Family and Friendship

"Eto, Akashi-san?" Yui spoke as she gathered her things with Murasakibara.

"Yes Arai?"

"Do you happen to have the number of that lady detective. I lost the contact she gave,"

The two guys paused and looked to her. Yui rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"I do. What do you need it for?" Akashi asked with suspicion. He wasn't asking her to tell him, he was ordering her.

"I need to talk to her about something. It's nothing to do with that day but I wish to consult her about something...else. She seemed like a good person and the only one who would listen to my issue,"

"And what issue would that be that you would need to speak to a detective?" Akashi assumed she had witnessed something or knows some incriminating facts about someone. He was surprised when told what she wanted.

"It's about my orphanage. Um...a few years ago, our orphanage was bought by a high-ranking minister in government. Normally I wouldn't care about something like that however, he imposed a policy that when a child turns 15, they are to be removed from the orphanage."


"Illegal I know," Yui huffed. She was one of the few lucky ones to be adopted but what about all those other kids? They would need to fight to survive.

Akashi said nothing for a few seconds but spoke up in a gentle but firm tone. "You don't need to contact the detective for that, I'll take care of it,"

Yui's eyes widened, "N-no, there's no need to trouble yourself,"

"It's no trouble at all. My family is close with many in the government so getting the necessary information will be easy," Akashi looked to Yui with an up-turned lip. "You can consider this a thank you for the entertainment today and for the delicious meal,"

Yui gave a lopsided grin and she knew he wouldn't change his mind but was thankful anyway. "If that's the case then I'll have to bother you then,"

"You should crush that Minister Akachin," Murasakibara said sucking on a lollipop he found in his bag.

"Worry not for I will ensure he appropriate punishment,"

Yui almost pitied the poor Minister for what was about to come to him.


The next morning, the news channels were filled with reports of the dealings of a certain corrupt Minister. The people were outraged and many petitions were created demanding he be thrown away in jail. Yui gulped. 'Akashi-san works fast. How terrifying.'

The orphanage now belonged to the state and the children who were previously forced to leave were all brought back. There was also an anonymous donation of five million yen to the orphanage. Many other donations came in after and renovations on the home was put into place.

While all this was going on, Yui was busy with the Murasakibara's who spent the next few days sorting out the adoption process. They had to sign a couple of documents and a social worker was sent to inspect the house and interview Mr. and Mrs Murasakibara. The social worker was satisfied with the conditions and stamped the papers issuing the adoption.

Yui moved in and was given a newly done up spare room right next to Niko's and across Murasakibara's. She walked into her new room and got a little teary eyed seeing how well they had done it up. It wasn't anything fancy but it was comfy.

There was a small bed in the corner that had two stuffed animals sitting on it and next to it was a window. On the other side was a table and an empty book shelf. The base colour of the room was shocking.

She placed her box down and began unpacking. There was a knock on the door and in walked Murasakibara.

"Imouto, want some help?" he asked with a scowling expression. He was most likely forced to offer his assistance by Niko.

Yui chuckled, "There isn't much to unpack. I don't have that many things so if you want, you can just keep me company by sitting on the bed," She knew he didn't like doing chores and didn't push him. It was easier if she unpacked herself anyway since she would know where things were.

Yui tossed him a packet of his favourite chips and warned him about dropping crumbs. He accepted it and took a comfortable position on the bed watching something on his phone.

The brunette placed her novels and textbooks on the shelf and her special blanket in the top cupboard of her wardrobe. That blanket was wrapped around her when she arrived at the orphanage and she figured her biological mother must've given it.

Yui placed her camera on the table and hung her clothes in the wardrobe. She also had a few posters of American singers and celebrities that she had once snuck out to buy.

Once everything was settled, Yui remembered something important.

"Are you busy today Atsu-nii?"

"Hmmm, not really. Akachin cancelled practice,"

"Would you like to go shopping with me? I just realised I need something important,"

With much hesitation, he agreed and the two went to find their siblings. Niko had just stepped out of her room when she saw Yui and ran to hug her.

"Eeek my cute imouto, how can this Nee-chan be of assistance?" She said not realising the girl she was hugging was turning blue from lack of oxygen.

"Baka, you're suffocating her," Ryu appeared in the hallway. Sora followed shortly after and soon all the siblings were facing each other.

Yui was released and she panted trying to gather her breath. Atsushi patted her on the back and gave the stink eye to his older sister who pouted. "Sorry imouto,"

"I-it's fine. Since you're all here, I need to buy something important which I totally forgot. I was hoping one of you would accompany Atsu-nii and I,"

"Hmm? Sora's has a school project to complete so Ryu and I can come," Niko stated. Hiroshi was at work and their parents were having a nap.

"We'll take my car in that case,"

Thank goodness Ryu's car was relatively big or else they would have been squashed inside. Being a tall family required them to purchase bigger things than most people.

Niko went and changed into some skinny ripped jeans with a white t-shirt and black jacket. Ryu wore a regular sweater with dark pants and a beanie. Atsushi wore a blue t-shirt and white hoodie. Yui wore a simple knee length dress and high-top converse.

Once fully dressed, the group piled into the vehicle and Ryu drove to the nearest shopping centre.

"What is it that you need to buy Yui-chan?" Niko asked looking into mirror.

"Um, I need a laptop."

Everyone raised an eyebrow. " Why would a middle-schooler need a laptop?"

Yui bit her lip, "D-don't worry about the money, I can pay for it. But I really need a laptop,"

"Where would you have got the money to pay for such a thing?" Niko asked. Yui knew she couldn't keep her secret life as a webnovelist for long and decided to come clean and tell them about it and her plans.

"Wow Yui, I didn't know you were so smart," Ryu commented impressed by his new imouto.

"To be able to think of such a thing...your novels are doing well right?"

"Yeah they are. I know I won't need the money anymore but now I write because I enjoy it and my readers deserve to get regular updates with how supportive they've been,"

Ryu took a right and stopped at the red light.

"The account your earnings are going into is still under that Miss Hana right? I trust her since you said she's a good person but if you're fine with it, you can put it under my name until you turn 16," Niko offered. Yui contemplated for a moment but realised it was a better arrangement because it was highly unlikely that she'll meet Miss Hana frequently.

"I think I'll do that."