
'If his mentor didn't want dad to participate in the tournament to prevent embarrassment, it would mean that he still had some sort of reputation to keep up. Dad isn't even that bad. Although, I don't know how strong dad was, he should be rather decent even in this world, right?

He didn't seem that bad when we sparred. He probably just isn't in his peak. I never saw him train, so he probably is just a little bit rusty. Although, no matter how you turn it I did win… I shouldn't judge too soon. I don't have anything to lose if I just scout dad's mentor as an option. I can backtrack in the future if I have to, right?'

"He is mainly using Lethwei and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, but he will explain it in detail. I am sure it will be to your liking."

Leo was surprised and a smile quickly blossomed on his face. "Awesome! When can we meet him??"

Leo's father was stunned by Leo's energy. Leo's eyes were practically glowing from excitement.

"…Hahaha. Aren't you eager, you rascal? I will have to warn you though his training will be difficult, but he will make you into an exceptional fighter if you listen to him."

"Hmph, I would be an exceptional fighter regardless! Well, at least better than you!" Leo smugly said before running up the stairs to his room.

"Now I understand why my father smacked me-" Leo's father was interrupted by a smack over his head. He looked at his wife feeling wronged before sighing and standing up.

Leo's mom puts a hand on her husband's shoulder and whispered to him as they looked at the stairs Leo just ran up on.

"John, do you think that is a good idea? My little boy is still only 7. We can wait a few y-"

"No. We can't. I know this look of his, Ally. He has that fire in his eyes, that hunger. I shouldn't- I don't want to stand between him and his dream."

"But I worry-" John smiled slightly as he interrupted her. "Don't worry Mang Tou will teach him properly. Besides combat sport is a great way to focus his temperament especially when he comes into adolescent. It will teach him how to socialize and cooperate with others. I would have signed him up to a football club, but combat will be just as beneficial if not more."

"Hmph. If he becomes a brute I will one hundred percent blame it on you!" "Ehhh. Don't worry about it, he comes after his father after all, hehehe."

"…I- I take it back! I rather want him to be a brute!" Ally turned away and continued to prepare dinner.

"Ugh. My heart!"

While Leo's parents were messing around, Leo snuck to the family's computer. He was thinking about the two-combat arts John's mentor specializes in as he watched videos of them.

The art of 9 limbs or otherwise called Lethwei. Leo heard about it in his past life. A brutal martial art, where everything goes.

Punches, kicks, knees, elbows, headbutts, sweeps, throws and takedowns were all allowed. The only thing missing were groin shots, bites and of course groundwork as it is a standing striking combat sport. The rules were brutal as well.

Leo knew a thing or two about it. He had considered training in it after all. In a fight with Lethwei rules even a knockout won't end it.

Once in a fight the corner of the fighter could revive their knocked-out fighter within 2 minutes and then send him back in. And that was in his past life in which people were a lot more fragile than here.

They also fought without gloves, so they used less kicks in a fight as Muay Thai practitioners would but that didn't concern Leo much. He liked what he saw on the few clips on MyMovie.

It was a lot bloodier than other combat sport as cuts happen far more frequently without gloves and the additional elbow strike. Ironically due to this brain damage was not as frequently seen as in boxing for example.

Usually in a bareknuckle fight it was easier to be knocked out cold with one punch, whereas in gloved boxing the fight can go on longer. Apparently over 12 rounds of repeatedly getting hit in the face is more damaging to the brain than a one punch ko.

It was a brutal and beautiful sport, no doubt about it. Of course, every fight was beautiful in Leo's eyes as they were exceptionally clean. It looked choreographed and almost unreal.

If someone told Leo that it was another sequel of Undisputed or IP Man, he would have believed them. Unfortunately, all the Lethwei fighters seemed to be amateurs since it wasn't as commonly known as other combat sport.

Still, he wasn't surprised when he saw how all their moves weaved into each other. Lethwei still seemed a lot grittier than the other martial arts he had watched videos of.

The videos he had watched about Brazilian jiu-jitsu were fascinating as well and the fighters seemed really determined, it was almost frightening. Bones were broken, joints dislocated, and people still went on!

After having watched enough, he went to his room and lied down. He was still in thoughts about the two styles and the difference to his past world.

It seemed that groundwork was used less often in the MMA scene as all the fighters were exceptional in dodging and keeping their distance. There were just less opportunities for them to take their fights to the ground. Nevertheless, he still intended to learn as much as he could. Better to know it but not need it than to need it and not know it.

It was awe-inspiring to watch even if the quality of the videos were shit since it was still 2010. Either way Leo was excited to meet his dad's mentor.

Lethwei a combat sport using all limbs with additional takedowns and Brazilian jiu-jitsu for the groundwork. These two alone would make Leo a well-rounded fighter. He couldn't wait to learn.

However, Leo knew that his enthusiasm was only the initial excitement which results in his current motivation. His motivation would fade away as fast as it came. He had to capitalize on it and act immediately.

