Poor Murasakibara / Another bad idea

{ Okay before I start this chapter, I realised I messed up big time. When I double checked the manga, it turns out Murasakibara was already at the nationals when those guys were at the training camp. So i'll just ignore that and continue with my story.}


When Yui and the siblings arrived home, they immediately unpacked and handed some souvenirs to their mom before settling back into the house.

Yui plucked herself down on the sofa and switched on the tv. She was currently too lazy to do any work and just felt like relaxing as if she didn't just return from vacation. Ryu and Niko went to sleep and Sora just played games in his room.

Nanami just looked at her children and felt like giving all of them a good slap. The brats just returned from vacation and are still lazing around.

Yui switched on her phone and saw a message from Kagami that said [Aomine won.]

She wasn't surprised but she was proud of how well Kise played remembering the anime. She replied back.

[Don't think this is all Aomine is capable of.]

[What do you mean?]

[Aomine still has a lot of things up his sleeve. If he had a weakness during the match, it'd be his soft spot for Kise.]

Kagami scrunched his face thinking something wrong but Yui sent another message.

[I think you might get the wrong idea. When I say he has a soft spot, I mean it where it's like Kise is the younger brother and Aomine is the older. Kise looks up to Aomine and wants to surpass him and Aomine plays in a way for that not to happen but doesn't show his full strength.]

'Oh that's what she meant.' Kagami felt embarrassed but brushed it off pretty quickly and typed back.

[I will beat him.]

[Do your best!]

Yui grinned at her phone and jumped when it started buzzing. The name on the screen was Atsu-nii.



"Atsu-nii, why are you calling all of a sudden?"

"Where are you guys?"

Yui's face morphed into confusion. "What do you mean? We're in Tokyo."


"I said we're in Tokyo...at home. Why?"

The line went silent and Yui was sure she heard a muffled cry. 'Eh?'

"Atsu-nii? What happened?"

There was another sound and a second voice came on the phone. "Yui-san?"

"Eh? Tatsuya-san? What happened to my brother? Is he crying?"

"This...actually, we came from Akita for the Inter-high nationals tournament and Atsushi said you guys were on vacation somewhere around here. We came to the inn to surprise you but you weren't there so..."

Yui put together what happened and was muddled on whether to laugh or pity her poor brother.

*Sigh* "Sorry Tatsuya-san, could you give him the phone please?"

"Sure...just give me a sec,"

The line was silent for a while before Murasakibara's voice came back on only now it was shaking though he did his best to hide it.

Yui then spent the next 20 minutes trying to console him. It was hilarious how different the guy was between other people and her. His brain was that of a toddler at some points and at others, he seemed like a normal teen.

Finally reassuring him that she wouldn't tell anyone about what happened and that they can go on another vacation, the call ended.

'What a baka.'


"Why are we here?" Kagami asked Yui who was busy jotting down something in her notepad. This morning, Kagami woke up to a phone call from the girl saying she and the four delinquents were planning to hang out again today.

By instinct, he immediately rejected the idea of joining them after a certain exploding warehouse flashback but remembered the blackmail photos that Rio still had and fell depressed.

Currently, the six of them were standing outside this shady rundown building that would give anyone the creeps. How did they find it and why were they here?

Well in short, Yui discovered a post online that caught her attention. It was about this building that was said to have been an old factory that operated in the 80s but went out of business because of something that happened there.

It was the factory's 10th anniversary that day and the workers celebrated by having a small gathering that went late into the night. Around 11pm that night, one of the workers had gotten up to get fresh air outside on the balcony but later, was found dead near a dumpster. His arms and legs were cut off and eyeballs gorged out.

The workers and staff of the factory were horrified when they heard what happen since that worker was well known as a nice guy. It was only a week after the incident when one of the staff started acting up at work all of a sudden. They said she began speaking in weird languages, shouting at everyone and was sometimes spotted digging through the trash.

It was almost as if she was...possessed. Two days after, that same factory staff was found dead, in the toilet. You'd think this was the end but no, it was only the beginning.

During that same year, over 10 workers were said to have suddenly acted up one day and they were always found dead less than a week after. The police and investigators, from beginning to end were unable to find any evidence towards their mysterious deaths and behaviours and soon, people were too afraid to go near the factory and the owner had to shut it down.

It was believed the factory was filled with ghosts and evil spirits just ready to suck the life out of any human who treads on their territory.


"That's really creepy," Rio muttered. "How could there be no evidence or something? Was it really a ghost?"

"Well I don't believe it. This is probably just some old building that wasn't needed anymore or had contract issues and needed to close down," Haruka said. "People write and make up anything nowadays."

"I don't know, my grandma's superstitious and she always tells me stuff like this happens because someone angered the souls of dead people." Hiro shivered.

Yui listened to their words and her face transformed into a mischievous smile.

Kagami who saw this had a bad premonition. Surely she wouldn't suggest–

"I wanted to see for myself and thought we should investigate it. Don't ya think it'll be fun?"

...Of course she would.


A/N: Yui's up to no good again and of course she's dragging Kagami with her. Who knows what'll happen this time.