A new era has begun. Today, we will write a new chapter in the history of humankind. At long last, we will begin our ascension to a new era of modern society. A society were science and technology helps us to shape our culture towards a goal, that a mere 10 years ago seemed unattainable. But today, we will start anew. Let us mark this day as a day, when race of one gender was born."
- Kunosuki Shinoda, World conference, June 5th, 2026
The extinction of a male population. 10 years ago, just a speculation of science theorists. Today, a brutal pursuit that will soon become reality. In year 2026, a team of 11 Japanese female scientists found a way to alter human DNA to be able to reproduce only as a female. In other words, no males necessary. This might not seem as something that would mark the extinction of human men. And definitely not something that would be considered ethical or even humane.
After a while, however, some of the scientists and other "thinkers" found this idea not as bad and inhumane as everyone saw it at first. It could be beneficial in medicine. Right now, doctors and other medical experts have to work with two different genders, meaning different organs, different diseases, different forms of treatment etc. After we become species of just one gender, we could seriously advance our development.
But still, it was just a wild theory and humanity was not ready to make such a leap. Until it was.
After receiving information about this, certain government officials and other influential figures such and billionaires started to support the research. For whatever reason, be it vision of investment, or simply as an idea for better future.
The influence of the idea grew stronger every day, and soon there was a majority, even among male population, who still did not gave full support to the idea, but were not as hesitant as before.
As it is with minorities, those not supporting this claim were soon becoming outcasts in the eyes of society. The idea was spreading even through media and was receiving huge support.
The clash of this resulted in conference in Tokyo, hosting all nations and their respective leaders as well as their governments.
Over the course of one month, there was a huge discussion about the future of the idea.
The main pillar of refusal was on the choice of female. When it comes to physical factor, males are far better equipped than females, and for the future development of society and technology would make better choice. Scientists, who came up with the idea argumented, that while male body is more fit for manual labour, in today's society, there were very few things that needed male over female. All manual work was long replaced by machinery.
In addition, the process of extrapolating DNA could not be done with males, as they do not hold the code for the process of pregnancy. Pure synthetic reproduction of males would require process similar to cloning, which was, and will for years to come be still in it's infancy. It would also still pose problem of "growing" people, which was considered highly unethical even to the most progressive thinkers.
Another problem the opposing site saw was "What will happen to men?"
The answer of the leader of the project Doctor Kunosuki Shinoda was surprising and in a way, reassuring.
She presented a plan, where a drug will be manufactured that changes reproductive cells of males to be able to produce only female offspring. The society will continue function like it done until now, and males will live their lives like thy used to. After few generations, the female society will naturally and peacefully arise.
After the conference, governments of the world decided to proceed with the plan.
This meant, that any actions against the plan of new society will be treated as a crime. The problem was, there was still a lot of people refusing this. Not enough to make a difference, but enough to do some serious damage. It was decided, that they will be moved to a separate land established for them.
Opposing this, the "rebels" rose against new world unified under one idea. This resulted in "The War of The Natural Right" as history named it. It was a violent uprising against government. It was soon suppressed and in the aftermath it was established that all non-supporters were deported to the established land.
The land soon formed as a little country with government and society. The only difference were the signs on the borders.
"Any trespassers will be killed on sight."
Free country, September 20th, 2109
"General, it's happening just like you foretold! The scouts reported "the machines" assembling miles away from the border!"
A young soldier trying to catch his breath was informing general Shirokawa. General walked over to the huge window, looked at the sky and muttered to himself.
"Now the last one is dead, the purge will begin."