
Well, can you blame him?? He had three beautiful women each popular with all the boys that were swirling around them fall for him, while he was a horny teenager that had more guts than brain. He couldn't keep it in his pants, so what?

Although he had slept with them, they didn't make it official. Not really. Everyone knew that they were now together, but they haven't made any plans for the future. Still, he wouldn't regret his decision! Okay, maybe he regretted it a little bit.

A minor thing he complained about half in earnest, half in jest was the fact that it had been a few years since the last time he went out to drink with the boys.

There is always at least one of them that is available and wants to come with. Of course, he could just go out and ignore the complaints of one of them, but she would surely turn the other two against him. It didn't make it better that they got more and more experience, while going out with him.

They already knew his tricks and methods to either get out of the situation or play the three against each other. Obviously, that went both ways, and it would usually end in a big fight. Frankly, it was hard to get a win out of those situations for either parties.

Good thing that the worst was prevented with Leo's previous experience, clear rules and all that jazz. They started to get suspicious about him always having a ready solution, but he managed till now, so he wasn't really concerned about the future.

Lenny was still single, and it looked like he was interested in his sister. Leo still doesn't know how to feel about it. He didn't want anyone be with his little sister but if he needed to choose someone it would be Lenny as he knew him well.

Still having his best friend being with his sister didn't sit well with him but it wasn't like he could prevent them from getting together. They still were feeling each other out and it looked like it will take some time until something develops between the two.

Speaking of his sister, she still practices Lethwei, but she didn't take it as seriously as she did when she just started training in it officially. Still, it was probably the best deterrent for all the boys that flocked to her. Leo being her brutal and tough bigger brother helped a lot as well.

On the other hand, him being as famous as he was had brought a whole lot of other problem, but his family managed. Their taking no shit policy made sure of that. Their inner lie detector only improved with time, but it also brought some disadvantages for white lies inside the family.

One thing that Rosy became obsessed with as well was this Otome Game that took place in the middle ages. Apparently, it was an adaption of a novel and was about a reincarnated girl that woke up inside the body of the villainess.

The villainess seemed to only have bad endings for her future, so the dense main character had to figure out how to survive and, in the process, accidentally built a harem of Ikemen of the high society around her. There was magic and monsters too and it confused Leo a lot of times.

Rosy was very passionate about it, so he and Lenny had to suffer through her long speeches about it. To be honest, they didn't mind it too much as long as she was happy. Rosy also dragged Leo's girlfriends into this obsession.

Not to the same degree as Rosy was already in, but still enough that Leo had to sometimes drag Shunlei and Laura away to train.

Out of all his friends, Jack was probably the happiest out of the three. He was in a happy relationship with Bella. Fortunately, Bella had eventually opened up to Leo even if the initial motivation was the fact that Jack and he were inseparable friends. Another good move was that he had remembered to compliment her drawings which really helped the two get along with each other.

On a more depressing note, was Sarah news to the group. She wanted to go to a foreign county to study which obviously saddened the group.

She had made that decision after she accepted the fact that she was the least close to Leo out of the three. It wasn't that she didn't want to spend time with him or didn't love him, but that he was just too focused on his training.

Shunlei and Laura were also walking the path of martial arts, so they were able to spend most of the time with him as they shared a huge part of their life's dedication with each other.

Obviously, Leo disagreed with that. He told her that he was closer to her in a way that he couldn't with the other two because they didn't share their passion for martial arts. Like a missing piece in a puzzle to make his life whole.

This had made all her blood rush to her head, so much that she couldn't think straight. After calming down she asked him to be patient with her. Although, she loved him and didn't mind not spending every minute with him there was something else that kept her awake.

She needed to create some distance and think their relationship through. She needed to figure out if she wanted to continue it instead of pursuing a career as a doctor. She wouldn't have any time to invest in the relationship and as Leo said a long-distance relationship usually failed miserably.

Of course, she could fantasize about falling into their arms after years of separation but was reality this lenient for her. Leo wasn't someone who dwelled on the past. What if he moved on and would rather spend an uncomplicated relationship with Shunlei and Laura instead of fixing a broken relationship they would have after living apart.

