55 LOVE IS IN THE AIR (smut)

"Ahh.. ah.."

Like a drunken man, Ginnan reflexively let out a long groan when flooded. His legs were tingling after the climax somehow.

Maybe he was being presumptuous, but this time he wanted to ruffle Renji's semi-wet hair with his tenth finger tug. Because he's upset. Incredibly irritated why it can be this goooood sex!

Is this how the general gigolos in their flats feel?

Sometimes pounding, sometimes pounding.

Ginnan was even confused as to why a place he shouldn't have entered could lead him to forget himself in the clouds.

"Are you okay?" Renji asked. The man grabbed Ginnan's face as he drooped. On the dense, sweaty pillow, Ginnan was teary after enduring everything.
