Chapter 166

Sorry for not updating on here lately guys, it's just kind of slipped my mind. With everything going on, and trying to rebuild my shit on Subscribestar...and dealing with a new puppy, it's been a whole thing. 

But there's a bunch of stuff up on my subscribestar if you guys want to read ahead. For stuff like this, Systematic Shinobi, Stacking The Deck, Bleached Invader, and a ton of other stories


I had a list of things to do after finally leaving Viridian City behind. And as I soared into the air atop Pidgeot's back once more, there was a big smile on my face.

Mostly because of the put upon sigh Nurse Joy had given me alongside an eye roll when I gave her a cheeky hug and told her to be ready to receive even more crazy pokemon.

Which was a lie because beyond a few, most of the pokemon I catch I'll keep with me for the first while before sending back. And it will only be a month before my own place is ready.

'…Granted, I'll need to see about finding trustworthy people to employ.' I mused. It wasn't like I could just stay there all the time after all.

Still, I had a bunch of things to do before I left Kanto, that I plan on taking care of all today.

I had to hit up Fennel Valley and find that Tyranitar. I had to pay a visit to Misty, Ash and Brock, to drop off Wartortle and those Leaf Stones. I had to call Hilda, she'd only sent me a few texts over the past few days and told me to call her for a real talk when I wasn't as busy.

I'll call her when I leave Kanto.

…And hell, before that I want to pay a visit to that Moltres and try my luck.


'Moltres, huh?' I hummed.

A legendary pokemon.

And I'm on my way to Fennel Valley too.

I'd specifically kept it out of my thoughts before because I hadn't liked my chances so far, but…if I can take a Moltres, then couldn't I possibly take it as well?

It being the Regice I knew lived in the ruins of Fennel Valley. Specifically, the Regice, Brandon caught during Battle Frontier just prior to his final battle with Ash Ketchum.

Could I take it?

That Regice is on another level compared to Regileki and Regidrago. Sure, they were powerful as hell, but they were glass cannons. An explosion from Golem would deal tons of damage to them and leave them vulnerable.

Regice on the other hand?

That thing took tens of dozens of attacks from Ash's Pikachu at the end of Battle Frontier when it hadn't even been trained by Brandon yet. Dozens of Iron Tails, Thunderbolts and even Volt Tackles.

As I said, it was on a completely different level from Regileki and Regidrago.

…But, just like Regileki and Regidrago, it is in an enclosed space. Making it easy to land attacks.

And not only do I have Golem, but I have Exeggutor as well. Sure, Exeggutor isn't on Golem's level, but the trio of spores to paralyse it, put it to sleep and poison it would swing things in my favour.

And then explosion for massive damage.

And then Golem to stall it, land some hits and then go for another explosion. It would be slowed down, sluggish and taking constant damage before the two explosions came into the picture.

Wouldn't that weaken it well enough for Charizard to come in and finish it off? Regice might have been incredibly powerful as a legendary but it wasn't a champion tier pokemon considering when Ash beat it.

Speaking of champions though-

'If I do go ahead with it, this will cause another massive stir.' I mused. Would Lance be able to quash that before it became an issue?

Probably not.

Honestly, it wasn't like Regice was the only one I know the location of either. While I don't know where the Registeel that Brandon caught is, I do know where the Regirock he caught is as well.

Though that one was more out of the way for me than Regice.

"Whatever, I'll think about it more after I catch Tyranitar." I mused.

Delegating all my problematic thoughts to future Jord sure is blissful.

Fennel Valley really wasn't that far away from Viridian City at all. All in, it took only a half an hour before we were circling above the area.

It was a beautiful place I had to admit.

The valley itself was surrounded on all sides by dozens of conjoined mountains. It was a range of mountains forming together in a sphere, cutting off from most of the outside world beyond one road that lead through.

Within the confines of those mountains was a land of sprawling green and crystal lakes and rivers intersecting all throughout and disappearing into the mountains themselves.

And atop the tallest peak of the tallest mountain, was an ancient ruin of what once might have been a castle, but was now no more than mausoleum to time.

And in that ruin, lay a slumbering Regice just waiting for someone to one day come and awaken it.

But that wasn't for me at this split moment, maybe in a little while.

For now though.

'Now where are you.' I mused as Pidgeot cruised through the air above the mountains.

And he wasn't the only one.

Fearow, Dragonite, Charizard, Aerodactyl and even Altaria. Each of the pokemon I had with me capable of flight was out searching for a big green rocky godzilla wannabe.

"Togepri!" Togepi who was nestled in my arms giggled joyfully as Pidgeot dipped down into a small dive, passing over a cave alcove mid-way up one of the mountains to peek for Tyranitar.

But no luck.

"Dude!" A geodude within the cave tossed me a wave.

"Hey." I waved back as we passed by.

After a while, I directed Pidgeot to perch atop one of the mountains to wait for my other pokemon.

To see if they had any luck.

And after a while, they came back, one by one. First Aerodactyl, then Altaria. They were followed by Dragonite and then Charizard.

They had no luck at all.

'Maybe it isn't here?' I mused thoughtfully. Timeline wise, it would actually be a couple years before Ash and co would have ran across it. So perhaps it just hadn't turned up here yet?

That would suck.

If it wasn't here, the only other Tyranitar in the wild I know about is one on Mount Silver and one in Alola.

Both are problems. One was watched over by Pokemon Rangers if I remember correctly.

And the other was stupid far away in Alola.

I sighed, honestly I-

"Row!" a sharp familiar cry made me look up to see Fearow zipping towards us, a great big smug grin on his long beak.

…And he was followed by a full flock of other Fearow? A good ten to twelve of them I'd say.