Himuro Tatsuya / Call from the Emperor

"Tadaima," a bland voice said. Yui looked up from the couch and saw Atsushi walk in.

"Atsu-nii, okaeri. I didn't know you'd be coming today. What about your team?"

"They're at the hotel," another voice sounded and Yui stood up from the seat to see Himuro in the flesh standing behind her brother.

"Oh you must be Himuro-san," Yui pretended to just have recognised him. "Wow you really are good-looking," and of course her mouth just couldn't shut up. She wanted to slap herself at this moment.

Tatsuya blinked at the girl's straightforwardness and chuckled. "Thank you."

Murasakibara gave a small glare to his friend that said 'don't even think about it'. Himuro pretended not to see the glare. It wasn't like he was gonna do anything anyway since he had other things to focus on.

"Nice to finally meet you in person. Atsushi always talks about you." Himuro responded. Yui was thankful he didn't think she was weird after her comment and relaxed.

"Oh is that so? What does he say?"

"Imoutochin makes the best dumplings. Imoutochin is really small...Imoutoch–"Himuro stopped after sensing a dark aura next to him.

Yui snickered as she caught sight of her brother's embarrassed face.

"Awww, I missed you too Atsu-nii,"

Murasakibara just turned away and went to the kitchen. "Mmmm" Half-way, he stopped and turned back before walking towards Yui. She blinked as his hand reached out to pat her head and watched as he returned.

Himuro saw the exchange and raised an eyebrow. 'Atushi...really cares for her huh.' The purple giant barely displayed any emotion unless it was related to food so he was interested in the fact his friend outwardly showed his care for another person. It didn't seem like much to a spectator but to close friends and those who knew Murasakibara, it was certainly a different sight.

"Himuro-san, you can take a seat here. I'll go bring some snacks and a drink. Would you like something hot or cool?"

"Thank you Yui-san. If it's not too much trouble, I'll take something hot."

"No problem."

Himuro made himself comfortable on the couch and Murasakibara came back in and sat next to him. The two watched tv and little while later, Yui came out holding some mini donuts and Himuro's drink.

"I made these donuts early this morning so they're pretty fresh. Here's you drink Himuro-san. I hope you like hot chocolate."

Himuro looked at the neatly presented snacks and smiled. "I do. Thanks for the snacks."

Murasakibara was already reaching for a donut and Yui rolled her eyes at him. She sat next to him and the three of them just watched tv.

Himuro bit into a donut and his usual poker face changed slightly. The donuts were really good. 'Atsushi wasn't lying when he said she was good at baking.'

"Theses are really delicious Yui-san. Could you tell me the recipe?"

Yui brightened. "Eh? Sure, I can write it down for you."

After that, the two began conversing over food recipes and whatnot while Murasakibara was in his own world snacking. He did take part in commenting now and again on what he found delicious from their conversation and asked Yui to make some of the recipes.

An hour later, there was a bang at the door and someone swore.

"**** who left their bag here?!!" a very angry Niko burst into the living room. Her toe was throbbing from having jabbed it against a black sports bag.

She saw the three on the couch and her eyes zeroed in on Murasakibara who paled slightly.

"Atsushi!!" She grabbed his ear and demanded he clear his bags from the doorway. After that, she saw a new face in the room and apologised.

"Ah sorry for the commotion. I'm these two's older sister. You are..."

"Himuro Tatsuya. I go to Yosen."

"Oh you're Atsu's friend. Nice to meet you and thanks for taking care of him."

"Nice to meet you too,"

"Himuro-san here plays basketball as well," Yui said. "Which reminds me, how was the championship?"

"The inter-high? Well we lost to Rakuzan. Atsushi didn't play."

'Oh right. I forgot about that.' Yui remembered that Akashi had told him not to play and of course, Atushi listened. He never went against Akashi's words.

"That's unfortunate but Rakuzan's team is incredibly strong."

"Yep but can't say we didn't try our best."

Yui hummed in reply.

Murasakibara came back and slumped down on the couch. "Murochin, what were you talking about?"

"Yui asked me about the inter-high."

Murasakibara glanced at Yui who raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"....Aka-chin...he said you've been avoiding his calls."


Yui flinched under her brother's gaze.

A week ago, Yui had suddenly got a call from Akashi and she ignored it without hesitation. She was in no mood to talk to that crazy emperor any time soon and didn't think he'd reach out to her first considering their lukewarm friendship in middle-school.

Himuro looked confused. He knew of the Kiseki no Sedai's former captain but not much since Murasakibara barely talks about him. He's the only person his friend apparently listens to.

"Akachin doesn't like being ignored. Answer his call next time." For the first time, Murasakibara's voice was serious and Yui shrunk back. She knew he was only saying this because Akashi was unpredictable when people refuse to listen to him.


Right as she said that, her mobile started ringing and she had a bad feeling.

Murasakibara looked at her and Yui glanced at her phone before wincing.

'Dammit. How the hell does this guy know everything?'

She had no choice but to answer though and as she did, a cold voice came through not even allowing her to speak.

"You've got some nerve Yui to ignore my calls,"


"It's because you don't like what happened at the championship last year." It was a statement. Not a question.

"...I'm sure you already know. Good to talk to you again, but why are you suddenly calling me?"

"I still haven't heard an apology."

Yui bit her lip. "I'm sorry for not picking up your calls Akashi-san."

"How insincere." Yui was about to say something before he continued talking, "I'm in Tokyo for a bit and I want to eat your cooking. Come to my house with Atsushi and Himuro-san,"

'Seriously, does he have eyes everywhere? He's more of a stalker than me.'

"I understand. When should we come?"


"Eh? But I need to cook for--"

"Are you going to disobey my orders?"

Yui clenched her fists. She could easily retort with some colourful language but thought about the many things at stake and Akashi's influence and slightly psycho mind...it was a no brainer.

"No. I'll come soon."

He hung up without saying good-bye. Yui turned to the two boys next to her.

"He wants us to go to his mansion. Now."

Murasakibara grumbled but knew he had no choice. Himuro asked, "Then I'll go back first."

"No, he said for you to come as well."

Himuro's poker face changed to surprise. "Me too? But I don't think I've met him before. Do I really need to go?"

"Murochin, you can't disobey Akashi. If he said for you to go then you have to,"

Yui nodded grudgingly at her brother's words. She was upset because she was planning to cook dinner here but now she couldn't.

*Sigh* "Looks like I can't make dinner tonight. I'll have to tell Niko-nee,"


a/n: hello readers. Just publishing this one chapter then it's back to another short hiatus.

I hate uni