"Well then you must be new to Succu-City my Tattoo'ed friend"as a small but buff dwarf was talking to me with a Hearty laugh"Here Drink this its on me"He said as I smiled and rubbed the back of my head with one hand as I grabbed the mug he offered and chugged it my eyes quickly going wide as it felt like molten lava just traveled down my throat and as quickly as it went down my throat my unusual body handled it but I was definitely suprised but so was he when I reached my mug out for another drink"...HAHA YES MY FRIEND HERE!"as we clasped forearms like War Brothers and he poured me another mug from a barrel that read"Salamander's Kiss"as we spent a good chunk of time talking and drinking and in a spiritual sense we became brother's even without knowing each others name.
"So My hearty friend y-You know of any fun places around here that I can~Taste the joys of life~as they would say"i said my face turning serious as my hands were clasped together with my elbows on the table showing how serious my situation was as his face hardened like he was about to think of the greatest battle strategy ever.
"Well...it depends on your type of girl but if you have any kind of fire resistance or immunity and don't mind a good couple mile journey then fire Dragons Fem-Flesh BBQ is great plus Alcohol is always better with BBQ and A Smoking hot Salamander to keep you company"As he gulped out of his mug before I stood up and held my hand out as he clasped it and we gave each other a warriors handshake"Ryuu,Ryuu Azuma...Yours?"as the dwarf smiled wide"Balor,Balor stonebreaker my friend and here"As he handed our Now named Mc a strange flask as it was metal and decorated with a army of Eastern Dragons rushing up to the top the Kanji for Death in the center of both sides"Now i don't know how or what it stands for but all I know is that putting any Alcohol in it makes it 100 times stronger just be careful only my family has been used to this stuff after millenniums of using its power"As I stared it it green sometimes running through the metal.
"No I can't take such a.." "Don't worry I have another although it's a lot bigger but I have to leave my friend there's a new joint in town and apparently you both fuck and drink HAHA"as he heartily left before our Mc decided to make some money before going.
"Mmm let's see here...What the Fuck!! What type of quest Are These!!"As I continued reading coming across some strange one like"!Help Female Goblin camp in need a A breeding boy for children 10,000 gold coins per goblin!"or"!Going on a Dungeon Raid and my All female team needs a stress reliever to come along 30,000 gold coins and a bit of loot from the final stash"Like what the hell is this...But the fighting One's Were Absolutely Garbage! they want you to fight strong enemies for shitty amounts of money"!Defeat hydra,600 gold coins!"Like im fighting a damn hydra for gods sake but as I read I looked back over the goblin quest and hydra quest were close to each other in distance*...Do I impregnate some Sexy goblin girls and abandon my mabye future children all for some money....Maaan fuck them kids!I need the money plus its not as anything bads going to happen*As our Mc took both quest unaware that a his decisions made for a crazy thing in the future.
[Some time later]
"So this is the village its quite big!"as he stood in front of a wooden gate with 2 goblin females aiming crossbows at him"w-What do you want w-with this village"One of the female goblin guards say nervously as she stared at the toned Tatted warrior in from bellow the walls before he just dissappear right before her eyes as 2 arms wrapped around her shoulders gently and he whispered in a voice so deep and smooth it nearly made her legs weak"~Well I'm here for the quest~"as he showed in front of her face the paper and nibbled on her long pointed green ear the other goblin pouting a little.
"o-Oh well then w-We have to see the village Mistress to s-Show her you s-So she can decide if your children w-Will benefit our tribe's she felt the nibbling still her voice stuttering what was from nervousness now is stuttering for a whole different reason.
I lifted the short green armored goblin in my hug still teasing her as despite the slight musk they were fine there bodies short and green but not ugly and horrified no they were glossy plump lipped and fat assed girl goblins as some even licked there lips as the saw my body and the limp bulge imprint that was in my baggy martial pants as the goblin in my arms pointed out the way moaning slightly as my mind mastered a martial art immediately and I used it using my arm to hold her waist as with the other I bent my finger slightly and hooked it at the chest piece top before her metal knight like armor was sliced in 2 perfectly from the from as I pulled down my finger down it her gasp immediate as I still held her against me as I got closer to the massive house in the center of town my hands having a little fun as I groped the goblins breast from outside her wrappings her moans louder as she was being immediately violated by this guy but i didn't study up on goblin culture before I came here as I was passing the first test of goblin mating which was to show your dominance on one.
his he stopped right outside the massive building a small crowd following behind as 8 pulled down my pants,My massive girthy new 13 inch cock sprung up as the goblins gasped seeing how big it was and was jealous of the girl in my hands.
Every bit of clothing and wrappings were torn away leaving her bare naked before i bit her neck her moan loud as she orgasmed my smile showing again before i knocked on the door loudly and immediately a taller goblin lady with curves in all of the right places showed up from the other side as she saw the goblin who had orgasmed in his arms and looked down seeing my massive member licking her lips as she waited for the final test as my smile could be considered evil as i lined up my cock holding this goblins legs open and slammed straight into her breaking somthing on the way but i didn't care as the entire tribe watched as one of there own was being treated like a pocket pussy there hands already deep in there pants and shorts watching as my massive cock bulged its way through her stomach as i rammed into her womb with no problem her hot steaming walls just clamped tightly on my cock as this couldn't even be called sex it was fast hard and with no mercy or love just unadulterated pure desire to destroy this pussy in front of me as my cock slammed deeper into her pussy as i was breaking her body in this fucking not caring before i growled slightly the steam coming off his body as i came thick bulged went through my cock into her womb and for some time,my cock like a plug as her belly only got bigger and bigger until this poor little guard looked 8 months pregnant with sextuple(6) children as she just hung off my cock and the tribe leader nodded with a smile as the girls jumped on me.
[In the next chapter let the Town fucking of any female happen and this is your warning if you wanted soft fucking then you better leave cause I'm finna get into almost everything as our Mc thinks this world is nothing but a fantasy he lives in and the true demons of mankind's inner mind will show up so expect some crazy or dark things to happen next chapter!]