Chapter 155

I have made a discovery.

One that is sure to shock everyone the world over. Scholars of the greatest genius' and backgrounds will bow in awe to my accomplishment. My genius will be heralded for eons to come.

And that shocking discovery-

Is Togepi are so god damn cute.

At least mine is.

"Togepri! Togepri! Togepri!" Togepi happily chirped in my arms as we made our way through the halls of the Viridian City pokemon centre.

It was surprising how quickly Togepi took to me. But then, perhaps not. Pokemon tended to imprint on the first thing they saw when they hatched as their parent.

And as such, from this day forth.

I am big papa Jord.

"Who's a little cutie yes you are," I cooed over the recently hatched pokemon, "Who was born right at the best time to have a diamond encrusted golden spoon in their mouth? You, that's right!"

There was a number of things I should be doing right now. Like getting Nurse Joy to check Togepi out and make sure its healthy. Or getting it some food so it grows up nice and strong.

…Well before that, I have the very important job of actually putting Togepi in a pokeball before some freak like Goh tries to ball it for themselves like a shitty thief with both feet already in the grave.

But see, here is the thing.

I only have normal pokeballs.

That was why, I was heading to the Pokemart. Luckily there was one right next to the Pokemon Centre, the one I'd shopped at after my first night here way back when I first landed in this world.

God how time flies, that felt like yesterday.

That day a few months ago I was but a lost traveller of the void, called from beyond space and time itself, shrunk down into the body of my early teenage self.

Now…now I am daddy, destroyer of world and fucker of bitches.

Some might say teenage parenthood should not be celebrated. Fuck those people. Honestly I'm surprised it took my second go at my teenage years to become a teenage dad.

And I didn't even knock anyone up.

…I think.

I didn't exactly use protection with Hilda.

Or Chloe.

Well whatever, come what may and all that. A baby couldn't be any harder than raising pokemon. Though, considering that is a distinct possibility in the future, I should probably look into preparing for that in advance.

Blissey, Clefable and Bellossom are already a nice touch for that, but I should get my hands on a Wigglytuff, and an Audino and a Kangaskhan.

Also a Miltank.

And a Drampa.

Maybe I should hunt Marshadow down as well and train it to stay within my future childs shadow to protect it at all times?

'Marshadow might be a tough find though.' I mused.

….Well a powerful ghost type I can trust like a Dusknoir might work. Also, any child of mine would need a super bodyguard.

Like a Metagross.

Good thing I know where to find two of them and they're on the list. I mostly wanted that shiny silver and gold Metagross and didn't have much plans for the other beyond catching it.

But making it a bodyguard and protector of my future child works as well as anything else.

'Well anyway that's not important right now.' I shook my head and got rid of those thoughts as I entered the lobby. What was important was heading to the pokemart to purchase a Luxury Ball for Togepi.

…Actually, shit I've got a shit ton of money now.

I'll buy two hundred luxury balls.

And transfer all of my pokemon to them. Nothing but the best for my mons.


I was surprised as I walked past the front desk and found a familiar massive behemoth of a man lounging across it with a bored look on his face.

My nose wrinkled in annoyance.

Ew, Surge.

He blinked as he saw me, before promptly straightening up, "…What's with da Togepi?" he asked, giving me an odd look.

It took a lot of effort not to growl at him.

"Not that its any business of yours, but it just hatched from an egg I found a while back," I replied, tone frigid, "I'm heading to go buy a luxury ball for it."

I expected Surge to snap back at me.

I didn't expect him to wince at my tone and rub the back of his head awkwardly, "Ah…good on ya'," he replied and looked away from me and stared at the ceiling for a moment for releasing a deep breath and turning back to me, "Mind if I join ya kid? I kinda gotta talk to ya' bout' somethin'."

I found one of my eyebrows raising on instinct. The first urge I had though, was to tell him to blow it outta his ass and fuck off.

"Togepri!" but before I could Togepi happily waved at the giant man with tis tiny cute little stubby arms.

"Fine." I relented.

But only because I didn't want to dampen Togepi's happy mood. He was just born after all.

With that said, I didn't wait for him to say anything and continued on. I heard his heavy footfalls as he caught up to me though in just a few steps. The man was absolutely massive after all. A legitimate behemoth of a man.

A prime look of masculinity.

If he wasn't such a raging fucking cunt.

"Thanks…for hearin' me out," Surge said, slowing his pace to match mine as he reached my side and we stepped out of the pokemon centre into the streets of Viridian City, "So…" he trailed off.


"I wanna take the ultimate step, find the courage to be bold," Poke-Jord break danced his way down the street while carrying Togepi a song on his lips, "To risk it all and not forget, the lessons that I hold, I wanna go where no one's been far beyond the crowd, yeah! Learn the way to take command, Use the power that's in my hand, Oh, we all live in a pokemon world yeaaaah!"

Panties dropped and pussies gushed out fountains. But he didn't notice, too busy in the groove as Togepi cheered him on.