Honestly, Yuki hopes that there will be a pair of parents who will pick up Ginnan someday. It seems like. But not. In fact, those who come to the orphanage are generally interested in adopting the little ones. In Yuki's case, if her adoptive parents hadn't lost a daughter her age on the operating table, they probably wouldn't have taken her. Yuki is lucky to have a family even if only as a substitute. It's different again with Ginnan, who until he graduated from school and was free from responsibility from an orphanage, he never received a single helping hand from anyone.

Ginnan must be special. He's a foster child of Mother's pride since the beginning of his arrival. But even though Mother kept him from going, he still insisted on getting out of town and separating himself. He said, a man must remain independent when the time comes. And Ginnan didn't want to back down one bit. Desperate like a normal youth, he got into the train and slept all the way to Tokyo.