He needed to turn it into discipline and determination as soon as possible. Thoughts about waiting for another opportunity, joining a less brutal combat sport or to first relearn what he already trained in were coming up already.

He knew these thoughts. Second-guessing his choices or waiting for a better opportunity were like a disease he had. He searched for excuses to take it easier or to delay his ambition only to not do it at all or miss out on things. He can't hesitate or he won't move at all!

Obviously, if he realized that his father's mentor was a dud, he wouldn't hesitate to switch to that MMA school he looked up before. It still was a wonder that he could find it on plexle, this version of google.

He also needed to get some weights from somewhere as he wants to lift weights early on to relearn the movements and condition himself.

Obviously, he needed to lift weight in a way that will be complementary to the movements in martial arts, so it would be better to join a gym for the variety of machines instead.

He didn't know if gyms allowed access to children, but he hoped so. He was already 7 after all, even in his past life children could start after reaching that age and in this world with the people being extra resilient it should be even less concerning.

'Hopefully, mom won't have a freak-out and ban me from training. I didn't look it up, but this world surely doesn't have that myth of growth stun, right? The only thing I am concerned about is wasting time, after all a child's hormones hardly help in building muscle. It would be more efficient to begin as an adolescent and focus on learning body control over building the muscles. On the other hand, lifting early will increase the production of the growth hormone and the density of my bones even if it is a little less as a child. Well, I also can do both, start with lifting and then go over to calisthenics after I can handle my bodyweight. I will also need som- Oof.'

A little figure jumped on Leo's stomach while he was distracted. His little sister had walked inside and climbed the bed with difficulties only to be ignored by her brother. Her genius had helped bringing her brother back which led to her now innocently smiling at Leo while still standing on his stomach.

"Ro-Rosy? What the frick?? Get off me!" Leo said while rolling to the side, prompting his sister to jump to the other side.

"Emy and I wan' summer rise our day!" "You know, that hurt! You can't just jump on others!" Leo shouted at her. She looked stunned for her second. Her eyes started to tear up, she clutched her teddy bear tightly as she looked down.

"I- I'm sowwyy. I- plweas don' hate me-" She choked up mid-sentence. Leo started to panic.

"Ey-Hey, don't cry. Don't tell mom. Look, I am sorry. It is my fault. Here you can hit me again, I don't mind. Ju-just don't cry." Leo glanced at his door from time to time, looking for an angry mom with a slipper or as she was cooking with a wooden spoon in the hand.

"Rweally?" She looked up skeptical. Some tears had already run down her face.

"Yes, here go head hit my arm." "Oh. Okay." Rosy took the hand of her teddy bear and hit her brother's arm with it. She wiped away her tears before grinning widely.

"So, mommy and daddy and me were going into this big big like this big" Rosy showed with her arms spread wide to emphasize the to her gigantic shopping mall. She started gesticulating as she told her brother about her day at the mall.

If Leo took her word for it, it was the tallest shopping mall in the world with huge fluffy dogs and infinite amount of people walking around. The laser shows above the entrances of the individual shops were literally magic. The shops sold mecha suits and 'normal sized' cars she could ride.

She also showed some toys she got and brought some Hot Wheels as a present for Leo. They played a little before dinner was ready.

While eating John broke the news. "Leo, how about meeting with my mentor on Tuesday? You aren't already on a date with Sarah, right?"

"Urgh. I don't like her like that! And yes, I haven't agreed to meet my friends on Tuesday. Did you already call him? He responded really quickly!"

"Hmph. I am his favori-"

"Ha. Your dad spammed him with messages! He even called him a couple of times until Mang Tou gave up and picked the phone up." She pretend-whispered to Leo. John's mouth twitched but he didn't retort.

"Oh. Makes sense." Leo answered as if he expected that. The family started digging into the food while Leo and Ally teased John. Rosy was too busy fake feeding Emy, her teddy, to notice this little drama.

After eating the kids were brought to bed. Rosy was still sleeping with her parents, so she got to hear a short nighttime story making her fall asleep quickly.

After brushing his teeth and changing up into a PJ. He cleaned up the toys and Legos on the ground before going to bed as well. He didn't want to step on them if he woke up in the night. Leo looked at the ceiling of his room with a fake glowing sky night. He turned his head to the side looking outside. He saw the moon and the stars glistering in the sky as he thought about the future.

There were a lot of things to learn and to learn anew. Many things to plan and to do. He was excited for the future. He wasn't excited to relive school as he usually was bored to death in it but that couldn't stomp his enthusiasm. He knew it will be a long journey, but he was motivated to take the steps, to run, to fly in order to reach for the sky.

In the times when he is alone, especially at nights while watching the night sky, thoughts about his past were coming up especially after regaining his mental state but not today. Today he only thought about what the future had to offer. Infinite possibilities and opportunities for him to grab and he would seize them with all he got!

With these thoughts he fell asleep. Dreaming about gigantic wheel robots fighting Clifford while people were dancing in a laser show.