Valkyrie: Valentine's Day

"So ... you know how there is all this shit advertising all over the place to do something special for Valentine's Day, right? To the point that you feel like you have to do something out of obligation?" Valkyrie asked suddenly, the mood between the two suddenly changed. "Well, then-" Valkyrie pulled out a simple box of chocolates, tied with a pink bow in the shape of a heart. "This is just an obligation!" Valkyrie insisted, pushing the white box of chocolates to Luphinus.

Hero number one blushed and suddenly started to get a little nervous. Valentine's Day always put Yoshio on the edge, as a hero, he knew he was always on edge in both ways, but this was a special kind of limit was the limit of embarrassment. "I uh, I had no idea that you-"

"Obligation!" Valkyrie repeated before putting her hands to her mouth.

'Come on, Yoshio. Can you do that. She's clearly nervous, so make a joke or something to make the two of you feel better. ' Yoshio then thought of useful information that he once read somewhere that he does not remember where he went, it was probably in a book. "Did you know that the real Saint Valentine was stoned to death? A more faithful observance of the holiday and issue would imply you killing someone in a murder, rather than on a date!"

Valkyrie seemed to be looking at him as if she had just seen a zebra behind the wheel of a car.

Suddenly, Luphinus had to struggle to lie flat on his face and demand that one of the vehicles hit him.

Watching nearby…

"These young adults are absolutely clueless." Vetochkina sighed, lowering his binoculars.

The watchful young woman had to seriously prepare herself not to allow herself to be followed so easily. After all, someone dangerous may be following. While the hero and the vigilante continued to stir like passionate young schoolgirls, the former Russian spy returned to Holiday, pretending not to have seen everything.

~ XxX ~

Kaguya Momoko joined his shift exactly ten minutes later and five minutes earlier. Vetochkina liked this in an employee and respected the young woman's appearance, as if she hadn't just run across the roofs with a mask.

"So, how was your Valentine's Day this year?" Vetochkina then asked innocently. "Did you give someone chocolate?"

To her credit, Momoko didn't flinch or start to blush, just scoffed and rolled her eyes. "As if it were just a stupid holiday created by greeting cards that add to that absolutely stupid sense of obligation."

The chief just sang, hiding his smile as she took inventory. "And to think that White Day is only a month away." She reflected vaguely, knowing full well that Momoko could hear her.

The young bartender stiffened and was so terrified to think of what Luphinus could do that Vetochkina couldn't help but laugh in a good-natured way.

~ XxX ~

Approximately a year later, at the Hamura Police Station ...

Detective Aoki sighed to herself. Another year has passed, yet another Valentine's Day spent at work. She was still single, another failed date, another inflated ego jerk who loved to talk about himself, she pretended she got an emergency call and left the bill for the idiot to pay, so it's not like she had a good excuse to take one day off. Still, it was a little boring to think of her partner at home laughing with her husband over dinner and drinks while she was filling out papers and reviewing old police reports.

Her e-mail account * pinged * might be something interesting.

Officials of the Vigilante Valkyrie profile at Hamura Police Station are advised

Hamura area police,

Blah, blah, blah, she is a danger to the community.

Blah, blah, blah, be sure to read this carefully.

Blah, blah, blah, we are entrusting this case to the professionals, but be ready to give all the support you can, blah, blah, blah.

Aoki rolled his eyes mentally. Several pro-heroes had already tried unsuccessfully to arrest the watchman. What exactly should they, policemen who were not authorized for lethal use of force, do about it?

If you asked Aoki's opinion on the whole matter, the staff was getting irritated because a security guard was calling attention to poor management in the area. Her police station was regularly denied adequate funds and equipment to help deal with crime incidents in the name of 'budget cuts'. At least a good third of the policemen on the payroll were lazy or dishonest, and no professional would touch the neighborhood unless he could guarantee them airtime on the local news.

You put it all on top of a superhuman society just steps away from a Hero Academy, and watchers are natural to appear. For Aoki, Valkyrie was a hero in everything but legality, although she made an honest attempt to arrest her, if only for the sake of appearance.

With that thought in his head, the detective opened the attachment.

Vigilante: Valkyrie

Birth name: unknown

Age: 20-something.

Hair color: red.

Eye color: unknown.

Ability: some form of telekinesis, upper limits unknown.

Known associates: N / A The watchman appears to be working on her own.

Criminal Record: Several cases of aggression, illegal invasion, resistance to arrest, theft, obstruction of justice, illegal use of peculiarities, destruction of private property, individual cases too numerous to list.

Projected statistics:

Power: 2/5

Speed: 3/5

Technique: 6/5

Intelligence: 5/5

Cooperativeness: 1/5

Additional Notes:

Telekinesis, while not extremely powerful, is incredibly versatile in many situations. She demonstrated advanced combat skills. Possibility of military background.

A criminal psychologist has drawn up a psychological profile, important notes summarized here:

-Valquíria shows a versatile and intensive knowledge of human behavior and emotions. She is able to use social camouflage effectively and uses her small stature and apparently weak Telekinesis to catch her opponents off guard-

-She showed an intense protective instinct for children, which and her obvious disdain for authority figures indicate a history of child abuse or neglect in childhood-

- Actions are motivated by a sense of personal responsibility and not by a desire for attention or praise. She cannot be bribed, threatened or discredited for what she is doing-

-Originally unknown, but probably related to something in his childhood-

Although Luphinus did not elaborate, it is suspected that Hero Number One uses the watchman as a confidential informant.

It is obvious from the data collected that the vigilante Valkyrie is a highly intelligent and dangerous individual. Police and professional heroes are advised to never approach alone and to request reinforcements if they are found.
