
After White Day, Momoko faces her own month of hell, learning how to be a better watchman. Because Vetochkina-sensei loves to see people squirm and does not beat around the bush!

Yuliya Vetochkina took a moment to appreciate how Kaguya Momoko squirmed. The idea that her movements and activities had been observed during the previous month, without even noticing it, obviously disturbed the watchful young woman. Yuliya let the feeling subside for now, in order to reinforce that 'Valkyrie' would have to do much better if she wanted to get out of here.

After leaving the young woman alone with the knowledge of her entire bartender shift, and realizing how well Momoko managed to mask her emotions, Yuliya invited Momoko to go up to her apartment. It didn't look like much on the surface, but Yuliya took special care to alter the apartment to suit her needs. As acoustic insulation, for example, so that there was less chance of being heard.

The watchman showed some promise by not immediately following Yuliya's direction to climb the stairs, and subtly tried to explore the area in search of potential police cars or other clues to an ambush. The Russian smiled to herself.

"OK." Momoko finally objected, and followed her, keeping a watchful eye at all times. Yuliya remarkably and quietly locked the door when they entered the room, but had very carefully left the window ajar before. Momoko certainly noticed, but at the moment she was doing a good job of not indicating what she had noticed.

"So ... how should this be? Do you speak first? Or do I speak first?" Ah, the boldness. Yuliya liked Momoko's boldness so much that it was one of the healthiest coping methods for this line of work. It was obvious that the watchman used it as a kind of shield.

"I can tell you now, that you are not in trouble. Not with me, at least." Momoko was smart enough not to believe it immediately, but Vetochkina wanted to put it openly anyway.

"How can I tell if this is not some kind of trap or trap?"

"Momoko-chan, dear, I have known you for over a year. I would like to believe that you would not consider me that bad." Although she was prudent. Momoko clenched her jaw, saying nothing.

"Do you ... want something? Because I don't really earn enough to be blackmailed." Yuliya allowed herself a small laugh.

"Nothing like that, I just want to chat about what you're doing and possibly explore a few more options." Yuliya sat on the couch, letting her body language slide into casual and, hopefully, non-threatening.

"Options." Momoko, parrot, standing upright.

"Oh, sit down, you're just going to make me crank my neck to look at you." Momoko didn't move at first, but then she sat on the arm of the chair right in front of the boss. Excellent choice, keeping in view of the window, and not in direct line with the door if someone tries to enter. "I imagine you have some questions."

"… How did you find me?"

"Let's see, a friendly neighborhood watcher with rust-red hair and telekinesis, and a waitress with the same rust-red hair with telekinesis who usually comes into the office with bruises and bandaged wounds, for no apparent reason. What does that do to me think?" Momoko pursed her lips, but nodded. "Moving on, I think it would be better if you suggested that your Telekinesis is limited by size, rather than weight. Having people underestimate you will always be a big advantage." Yuliya pursed her lips. "Also, remind me to show you some makeup tips later, you will have a lot better fun if someone teaches you how to mix things up properly."

"Moving on, what?" Momoko took a while. "Aren't you ... handing me over?"

"No. At this point, you are doing very well." Momoko still looked a little confused, but her body language was not that rigid. "I'm not blind, dear, I see the problems in Hamura just as you do. To be clear: I believe that a long-term solution lies more in official channels like the police and professional heroes, but what are you at least trying to do ... "Yuliya took a while. The right word of praise or word of condemnation would be vital here. Too much ego would make Momoko sloppy, while too little would make her hesitant. "... You can inspire the people of this neighborhood and become a symbol to get together. But you will not help anyone if they end up dead in a gutter with a brain destroyed."

Momoko rubbed her hand. "So ... what do I do about it? I know - I know you don't have to go to a hero school to get a partial license. But adult training programs to get a full license require the kind of resources that I don't have now. "

"Hm ... I think it's a little late to consider the bidding legitimate at this point anyway, to be really honest with yourself, it will mean loss." Momoko looked up. "Although you could start from scratch with a new hero personality, it would waste what little you have gained in trust from the community. It also poses a serious problem in your training."

It really caught her eye. "Training me?"

"Most professional heroes are about three years old at a Vocational School, being guided and prepared for a life of heroic work, and this without any additional responsibilities. The police academy takes about, um ... "she turned her gaze to the watchful young man. "Yes, twenty-four weeks. I'm sure I can have you in decent shape by then."

"... Huh? How are you - are you qualified to do that?"

Vetochkina responded by accurately hitting Momoko's nerve group and tying her body in less than twenty seconds. She had the capture tape in her pocket at all times.

"... I take back what I said before." The watchful young man replied.

"Okay, first lesson, how do you get out of the bonds?"

"... I do not know." The watchful young man replied with a dejected expression on his face.

Ooooo this was going to be a lot of fun.

~ XxX ~

After a full night of questions and evaluations, Yuliya released the guard to go home around one in the morning. Five hours later, Momoko was back at the Russian girl's apartment, notebook in hand and a confused manic joy in her eyes.