She feared the future and didn't know what to do. Only one thing she knew for sure, she needed to have the other girls in her corner as they would say. The conversation they had were usually done without Leo, so they could bond with each other more closely, however all that was put on hold after a certain event.

In the late evening Leo had come to his apartment that he shared with his girlfriends. He had managed to go out with the boys and have a drink and was slightly tipsy when he stepped inside. As soon as he closed the door, he felt a change in the air.

He knew that his girls were out of town and would only come back tomorrow morning. He knew that in the few hours he was away nothing should have changed but he felt something.

It was difficult to describe, but he knew that something had to be wrong. He kept his shoes and his jacket on and slowly went through the hallway towards his bedroom. The only reason why they had different bedrooms was the fact that Leo always slept with the window open, making the room too chilly for the girl's taste.

The whole apartment was still dark and with a glance through the door to the right he could tell that nothing was in the kitchen and neither in the living room beyond the kitchen. He returned his attention towards his bedroom door.

He slowly approached the closed door trying to hear anything that might hint at something. He could see that the lights were still off. It was the same as he had left it. A slight breeze was coming through beneath the door.

'Did I leave the window open again?' He thought to himself. The only time he closed his window was when no one was in the apartment as not only his bedroom would get chilly but the entire apartment. Finally, he swung the door open only to find an empty room. It looked the same as he had left it there were only two differences. The window was wide open, and something laid on his pillow.

He turned the lights on and looked around for a second before going to the window. He leaned a bit out and looked down the 13 floors to see some traces of frost going down. It would have been difficult to see if he weren't as perceptive as he was.

He even looked upwards but didn't find anything noteworthy. Except for the frozen window frame and the traces down the building, nothing was out of the ordinary.

He closed the window, approached his bed, and picked up what he assumed to be a letter. He took it with him to the kitchen before placing it on the table. He then went to wash his hand and get a few things.

He wore some gloves and a mask just in case. He shone some light through the letter, but it looked just like a normal letter. He used a letter opener and confirmed that there wasn't any gas or any powder, which happened to him once just before a fight. A light drug with a delayed effect to make him weaker.

Of course, that letter wasn't given to him as mysteriously as now, but that only made him more suspicious.

Leo couldn't help but be confused as he read through the letter more than once. Well, there wasn't much to read anyway.

"For those that pursue true strength." That and a bunch of addresses. The addresses weren't even that accurate. Mostly a whole region in foreign countries.

He heard about a few of the addresses because they were renowned in the martial arts community. Someone climbed into his apartment to deliver a simple invitation.

'How unnecessary extravagant.' He thought as he looked at the delicate design of the letter with a symbol on the backside that would fit right into a magical context. He put the letter aside and searched for the symbol online only to find nothing.

Not surprising, Leo thought. He got used to the fact that this world was keen on keeping their sacred or ancient texts a secret.

On the next day when his girlfriends arrived, he of course told his girlfriends about it and was surprised that the same letter was placed on their bed in the hotel they were staying at the previous night. The group then went to his mentor, Mang Tou, and asked if he knew something about it.

For the first time Leo knew him, he seemed unusually cagey about it and didn't want to read the content of the letter when he saw the symbol. He said that he should visit the addresses that he apparently knew would be listed inside.

He gave them a look that Leo rarely saw on his mentor's face. He usually adopted it when Leo showed his ridiculous talent. For some reason, he envied the four, although Sarah got more of a confused look than anything else.

Still Leo trusted him and decided that he would go on a little world tour it seemed. His girlfriends were excited to travel and instantly declared that they would join in on the fun and with the advice of turning back if 'it' overwhelmed them, Mang Tou withdrew himself with regret in his eyes.

Leo put it in the back of his mind, but even if his mentor's warning were a lot harsher, he couldn't help but be excited of this. Just as he thought about going on a world tour a reason was added to his list.

He had also asked his father if he knew about the symbol or why Mang Tou was behaving as he did. His dad, John, could only tell him that there was a time after he got internationally recognized during which he disappeared for several months only to come back a lot thinner than he was before he disappeared.

Mang Tou never told anyone what happened, and the less talented fighters had spread all kind of rumors because he wasn't the only one that disappeared only to reappear disheveled or malnourished. Those that did return seemingly untouched claimed a world title before never being seen by the public afterwards.