Blood Valkyrie (1)

-I don't know where love comes from, I don't know how love comes but I know that love hurts.


Luphinus definitely did not think that he had been captured. In fact, that little detail, given his situation and where he was now, he couldn't really deny that statement if someone honestly asked him, he was tied up with chains, injected with dozens of tranquilizers capable of dropping an elephant in matters seconds and was slowly being lowered into a tank full of carnivorous piranhas ... with teeth that looked like iron stakes ... and were the same size as a medium-sized dog ...

In fact, this was just a minor inconvenience that he would soon be able to escape from ... anytime right now ... as soon as the room stopped spinning from side to side.

Now, the newly appointed Hero Number One would not be so worried about it, if it were just him, but no, fate is really a shrew, if it weren't for the man tied up right next to him. He had long black hair that reached shoulder height, sharp eyes and a chocolate brown hue, his skin was pale pale, with a thin but muscular body, he was wearing a strange outfit, the whole length of his arms along with his legs they were covered with a piece of armor, protecting them so to speak, in the area of ​​his chest there was a strange white tunic that seemed to be covering his whole body, there was a mark on his right chest, which reminded him of a trident, which was apparently embroidered, directed diagonally to the right.

This man is known as Azul Una, just like him, he was also a hero, although they were not very close in their civilian lives, if they could consider living normal lives due to the heroic career and the fame and misfortune it brought him. , they could still be considered co-workers having friendly relationships.

Both were working on two apparently separate and unrelated cases, smuggling exotic animals and jewelry theft, until the two cases by mere coincidence turned out to be the same. To summarize the criminals' actions, smugglers were using snakes and other reptiles to bring illicit goods into the country. Unfortunately, these criminals were slightly smarter than the network of common criminals, who both are used to facing daily, and somehow managed to overthrow the two heroes, rather than the other way around.

"Look what a mess you got us into this time, Luphinus." Let's go ahead without calling for reinforcements, it will be super easy. They're not expecting this. "That's what you said." We caught them off guard and ended it in a matter of seconds. "Those were exactly your words." The black-haired hero grunted, as he was slowly being lowered into a hole where there were some tigers. The criminals 'big idea was that they would be eaten by the animals so that the smugglers' gang had time to escape, and then the animals would be sent to different parts of the country to get rid of any and all possible evidence of them.

However, at a time when the two heroes were in serious danger of being transformed into high-quality food with many important nutrients for a balanced meal for unique pets, a dark figure erupted through the nearby window, scattering glass everywhere. . Luphinus definitely recognized that red blur instantly.

"Ah, Valkyrie!" Luphinus greeted the sudden invader with a smile. The watcher fell to the floor, blowing her bangs over her face and examining her surroundings.

"Luphinus and… Azul Una, right?" The vigilante then smiled back, before directing her gaze on those criminals who were left behind, to ensure the success of her plan. "So, let's just jump to the part where I hit you both, until you are unrecognizable by your mothers, or ..." Valkyrie stopped talking when she saw them recovering from the shock and took up their weapons. "I'm going to take that as a no then." She then dove, dodged the shots and kept moving, sending shards of glass back at them as a kind of counterattack.

"You know her?" Azul Una asked her fellow catcher with a raised eyebrow.

"We've met a few times before." Luphinus said.

"So ... is she the type of girl who has an action plan or is she more of the improvised girl type?" Azul Una asked genuinely curious about the young watchman, this was the first time they were meeting.

"Oh, she has a plan." Luphinus assured him.

"Really? So why is she currently trapped behind a cover and they are approaching her?" Blue Una countered.

"I said she has a plan, I never said it would be useful in this situation and we are currently tied up and about to become animal food." Luphinus countered again.

"Whose fault is this?" Blue Una countered.

But just as it seemed that Valkyrie was completely hopeless, the guards stopped to reload their weapons. That was when she appeared and snatched the weapons from his hands. The two guards looked at her hands for a moment, obviously confused by the situation.

Valkyrie took a piece of wood and immediately freed them from their misery.

"Hey, watchman!" Blue Una shouted. "A little help is always welcome!"

Smiling, the masked woman sent shards of broken glass to free Azul Una's hands. -Why they decided to use rope for their ties, no one will ever know- Aware that the veteran hero could leave there alone, the watcher turned his attention to Luphinus. Jumping onto the porch, she hit the switch just as her hair was starting to get wet.

"Hey handsome." She greeted him with another smile.

