"You should definitely know who is your target, however, I don't blame you for not knowing since I haven't told you just to see if you are capable of killing anyone. This woman might have seemed like a nice person but in truth, she was a human trafficker, specialized especially in children like you. You were able to kill someone who looked nice but if what you said to me is true, you must have been a bit suspicious of her." Babara said while leading Ink through the dark alleys of the town.
"Does it make you resent her? That she probably ruined life for a lot of unfortunate children like you..." Babara asked while looking back at Ink's reaction from the corner of her eyes.
"It's not like I hadn't hesitated because of that creepy feeling...I killed her with the possibility of ruining the entire "orphanage" in mind. I just didn't care...someone ruined my old life so why am I not allowed to do the same for the others?" Ink replied with an indifferent expression as if ruining the life for several children like him never touched his heart...that is if anything remained from it.
"Ho?" Babara sounded pleasantly surprised by Ink's reply.
"Good...that's good. Good, evil...we Oarburgh don't care for such things because death is coming for everyone regardless of their nature. It is just a matter of time and money, we only make sure the said time is shortened as much as possible. Remember this well, Ink. Never hesitate to kill your target and those who stand between you and them." Babara said while holding her hands behind her back, seemingly in high spirits for Ink's first step towards joining Oarburgh.
"Yes, grandma!" Ink replied with a "bright" smile and closed eyes, mimicking the expression of his happy peers.
'?!' Babara staggered a bit in her steps before she resumed walking just normal. When she saw his expression and recalled his dull green eyes, it even gave her, the most senior member of her clan and practically the legend in assassination world creeps.
At their camp near the town, Taeko was training with an anxious expression. These past 2 days, she was worried for Ink since it was his first time killing someone unknown who has never done anything against him. She knew how her mentor was strict therefore she could only pray for Ink to finish the job.
"Ah?!" Taeko noticed 2 figures nearing the camp and her expression immediately brightened.
"How did it go?" Taeko tried to ask calmly but her eyes were darting back and forth between Ink and Babara as if urging them to spill the beans.
"Fast and clean, just like your first kill. Taeko." Babara replied with a satisfied smile, almost feeling proud to have such talented disciples. She liked how both Taeko and Ink were capable of listening to her advices and make use of them. Both of them were obedient and very disciplined. By now, Babara already made sure to have a word with the young leader regarding Ink. Ink might be a male however he wouldn't be the only male in Oarburgh, still, he would be given annoying jobs usually meant for butlers and maids.
"! Good job, Ink!" Taeko smiled in delight at Ink. She was glad that her first friend she has ever made could keep up with them.
"..." Ink nodded his head and his lips once again started twitching a bit.
'Hmm...Looks like he truly can't form the genuine smile yet, however, he should be capable of smiling normally even if it's a fake smile. Then why is he not doing just that if he wants to reciprocate Taeko's smile?' Babara held her chin with a thoughtful expression while staring at Ink's face.
A few years passed by with the trio travelling over all over the Empire and its surrounding countries. They even had a look at northern country where the temperatures dropped below a comfortable level. Ink just recently became 12. He became much taller and his hair became a bit longer, his side bangs were reaching up to his chin.
As he picked up more skills during his training, he became capable of killing some stronger Danger beasts and he could easily fight against a few adults at the same time, obviously only at foot soldiers' level.
He no longer knew how many "missions" he already performed under Babara's guidance. His body was also becoming more resilient against poisons and drugs. Taeko also grew rapidly in strength and if one were to compare two of them, Taeko would definitely win in terms of raw strength and sword skills however that didn't mean she was better than Ink at everything.
Ink's intuition was quite a strong point and if both didn't know each other and were hunting each other, Ink would have a chance at assassinating Taeko. Also, Ink's footwork improved tremendously as he started asking Babara to train him personally. At first, she warned him that she wouldn't go easy on him and would have no qualms about injuring him, however, Ink agreed without a second thought since he needed to catch up to Taeko.
Thanks to these trainings with Babara, he also attained several small scars on his body.
Taeko and Ink's friendship only increased each day in course of these past years they have been traveling together. Taeko's body also started slowly developing in other parts than her muscles and her hair was long enough that she had to tie them into a short ponytail. As for her nature...she became a bit quieter when not around Ink but it was pretty normal considering how many people she has already killed.
Despite growing to be a bit more silent type of person, she always let her mouth go wild when around Ink. Their friendship wasn't the only thing that improved, Ink's and Babara's disciple-mentor relationship also improved quite a lot to the point where Ink was calling her grandma without any sarcasm just like Taeko.
In course of those years, at some point Ink became capable of forming a genuine smile, however, he could only form it when facing Taeko or Babara. Still, his usual blank and indifferent expression never changed, unless he was talking to either of them, he was still "old" Ink.
"I think it's time to go back to the Oarburgh's base..." Babara muttered while watching her disciples spar against each other.
*clang* Taeko just knocked Ink's sword out of his grasp and then she slashed down, intending to end the spar. Ink didn't lose his cool upon losing his weapon and sidestepped at the last moment, he spun in the place to swing his arm at Taeko's neck, intending to hit her with the side of his open palm.
*Whoosh* Both stopped the spar the moment when it got too dangerous, creating a strong wind blow in all directions from them.
The spar ended with Ink's side of his open palm a few inches away from Taeko's neck and Taeko's sword a few inches away from below Ink's ribs.
Both of them were glaring into each other's eyes with "murderous" eyes, not intending to back down. While staring at each other, both of them had a bead of sweat rolling down from their temple respectively.
...*sigh* Both of them sighed at the same time before they smiled at each other and eased up, taking a step back from each other.
"Tie, huh?" Taeko muttered with a slightly disappointed expression while looking at the sword in her hands.
"...No, it's your win yet again...Plus you have been holding back your strength." Ink shook his head and said calmly.
"I have been using most of my best techniques. You are improving too fast, Ink..." Taeko said with an encouraging smile.
"In terms of techniques, it was a very even match. Ink, I know I don't have to tell you this but there is no need to feel down. Taeko has been training under me for much longer than you. For you to be capable of matching her speed without getting thrown around is already incredible." Babara said with a satisfied smile and folded arms.
"Grandma, are you trying to comfort Ink?" Taeko asked with an "innocent" smile.
"Don't misunderstand, I am trying to say that he shouldn't be impatient. Let's go!" Babara said with a straight face before quickly turning around, walking away.
"So she was really trying to comfort you..." Taeko whispered to Ink with a smile.
"I am not feeling down...Losing to someone skilled like you is alright with me, Taeko. Let's go before she leaves without us." "Plus losing to a friend feels motivating" Ink whispered back with a small smile before taking a few steps forward, muttering something under his nose.
"Eh? What did you just say?" Taeko's eyes widened a bit before she ran up to him to catch up with him, asking with an intrigued look in her lime eyes.
"..." Ink just glanced at Taeko before forming a small smile, not intending to repeat the last part.
"Grandma, where are we going next?" Ink asked to change Taeko's attention to something else.
"...Back to the Oarburgh" Babara stopped walking and took a deep breath before replying with a serious expression on her face.
Ink nodded his head, Babara already told him about their young leader and her particular trait. She was just hoping it didn't get worse in those past years.