Hot Spring Trip (2)

As all problems start, it began with Rio.

The first ten minutes soaking in the steaming water was wonderful with the males and females divided by a tall bamboo wall. Both sides were having a great time.

That is until a group of college boys came in. The bully kind.

The moment they stepped into the water, Rio was forcibly shoved towards Akito who glared at him.

Rio turned to look at the perpetrator who only gave him a provocative smirk and said,

"What're you looking at?"

Rio's face twitched, "Nothing."

Hiro, Akito, and Sora eyed the situation but said nothing. As long as no one started fight everything would be fi--

"There wasn't much to look at,"

Dammit, Rio.

The college swerved his head to look at their cornrow friend who was sporting a wide grin on his face. Idiot.

"What the f*** did you say?" the guy growled.

Rio shrugged, "Nothing much. Just the truth. I mean, with a dick as small as yours, there really wasn't much to look at."

Rio's three other companions slapped their foreheads.

"You son of a--"

"WHAT? What was that? Sorry, I couldn't hear you," Rio mocked placing a hand behind his ear.

With the hot water, the college boy's temperature seemed to spike as his entire face turned red and he lunged at Rio aiming for a punch.

And that was only the start of it.


On the other side of the wall, Haruka and Yui were having a nice time chatting. Their naked bodies heated up with the hot water making their heads feel fuzzy.

"Maybe we should get out now," Yui suggested. Her face was as red as a tomato.

Haruka nodded, "Yeah. Let's get a drink to cool off."

The two girls climbed out of the water and grabbed their robes before walking to the changing room. Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the other side of the wall making them turn around in wonder.

"Those guys are making quite the ruckus," Yui chuckled. "At least they're having fun."

"Yup. Hopefully not too much fun," Haruka rubbed her nose.

They went back inside and changed into their clothes before leaving the changing room to grab a drink.

Standing at the vending machine, Haruka paid for the drinks while Yui took a seat on the bench with a cool towel over her forehead. After receiving the drink from Haruka, she opened the cap and took a long sip from the opening before sighing in content.

It was peaceful.

Until it wasn't.

"Starting a fight in an onsen?! This isn't a fighting arena! From now on, I don't want to see any of you brats back here!"

The owner of the hot spring inn yelled at the two groups of people, both groups having their heads down.

They bowed again to apologize and were quickly chased out.

Haruka and Yui looked at the boys who now had bruised faces and busted lips. Their stares turned into glares as they scolded them.

"What the hell were you guys thinking? Why'd you start a fight - and with college boys?!" Haruka shouted, her voice echoing in the parking lot.

"It was Rio who provoked them," Akito mumbled.

The glares shifted onto the shrinking boy.

"You dumbass!" they exclaimed simultaneously.

"I...they were the ones being a bitch," Rio muttered.

Haruka's blood pressure which had previously gone down was now rising up again at a faster rate. Yui noticed her fists were trembling as if ready to punch some sense into the boy in front of her.


"HEY!" a shrilly voice got their attention and they saw a girl, older than them, marching up to them with a glare. "Are you the ones who beat our boyfriends?!"


They looked behind her and saw the college boys standing a couple feet away with a girl staring at them. They didn't look too happy but the other girl marching up to them seemed furious.

"How dare you lay your dirty hands on them? Stupid peasants like you should know your place!" she shrieked.

That's when they noticed the college group were standing around what looked to be a Rolls-Royce car.

Haruka and Yui both twitched.

"Stupid..." Yui started.

"...Peasants?" Haruka finished.

'Oh no' thought the boys.

"Well little miss princess, no one told your boytoys to be so damn weak that they can't take a simple beating," Haruka said with a sickly sweet smile.

"I think you mean little miss bitch, cause like, she keeps bitching in bitch-like voice," Yui sneered.

College bastards Vs Ragtag group: Round 2

Cue hair pulling, face scratching, shin-kicking, and lots of screaming.

And that evening, Yui and Sora reached home looking like they returned from war.

The Murasakibara siblings were too afraid to ask what the hell went wrong on a simple onsen trip.



Yui pulled the phone away from her ear wincing. She should've known Kagami would react like this.

Then he began lecturing her about why he knew something like this would happen and why she should've just stayed home.

"Hey, the rest of the trip was fine," Yui argued. "The hot springs were very comforting."

"Hot springs are supposed to be comforting!" he shouted. "You don't start fights the-- you know what? I'll just beat Rio up myself."

"Yeah well you're gonna have to wait in line," Yui muttered looking at her fingers.

The boy let out a long sigh. Just hearing about his girlfriend's day was stressful.

Yui felt bad and decided to change the subject, "What about you? How was training?"

"How do you think? I could barely move by the end of it,"

"I guess that's to be expected. Your coach is really tough,"

Kagami snorted, "Tell me about it. But I know this is necessary if we want to win."

"And I'm sure you will. You worked really hard for this," Yui smiled into the phone. "I'm sure you'll be fine."

"You're coming to watch right?" asked the boy.

"Of course. Just don't expect me to meet you openly. I like the element of surprise and it's not time yet," she smirked.

"I don't really care either way. As long as you're there," he muttered.

Aww. She really has the best boyfriend.

After exchanging a few more words, the couple ended the call and Yui lay back on her pillow closing her eyes.

Another chaotic day has passed in the life of Yui.
