Limiter Removal

'...Isn't that basically weapon-wielding for the sake of killing? Although it's the truth that I can't feel any killing intent from him yet I feel some kind of pressure...Is he truly thinking of my blood as ink?' Dora thought, looking at Ink with a strange expression.

*Clap* *Clap* "Alright, there is no need to continue this match any longer. After all, this isn't a life and death match so no need to get so serious." Mera clapped her hands and said with a small satisfied smile but Ink didn't look much pleased from having his match with Dora interrupted like that.

"I am more than pleased to see you make such an improvement but I hope you can explain it to me more." Dora said with a small smile.

Everyone left with smiles on their faces and Mera wasn't an exception, leaving Dora and Ink alone again.

Ink tried to explain everything to the best of his ability but Dora couldn't really understand his thinking so they continued their training.



A few weeks passed by and Ink acquainted himself with every member of Oarburgh and discovered that there were 2 if one were to say so that were being in the process of training too. He got to know that their names are Loris and Meela. Although Ink thought that they are perhaps even younger than him, they are actually older however their height is...well, no need to say more.

In the morning as he was about to start training with Gil...

"Hey, Gil." Ink called out while staring at the sky with a thoughtful expression.

"Hm? What is it, little guy?" Gil asked with a teasing smile.

"How do you fight against armed oponents? I get that you are strong and fast but I have never seen you wield a weapon." Ink asked while observing the birds flying high in the sky.

"Oh? So you want to know my secret, huh? Alright, we know each other for some time already and I quite like you, I fight against weapons with this beauty!" Gil said with a slightly crazy smile, spreading her arms in the process, showing off her entire body.

Ink looked down from the sky and his eyes rested on Gil's body for several seconds.

"Are you seducing your opponents?" Ink asked with a blank expression.

"ACK!" Upon hearing his words, Gil felt as if a bullet went through her head.

"No! Anyway, h-how do you even know such things? I thought that you are as innocent as an angel." Gil asked with an uncomfortable expression.

"Boss has been teaching me a few things. She said that she won't be able to send me anywhere if I don't know those things." Ink replied.

"M-Mera-sama herself t-taught you?!" Gil asked and looked like her head started spinning.

"She also told me that whenever you are wearing such an expression, you are thinking of something stupid." Ink said with a straight face and without any mercy.

"Ack!" Gil had to press her hand to her heart after hearing those words.

"*sigh* Anyway, I am telling you the truth, all I need is my body is my weapon!" Gil said with a new breath while flexing her biceps and winking at Ink with a smile.

"I know, I trusted you from the beginning..." Ink turned towards the sky and replied with his blank expression.

"Yeah, right you did...wait! If you didn't doubt me, why did you say all that stuff?!" Gil nodded her head with a satisfied smile before freezing and realizing something.

"..." This time Ink didn't reply as he was too busy observing birds once again. that is, until he felt someone's hands on his cheeks.

"You little shit, were you joking with that blank expression on your face?! I will teach you how to show some respect to your seniors!" Gil said with an annoyed expression as she started pinching Ink's cheeks.

"Aw...Sowwy" Ink apologized without a change in his expression.

When he was finally released and turned around, he noticed Gil with her hands on hips, strangely looking down at him with a smile on her face. He couldn't really discover what it was but anyone else would say that she was looking at him with her eyes filled with affection.

'I wonder how much he will grow stronger in the next few years.' Gil thought.

Those two grew quite close only after a few weeks of training. And most of it was caused by Gil being a bit of a sadist and while Ink wasn't finding any pleasure in pain, he was tolerating everything to get stronger therefore Gil admired his determination. And it also meant the stronger Ink gets, the more practice Gil will get.

"How would you like if I taught you one technique in secret?" Gil asked, winking at him with her index finger over her lips.

"What about the boss?" Ink asked curiously.

"Well...Mera-sama will want you to learn it one day so why not start a bit early but...let's keep it a secret between us, alright?!" Gil said and put her arm around Ink's shoulder, pulling him closer to her.

Instead of responding to her, Ink just released a small smile which caused Gil to widen her own smile.

"Good. This secret technique is called Limiter Removal. As you might know, our own brain limits our body's strength, speed, and more. Usually, the only way how you can get past these limiters is high adrenaline however assassins must keep calm whenever they fight, they can't let their emotions take over their bodies. Therefore Oarburgh designer this technique to remove our brain's limiters and turn our own bodies into weapons. You would be surprised at how much stronger we can get if we remove those limiters, however, it also has its price. Those limiters aren't there just for the show, they are there for our safety. Simply said, if you remove too many limiters and use your body recklessly for too long, you are going to die out of exhaustion." Gil started explaining and Ink occasionally nodded his head, understanding everything said till now.

"Human's muscles have limitless potential however human bones aren't that limitless and you can break them by exerting your muscles too much. Brain limiters make sure that your muscles are only strong enough to not break your bones and to not tear your tendons. But just by removing limiters for a short time doesn't mean that your bones will break down." Gil continued while pointing at the sky with her index finger, trying to look super serious and smart despite most likely just retelling Mera's words.

"I see...So it's some kind of state of mind, forcibly removing your limiters on your body and since everything is being directed from the brain, removing limiters there is the most effective." Ink said while holding his chin.

"That's right, however before doing that. We will need you to learn how to strengthen your muscles at will. It is easy for you to strengthen muscles in your arms, legs, and abdomen but what about the neck perhaps? Tell you what, draw that dull sword of yours and slash at my neck with full force. Even if it is a dull sword, any regular human's head will still be sent flying." Gil said with a crazy smile while pointing at her bare neck with her thumb.

Seeing her smile, Ink knew that she has a need to demonstrate it and perhaps make him feel more respect towards her or whatever. therefore, Ink didn't hesitate at all and draw his sword, slashing at her neck with full force.

'?! Without any hesitation, this sneaky little guy-!' Gil thought inwardly but on the outside, she was wearing a wide crazy smile as she watched the sword's edge near her neck.


"?!" Ink's eyes slightly widened his dull sword broke into two halves, leaving only a white scratch on Gil's neck.

"So...What do you think?" Gil said with a proud smile, showing off her teeth.

"Nice durable neck. I will set my goal to be able to penetrate your defenses. Thank you for your inspiration, mentor Gil." Ink showed thumb up and brightly smiled.

"Wh-?! Don't set yourself such a goal!! It's the same as saying that your goal is to make my head fly! Anyway, you sneaky little bastard, I thought we had some trust between each other, how could you just swing your sword at my neck without any hesitation like that, huh?!" Gil started shouting with an "upset" expression while putting her fist at each side of Ink's head and started rubbing her knuckles against his head.

"Ow...I did so because I trust you. You told me to follow your instructions so I did as you told me, believing in your body" Ink replied while showing her a thumb up while she was pinching him all over his face to get a better reaction from him.