Defeat the Kings

"*Brrrt* Foul, pushing, number ten," The ref blew his whistle. It was Kagami's third foul already against the baldy who smirked. Seirin slapped their faces in exasperation. Kuroko looked at his friend who could be seen turning angrier by the minute.

Kise and Kasamatsu sat up in the stands watching the game.

"Seihou isn't a team with geniuses. It's a team with experts,"

Kise smirked. "But if you're talking about experts, there's one in Seirin too," He eyed the blue-head on court.

Kuroko started making his moves on court and making his special passes. Seihou was taken by surprise, much like all other teams when facing Kuroko. Kagami jumped for blocks and Hyuga made steady threes. Eventually, they were able to bring the points to a tie at 19.

Tsugawa, the baldy, was irritated. He was annoyed the team hadn't reached their goal of getting a gap in points. The captain of Seihou warned the team not to underestimate or look down on Seirin. Tsugawa could only put on an ugly face.

The second quarter began. Kuroko continued his attack with Seirin and Kagami made another dunk. It was only a little bit before Kise noticed something off. Kagami should not have been sweating so much. Tsugawa smirked as he got ready to mark Kagami.

The red head dribbled the ball up to the net with Tsugawa in front of him and the baldy defended and made sure to touch Kagami's chest before falling backwards.

*Brrrt* "Offensive foul, white number 10," the ref blew his whistle. It was Kagami's fourth foul and he glanced down to see the baldy smirking at hime. Kagami clenched his fists and glared at Tsugawa realising he did that on purpose. Everyone face-palmed.

Riko sighed and stood up ready to sub him out. Surprisingly, Kuroko was subbed out too as the senpais wanted to finish what they started last year. Hyuga also knew that if they wanted to beat Midorima, the best course of action was to save the duo's strength.


Yui tapped her fingers on the seat gritting her teeth and glaring at Tsugawa. Players like him were the most annoying type and she hated his attitude. Anyway, it won't matter when Seirin beats them. The second-years were doing a good job with their polished skills. Most of them anyway. Koganei's shooting was...average at best and missed three times in a row.

Tsuchida wanted to beat Koganei after he missed all the rebounds her brought to him.

The game continued and the points were 49-54 with Seihou in the lead. The ball was sent flying out of bounds and the cat-face ran after it. He managed to throw it back in only to lose balanced and fall over the bench.

"Koganei-kun, Koganei-kun!!" Riko kneeled next to the boy. "No good, his eyes are spinning. Might be a slight concussion. We have to substitute him,"

"Then let me play coach!" Kagami stood up.

"What are you talking about? You know you can't. Did you forget already what you need to use this energy for, moron! We'll finish it ourselves so just wait." Hyuga chided.

"Still, I can't just stand doing nothing after all! If I can do anything for you senpais..."

"I think the same too," a quiet voice said beside Kagami. Kuroko slapped his hand on Kagami's face. "That is why the person with four fouls should stay back,"

"What did you say you bastard?!"

Yui giggled watching their banter from the stands. She zoomed her camera in and took more photos. Just then, her phone buzzed and she flipped it open and answered.

"Hello? I'm kind of busy right now–"

"Yui-chan! Can you come home please?" a cracked voice sounded through the phone.

"Ryu-nii? What happened to your voice?"

"-cough- It seems I've come down with a cold. Everyone is out of the house right now and you're the only one whose not busy,"

'....I said I was busy though. Did he not hear?'

"But I'm busy–" She was cut off by more coughing though it sounded a bit exaggerated. Yui rubbed the side of her head annoyedly. "Fine! I'm coming dammit," she hung up before he could respond.

'Crap, now she was going to miss the rest of the game. Hopefully someone'll come home before the end of the Shutoku one.

She left the stadium soon after and caught the bus home. As soon as she arrived, she opened the door only to see and large figure running towards her.

"Yuiii-chaann!" Ryu arrived in front of her and attempted to hug her but the girl ducked seeing the oncoming hands.