Luphinus just smiled back at the watchman. So he wouldn't say anything stupid in that situation.

"It was a really heroic thing you did…" Azul Una praised the young watchman. "... But unfortunately you are under arrest."

Arching an eyebrow, Valkyrie pouted, but raised her wrists. "Frankly, I already wondered why, blah blah blah stuck this ... blah blah blah stuck that ..."

As neither of the two heroes was actually in handcuffs at the time, or anything used to arrest them, Luphinus had to wait awkwardly with Valkyrie until the police showed up.

"So… it looks like we'll have a good time for the rest of the week." Luphinus asked ... after seven minutes and twenty-two seconds ... yes ... Luphinus said, of a silence that he found quite strange.

Valkyrie just gave him an empty look that practically shouted 'seriously?'.

"Are you just going to chatter about the weather, Mister-I-Hate-Awkward-Silences?"

"Unless you have something better to say."

"Small talk with the prisoner before being sent behind bars, I can think of several much better and really relevant topics. Starting with, exactly how much hair gel do you use to get that hairstyle of yours?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your hair, that shape strangely resembles a damn mohawk. You know, the Cannon of Justice. The Intergalactic Cruiser of the Rising Sun. The Spear of Light destined to destroy all the darkness in the world."

"Um, you just made up the last title right?"

"Whether I just made this up or not, it doesn't matter anymore, now stop going in circles and answer me now!"

"See, I don't really use-"

"So you're on your own then?"

"Well ... not exactly-"

"I knew it! I knew that no man can last that long without outside help!"

"Why do I have the slightest feeling that you are trying to make fun of me and my manhood?"

"If you could stop flirting with the criminal for five seconds, the police will be here." Azul Una interrupted the discussion of the young couple in love.

"She is a vigilante, not a violent psychopath, I know very well how to differentiate between a vigilante and a psychopath." Luphinus defended himself while Valkyrie put handcuffs on her correctly.

"Just admit that you are horny for vigilantes, or at least for the little vigilante, you better admit it now than later. One day you might be alive and the next somebody beat your boots." Azul Una grunted, still a little irritated by the attitude of the newly appointed hero number one.

It was then that the veteran, semi-retired hero began to take a look at the young watchman. Simple domino mask, probably stuck with glue, available in almost every costume store. The leather jacket looked warm and sturdy, but it hardly provided adequate protection, and the work boots looked worn. This told him that she didn't have a lot of resources and was instead contenting herself with things she could use in and out of 'work' so to speak.

"Is that a new jacket?" Azul Una asked through polite conversation while the cops took care of everything.

"Well, new to me. It's hot, blood stains have been easily removed recently-"

"And it seems to go with your work boots." Luphinus praised. "It is always important to coordinate the colors when containing the trampling."

"The most important factor, of course." Valkyrie laughed. This was the first time that Azul Una really saw her laugh. It was a really strange feeling indeed, it was familiar but at the same time distant.

"Always a fashion woman, I see. Her tastes will be lost behind bars." Luphinus said.

"I hate stripes." Valkyrie thought aloud.

What happened next did not surprise the two heroes at all. She kicked the cop who was holding her in the shins, stole the handcuff key from her belt, and jumped out the nearest window.

Oh no!

So tragic!

Valkyrie is running away!

There is nothing that Luphinus could do about it right now!

"Your little crush just committed aggression, you know, right?" Blue Una murmured to Luphinus.

"Nonsense! My only interest in her is rehabilitation. I believe that with a little work here and there, she can become a faithful servant of justice."

"So, is letting her escape part of your retirement therapy? It's not her best plan. Even Tekakegaki has better plans."

"Tekakegaki is not the anonymous chat app, where do you talk to 100 other people together?"

"You can really get some useful information by looking at the simplest actions. You should focus on that a little bit instead of gaining more muscle."

"It doesn't make sense. Your words are no longer making sense old. Are you starting to go crazy just like a certain person?"

"Wait until Makron knows that you had the courage to call him a crazy old gaga."

"NO !! Don't do this! I beg you please don't do this!"

~ XxX ~

Hero Number One Luphinus and the Most Wanted Watchman Bloody Valkyrie did indeed ... have an interesting relationship to say the least. If pressed by a certain person who has plagued his nightmares since high school due to his "heroic training" classes, Luphinus would admit to admiring his tenacity and determination, and for pursuing his own idea of ​​justice in this superhuman society, despite being technically on the wrong side of the law. Valkyrie would admit admiring Luphinus' ideals, even though she thought they were a little separated from the reality in which they lived, and there was no doubt about the effect that their presence had on crime rates, but there were corners that even he sometimes couldn't reach. She also thought he had a nice ass. Valkyrie could always say things that Kaguya Momoko didn't have the courage to say.

