tongue mockingly.

Electricity sparked into existence around Dragonite's clenched fist and Aerodactyl grinned down at him, lowering his head and tilting his cheek as if daring Dragonite to strike him.

Despite his wounds, Aerodactyl saw no threat in Dragonite at all. In fact, he didn't seem bothered at all even after being beaten down and captured.

"Stop." I commanded.

Dragonite froze, looking towards me with a growl. I raised an eyebrow in return though and the dragon grimaced, backing down., if reluctantly.

Aerodactyl scoffed at him backing down and turned to me. Only to blink as he caught sight of Kabutops at my side. His eyes lit up and he leered maliciously at Kabutops who flinched back.

Aerodactyl laughed.

Ah…that explained.

Aerodactyl was a bully.

Well, that is fine with me. I know how to deal with bullies.

"Don't worry about this chucklehead." I pat Kabutops on the head comfortingly and walked over towards Aerodactyl.

Who just laughed harder as he lowered his huge head to look me in the eye, laughing all the way, a great rumbling chortle that echoed in his chest, his eyes filled with a mocking disdain.

I nodded.

Then I slapped him across the side of the face, "Sit down, now." I ordered.

Aerodactyl's laughter came to a sputtering shocked halt and he goggled at me.

So I slapped him again, "Sit down, so I can get you treated." I repeated myself.

Aerodactyl was stunned for all of a few moments, before his once mocking gaze, filled with anger.

"Aer-" he began to snarl, only to stop and goggle once more as I wrapped my arms around his head and then spun, "DACTYL!?" a shocked screech left his humongous maw as I used my momentum to whip him up and over my shoulder by his mouth and slam him into the ground on his back.

Despite his size, he wasn't as heavy as Golem.

It wouldn't hurt him at all, just like Dragonite and Gyarados, all this would do, was stun him for a moment.

That was all, but it was enough for me to make a point.

I slammed my foot down on his chest and leaned on my knee looking down to stare into Aerodactyl's shocked eyes, "When I tell you to do something, you do it, understand?"

The best way to deal with a bully in my personal opinion, is bully them right back and make them see how it feels.

If they are at all capable of empathy, they would learn the errors of their ways. If not, it was good to keep them humble and under control regardless.