Start of the Winter Cup

It was the weekend. The weather in Tokyo was cool and pleasant. And as much as Yui wished to go outside, she couldn't. The reason? School.

After months of mucking around and with the addition of a certain 'boyfriend', Yui had been...neglecting her education to the point she was behind in her studies. When Kagami left for the States, she decided that now was the perfect time to catch up on everything so that she'd be free for the Winter Cup.

Thankfully her parents didn't check up on her otherwise she was bound to receive some punishment. Her siblings couldn't care less as they were all too busy with their own work but even if they knew she was behind, they'd probably say 'welcome to the club'.

Rio had contacted her a couple of days ago since he and the others were planning to watch a movie together but Yui refused.

Normally she would have happily agreed but due to a certain redhead, she was apparently banned from meeting those four if he wasn't around.

To be clear, Kagami was not a controlling boyfriend. Quite the opposite actually but there were times he drew the line.

He knew better than anyone the trouble Yui and the others would get themselves into and he knew how reckless she could be.

So in other words, he was telling her to stay put for her own good.

And as for Yui, she also understood where Kagami was coming from (part of her agreed with him), and as the lovely awesome girlfriend she was, she obeyed.

This also meant that Yui stayed home right until the start of the Winter Cup.

On the day, she received a message.

[I'm back] - Taiga ♡

She smiled to herself and quickly marked down the date in her diary. Underneath it, she wrote:

Winter Cup Begin!


Kagami was late. Very late.

Riko was definitely going to bite his ass off. The thought made him grimace and fasten his pace towards the arena.

His trip to the States was the right decision. Thanks to his mentor, he was able to improve by leaps and bounds and his jumps were higher than before. Now he was back and ready to conquer.

Entering the compounds, Kagami hastily made his way over to the entrance of the gym but stopped when he caught sight of some familiar faces. The Generation of Miracles.

But who...

There was a redhead boy at the top of the staircase looking down at the others. Right from where he stood, Kagami could sense that the boy was on a whole other level. The dangerous aura he gave off was enough to send a slight shiver down Kagami's spine.

But, Kagami was never one to back down from a challenge so he waltzed over to them and made his presence known.


Yui slapped her face when she saw her boyfriend walking over to the generation of miracle's meeting - uninvited. For some reason, Kagami seemed to lose all common sense when it came to the GOM and gave into his emotions.

Idiot. But...maybe she should have warned him beforehand what kind of person Akashi is.

...Eh, it's not like he'd listen anyway.

For scrapbook's sake, she brought out her trusty camera and snapped a few shots of the group including the part where Akashi nearly stabbed Kagami's eye out. Heh.

Satisfied with the pictures, she made sure the coast was clear before scampering off into the gymnasium. The Winter Cup has now officially begun.

The opening ceremony came and went and soon, the first preliminary rounds started.

Seirin's first opponent was Josei High.

If Yui had to summarise the match in one word, it would be 'hilarious'. This specifically applied to Kagami who was a little too fired up. To the point the idiot headbutt the rim.

She made sure to zoom in on that one.

Seirin won the match with an overwhelming 47 point lead. An excellent start.

Yui sent a congratulatory message to Kagami who regretfully declined her invitation to a lunch date under the premise of training and focus which Yui could accept. He promised her a date later on.

Yui wasn't all that interested in the other matches and only went to Seirin's. She had to support her boyfriend of course.

The match against Senshinkan High ended with Seirin as the winner but they only had a 17 point lead - a stark contrast to their game against Josei. But not unexpected since every school that has made it this far was undoubtedly strong.

And then came the day.

Seirin Vs Shutoku.

If Yui was honest, this game was the most-nervewrecking to watch when the anime first came out. Both teams were so evenly matched because Takao was Kuroko's total opposite.

If the match had gone into overtime, Yui would have no doubt that Shutoku would win. Thankfully, that didn't happen.

Sitting in the stands, Yui held her camera to her eye and snapped shots of the entire game. She was wearing her usual (awful) disguise and looking suspicious as ever. Hopefully her brother doesn't spot her.

Down on the court, Kuroko pulled out his vanishing drive trick and successfully got past Midorima's defense much to the shock of everyone watching.

"Nice Kuroko-kun!" Yui cheered. The look on Midorima's face was priceless.


The same thing happened to Takao who tried to use his special hawkeye to thwart the pale boy but Kuroko still managed to get past him.

It was invigorating to watch.

Even for those who weren't basketball fans, they were swept up with the bursting atmosphere.

"Aw come on! What the hell's wrong with Shutoku?! Seirin should be a piece of cake for them!"

Yui's eye twitched. What kind of idiot--

"And that number 10! He must be doping. How else would he be able to match the miracles?"

Oh hell no.

Yui swerved her head around to meet the eyes of the insolent bastard who was running his mouth.

"Hey idiot, do you have a brain in that thick skull of yours or is it filled with bullshit? Use your eyes dumbass and accept the truth that Seirin and their number ten ain't weaklings. Also, if you want to run your useless mouth, try not to in the middle of Seirin supporters,"

The boy who spouted nonsense looked around and saw that everyone was glaring at him with angry eyes. He wanted to defend himself but Yui's words embarrassed him and he shrunk down into his seat.

'Tch, dumbshit.'

Yui was getting more vulgar as the days passed.

Her attention was now back on the match and she watched with glee as Kagami dunked the ball.

"That's my man,"