"Ryu-nii! You're going to get me sick." she tiptoed and put her hand on his forehead.

"You've got a fever. Go lie in bed, I'll bring some rice porridge up,"

Her brother nodded like a little child and obediently went back to bed as Yui busied herself in the kitchen. Honestly, you'd think a grown man would be able to take care of himself. Ryu seemed fine enough to walk around and talk.

Half-an-hour later, Yui opened the door to Ryu's room and brought a bowl of rice porridge with her. The boy sat up smelling the fragrance of the soup and wore a woozy smile.

"Ah, my cute imouto is so caring to me."

Yui rolled her eyes and sat beside him handing the bowl of soup. Ryu sniffed, "Oh no, it seems I'm too weak to feed myself," Oh how fake that sounded.

Yui was nearing the end of her patience but held herself back from saying anything and fed him his soup. Who knew such a big guy would turn into a small child the moment they become sick. This reminded her of when she used to take care of small children in the orphanage.

Yui stayed with Ryu and took care of him until Niko arrived home.

The girl checked the time and quickly left to catch the bus back to the stadium. When she arrived, she was distraught at seeing Kagami jumping to block Midorima's shot and Kuroko tapping the ball out of his hand.

'Noooooooo!!!! How could this be??!!!!! I thought the game was later.' Yui cried. She couldn't believe she missed one of the most memorable games in the first season. Good thing she paid off a random student to take photos but she really wanted to see the game in person.

'Curse you Ryu! Oh well no use complaining.' Yui sulked as she watched the two teams shake hands. Once again she baked a batch of muffins and walked out to find the green head.


Midorima, though he did not show it, was still in a state of shock. He seriously didn't think he would lose and his horoscope for today was the best for cancer. That Kuroko just never gave up. Right after the game, he excused himself from the team and went outside to stand in the rain which hid his tears.

After an annoying call from a certain pink and dark-blue heads, he went back to the locker room only to find Takao and the team talking to a familiar face.


"Oh Midorima-san. It's been awhile," Yui said with a smile. Takao narrowed his eyes and looked at the two.

"Ne Shin-chan, you never told us you had a girlfriend,"

Miyaji glared at his junior. "Tsk. This bastard actually has a girlfriend?"

Midorima's face went black. "She isn't my girlfriend. We were friends in junior-high,"

"Ehhh. But I've never seen you talk to a girl before," Takao said smirking.

Midorima ignored him and turned to Yui. "Why are you here? You watched the game?"

"Unfortunately I missed the whole thing and only got here in time to see you lose," Yui grinned innocently.

Midorima scowled. "You...don't seem too surprised,"

"Ehhh! What makes you say that? Fufu," Yui said still wearing an innocent face.

"Anyway brushing that aside–here," she handed him the bag.

"What's this?"

"A congratulatory gift," Yui smiled.

"We lost the match," Takao said staring at the bag.

"True but Midorima-san, you've learnt something important from it haven't you?"

The team looked towards the megane who frowned. 'This girl...'

"I've made muffins for the whole team. Hope you enjoy them." Yui said before walking off. Midorima glanced at the bag in his hands and was about to open it before Takao snatched it away and the team crowded around him who opened the container.


"Wah Shin-chan! It smells so good,"

"Gimme one,"

"Move over I want one too,"

The team snatched a muffin each and devoured it.

"I'm so jealous Shin-chan. How come you're friends with a girl?"

Midorima picked up a muffin and bit into it and a familiar taster engulfed his mouth. "We weren't that close but she used to hang out with us now and again. She was closer with Momoi, our old manager and Kuroko since they were in the same year. And..."

The team looked towards the green head. "She is the sister of one of my former teammates,"



Midorima flinched at the shouts and felt a buzz from his pocket and checked phone and saw a message.

[I forgot to tell you Midorima-san but I'd appreciate it if you kept our meeting a secret. Even from Atsu-nii. Think of it as payment for the muffins. :)]

'Didn't she say it was a gift?'