Japan's Most Wanted Watchman Valkyrie did a lot of things that Kaguya Momoko didn't have the courage to do even in a billion billion years, such as following Japan's newly appointed Number One Hero while coming home from the supermarket...

"Would you make a great housewife, have you ever thought of getting a girlfriend or single mother? What are your preferences? Younger women? Older women? Muscular women? Or women who work in flower shops?"

The only grandiose Luphinus almost dropped his purchases due to the surprise, he definitely wouldn't admit it was due to the scare. An apple rolled out of the bag and went straight up, but stopped in midair before hitting the ground.

"Valkyrie?" Luphinus asked curiously, looking around without seeing anyone.

"This way." The apple flew into his hand when it came out of a dark corner. She switched from the usual domino mask to a white surgical mask and wore normal clothes to blend in better with the crowd.

"You have to admit, this is a little scary." Luphinus joked.

"Straight from a thriller, don't you agree?" She agreed and asked her question without really expecting an answer. "A street lamp was out and I honestly couldn't resist this incredible and irresistible temptation."

They both smiled at that.

"I have a box of ice cream here, and my house is still a few blocks away, would you mind walking and talking?" Luphinus asked.

Valkyrie shrugged. "No problems." Momoko rolled the apple in her hands. "You know, you don't have to risk being nibbled by mutant fish the size of dogs just to make me feel useful."

At least Luphinus had the decency to freeze for a moment. "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about."

Valkyrie scoffed. "Please, do you have punches strong enough to level entire buildings, what are chains and some doses of tranquilizers for horses or elephants?" Valkyrie smiled sadly.

"I think ... I just wanted to make you feel like a hero before we have to handcuff you." Luphinus said.

"You say that as if you didn't know I was going to leave." Valkyrie countered.

"Kicking that officer in the shins was a brave move. A lot of elementary school." Luphinus said.

"Still one of the weakest points on the body, it always works." Valkyrie said smiling.

"Okay, I admit. You can always get out." Valkyrie then smiled in victory. "So is this the part where you tell me not to insult your intelligence for letting you rescue me?" He asked, looking almost worried.

"I thought about it, and I have to admit it was a little patronizing ..." Momo smiled, "But also a little sweet. You are probably the first person to really care what I feel."

"First person in a while, you mean that, right?"


There was an awkward silence that Momoko always hated. The kind of silence that meant that people realized unfortunate implications.

"So, uh ..." Luphinus coughed awkwardly, trying to deviate from the subject. "How did you find me?"

"Oh, a girl has to have some secrets." Valkyrie smiled, trying to break the embarrassment. "Don't worry, it was nothing to chase or invasive, I just recorded all of your sightings last year and searched for hot zones. You don't have anyone with a teleportation ability between your wings, if you had him or her they would already be known like it or not, although I know someone who has something like teleportation. From there, I just had to look for residential areas that met the description of number one, you know, six feet tall, all muscular, dark hair, blue eyes, floral tattoos on the arms, back and necks, mohawk-style hair and a strong and very strange obsession with clothes from the years- "

"You are lying!" Luphinus said interrupting his explanation of how he located him.

"What?" Valkyrie blinked, not picking up what could make him say that.

"That was kind of scary!"

She laughed again. "Hey, we all have our strengths. You are one of the greatest heroes in the country and I am very good at getting in and out of trouble. Although you have to admit it." She pondered, looking at the city lights in the distance. "Although one of them is much more useful than the other."

"You are the main watchman in Japan. You save people that the system cannot reach. This is the opposite of useless. I like that." He tried to assure her.

There was another pause there, much less strange, but filled with something that neither of them really understood. Or they were really ready to understand, at that point.

"... So you're saying that you ... like me because I'm effective ... and I don't kill anyone?" Valkyrie pursed her lips, turning the apple in her hand. "Good to know."

Luphinus caught himself, his face starting to turn red. "It doesn't mean that I really tolerate your activities! No way! You are a criminal, you know that."

"I am considered a criminal only legally." Valkyrie fired back, then turned when they realized they were at the front door of hero number one's house. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Luphinus." Momoko said, and threw the apple at him.

Luphinus took the apple without thinking much about it.
