Chapter 131

Chloe's mind was a mess. There was so much going on around her right now she wasn't sure what to think.

The main problem being, she had to be rushed out here to Viridian City with her father, flown personally by The gym leader of her home town in his personal jet because her mother was out of town currently and she wasn't considered of age right now

Though apparently Goh was even though he was a few months younger than her, or he was at least, and so was some crazy kid more two years younger than her.

And on a fighter jet at that.

Why was Lieutenant Surge even allowed to own a personal war machine? Just because he was a trainer? A Gym Leader?

Either way, she should be back home in Vermillion City right now. It wasn't like she could do much, but she could at least try and cheer Goh up.

He was currently in hospital and devastated.

His license as a pokemon trainer had been suspended. He'd been caught up with some pokemon thief with a Farfetch'd and a bunch of voltorb for whatever reason who tricked Goh and stole a bunch of his pokemon and then stranded Goh on a boat in the middle of a lake…which had a hole in it.

Goh couldn't swim, and quite frankly he'd been lucky he hadn't drowned. He would have if not for the help of a passing pokemon, a Pelipper Chloe thought it was, but she couldn't remember to be sure.

She'd never really had that much interest in pokemon, in fact she tended to shy away from them and trainers because of how much time of her fathers they took up, she rarely got to see him growing up as he became a Pokemon Professor.

Either way, Goh had chased the thief down with his new pokemon quickly and attacked him to get his pokemon back, only apparently the thief was rather inept and Goh almost killed him…and caused quite a bit of property damage in a small village when the thief let loose a bunch of his voltorb and had them all explode.

Honestly, Chloe didn't even have the full story. All she knew was that the thief was bound for prison when he recovered, and Goh was lucky he wasn't as well. Because apparently, he'd had a lot of complaints levied against him for misconduct as a trainer, and on multiple occasions got in other trainers way to capture pokemon they'd already weakened and snatch up for himself.

…Which had led to him getting into physical altercations, started by his own mouthy attitude, which led to him getting beaten up multiple times.

While the situation with the thief wasn't his fault, because of his actions which Chloe wasn't really privy to, it escalated massively. And as such, he was considered a danger to people and pokemon alike and had his license as an active trainer revoked.

He was allowed to keep the pokemon he currently had, but he was no longer allowed to capture more pokemon, travel actively as a trainer, challenge gyms and such apparently.

Chloe wished she could say she was surprised, but she wasn't. Ever since he started obsessing over Mew as a kid and wanting it as his starter pokemon, and pulled further and further away from people because of a lack of seeing his busy working parents and people finding his dream outrageous and completely outside the realm of probability, he'd gained a bit of an insufferable know it all arrogant attitude.

It served him right really for constantly ignoring her warnings and pleas for him to shape up before he became a trainer, but he was still her friend, so she should be showing him support right now.

…Not watching some utterly crazy kid she only heard of yesterday when he went viral online for beating up a few massive scary pokemon, battling the champion.

Who even did that? How did a kid even do that? She still couldn't wrap her mind around seeing him grab a massive Gyarados by the fangs and bodily lift it into the air and slam it down as if he was wrestling with a friend his own size, if not smaller.

"I have never in my life seen a Dragonite like this at all," she heard her father mutter to Professor Oak, as they watched the kid, Jord's Dragonite give rather crude gestures to the champions on, much bigger and frankly more majestic Dragonite in her own opinion, "It's in their very nature to be gentle, I wonder what circumstances or environments could make such a drastic change?"

"There could be as many reasons as there are stars in the sky, keep in mind each and every single pokemon is as unique as any human," Professor Oak replied, a wry smile on his face as he observed the battle, "Though I do admit the difference in it between every other Dragonite I've seen including my own, is staggering. This Jord truly has a talent for finding rare specimens, that's for sure."

"Indeed," her father nodded, "I was hoping to offer him sponsorship with my laboratory and special care for his many pokemon, but…I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to handle such a pokemon if it were left back at our lab beyond keeping it cooped up in its pokeball all the time, unlike yourself I'm not a battler."

Frankly, Chloe hoped he didn't offer, she didn't want to be anywhere near that thing. She saw footage of it outright attacking that Jord boy, if it were her in his place she'd have been hurt really badly, maybe even killed!

"Frankly, I'm not sure my pokemon could handle it consistently either, especially with all the other pokemon that need to be looked after at my ranch," Professor Oak chuckled, "Though, I've got enough pokemon to look after as is between my grandson and young Ash, I dare say they give this young Jord a run for his money in capturing rare pokemon. Ash himself in the last few days caught an overly violent Riolu of all things, alongside an Onix which he has already evolved into a Steelix and quite a mischievous Gengar, utterly absurd, I tell you."

Ash…that was the pretty older woman she was standing next to's son, wasn't it? Delia was her name.

Another crazy thing, Chloe refused to believe such a youthful beautiful woman who looked like she was still in her early twenties, had a son her age!

"That boy," Delia tittered cupping her cheek, "I suppose he has inherited quite the talent from that deadbeat father of his." as she spoke, Chloe noticed the woman's eyes shifting to the side and looking away from the confrontation between Lance and the Jord kid, to the side where Surge and the rather intimidating man in a pitch black charcoal suit stood.

Giovanni, another gym leader if she remembered right. She was sure she heard kids in her class talk about him a lot. But then they spoke about pokemon trainers and all that stuff constantly, always going on about how they wanted to be trainers, though none of them ever pursued the option to become one.

God they were annoying, always talking over her and going on as if she'd already had her goal in life and career picked out and that she was going to be taking over for her father as a new premiere pokemon researcher and how lucky she was.

"What'ya think his odds are?" she noted Surge talking to Giovanni.

Giovanni merely snorted, "Absolutely zero," he replied without taking his steely gaze off of the casually talking Lance and Jord, "The boy is incredible, and I don't mean to besmirch his strength and ability, but even if we both teamed up together we'd stand absolutely no chance as well, I can tell from just that brief bout between that Dragonite and the Aerodactyl, that none of my pokemon could hope to bring it down, and I doubt the boy will be able to land even a scratch currently. In a few years, that may change given the pace the boy and his pokemon seem to be growing, but not right now."

"He might surprise ya," Surge snorted back, "Admittedly, I ain't seen much of his pokemon, but he ain't had time with that Aerodactyl to teach it to fight the same way he has the others."

"You actually think he'll win?" Giovanni asked, raising a single finely groomed eyebrow and giving Surge a dubious look.

"Nah, not a chance," Surge shook his head and denied, "But I know for sure Lance's Dragonite isn't gonna be walking off this field without at least a limp. Just wait till the kid brings out that monster bird of his and you'll see what I mean."

"Hmm…" Giovanni merely hummed and didn't reply.


You done well lads and possible ladies, hit 22 already, keep it up. Here's the first.