Yuliya pointed to the whiteboard she had brought. "This is a three-part training program, looking to improve your peculiarity, your body and your mind. Yes, you can take notes if you want." Momoko then started to scribble in the notebook. "Preparing your body will be the simplest. I put together a program of strength training, cardio, resistance work and improving your fighting skills." She handed the young woman a multi-page training regime. "Fair warning, this is a type of intensity program designed for the Special Forces, so if things are going beyond what you can control, you have to tell me. Overwork will be harmful and it won't help anyone." Momoko agreed.

"Next, for your Telekinetic training. You told me when I hired you, that your Telekinesis was limited by line of sight and by what you could stand up physically. So improving your body should also improve your Telekinesis. In addition, I left much of the later stages of training blank, as we need to explore the possibilities of what you can and cannot do with your Telekinesis. "

"Last but not least, your mind. For the work you are doing, understanding the criminal element and the human mind will be of paramount importance. In a way, you are essentially learning to be a detective and a crook." 'Or a spy.' Yuliya added mentally. But, well, Momoko didn't need to know that right now.

"Before we start with your training, we must make one thing clear. During the first month of your training, you will put a pause in your activities as Valkyrie. Without patrolling, without sightings, without interventions, nothing."

Momoko barely stopped screaming. "Won't a sudden disappearance damage my reputation within Hamura? Become known as the 'volatile and unreliable watchman'? How can I become a symbol if a symbol is not ..."

"Watch your sensei talking the same way." Yuliya grunted, and Momoko calmed down. "Although you may have some solid points, a disappearance for a month will give you a much needed breathing space. At the moment, Luphinus is the only one who seems to see you as a potential symbol of the community, which is why I firmly believe that he took an interest in you. " Momoko blushed, but on the other hand did not comment. As much as any 'relationship' with Luphinus could benefit Valkyrie, at the moment Momoko could not afford to have any kind of distraction in her training. "The police and local heroes are beginning to make a serious effort to capture it as a show of strength in the face of the incompetence of its members. At the moment, Valkyrie is a nuisance, but not enough of an embarrassment for serious efforts be assembled.

"But don't think that a 'break' means you're going to take it easy. You'll cut down on your Holiday schedule so that almost every moment you have to wake up next month is with the sole intention of making you the most individual. dangerous and capable of the region. " Yuliya let a glint of malevolence shine in her eyes. "My Mutation, Line of Failure, allows me to see every weakness you have. And I will take advantage of all of them. When the month is over, you will be wishing you were dead."

Momoko looked at her with fear. Good.

~ XxX ~

The young watchman Valkyrie was not sure what she expected, but being dragged to an abandoned warehouse at four in the morning was not that. Vetochkina looked as cheerful as ever, wrapped in a warm coat and holding a thermos that smelled of coffee.

"Okay, for your first lesson - clean it up!"

"There is?"

"I bought this warehouse as a place for us to train away from prying eyes. Now I want all signs of pests to disappear and the holes at least closed until sunset, chop-chop." Momoko looked at the coffee. "You can get some when you can sweep the floor. But I will make an exception if you are bitten by a mouse."


"Learning to dodge is an important skill."

~ XxX ~

"Parkour will be one of your best skills as a vigilante, it will allow you to navigate an area quickly and efficiently, in addition to supporting your motor coordination and quick thinking."

"Do we really need to be on the edge of a roof to do this?"

"I'm just getting used to the height from an early age." Vetochkina then pushed Momoko over the edge of the roof. "AND SEE IF YOU CAN DO ANYTHING NOW!" The watchful young woman managed to squirm to receive minimal damage from the fall, at least.

Well, she was only two stories high for a reason.

~ XxX ~



Momoko grunted as it was kicked in the chest. "What the hell is that?!"

"No matter how much training you have, girl, a broken rib is still a broken rib. Now you have to learn how to get around it. Now fight as if your life is in danger Momoko has managed to stand for about two more minutes." Now for our next lesson: how to lie to hospitals. "

~ XxX ~

"Focus on the ball." Vetochkina instructed, holding a baseball in his hands. Momoko stretched out her hand with its peculiarity, focusing on the object and lifting it in the air without problems.

"Cool, now try this with your eyes closed." Telekinetics wasn't sure if she could really do that, but she tries anyway. Hesitantly, extending telekinetic hands, because this is her frame of reference, Momoko once again manages to find the baseball.

"Can you feel it?" Momoko agreed. "Can you lift it up?"

"I think so." She hesitantly catches the baseball with her Telekinesis and, yes, she could do that! Momoko's eyes opened. Holy shit, she could! Vetochkina tossed the ball in Momoko's face. The student fell on his back on the floor, his nose bleeding badly and his teeth twitching.

"You have to be constantly vigilant! Staying alert means staying alive!"

~ XxX ~

In combat, Vetochkina effortlessly deflected or blocked every blow sent towards her. Momoko was trying to hit what felt like forever now, but the Russian was pushing her away as she would with a fly.

"Wow, are we getting frustrated?" She teased. The young woman was more determined to land a solid blow that would shut the old woman up. She went after a hay, and was promptly hit on the side of the body.

Without taking her eyes off the target, Momoko searched the area for something she could use as a projectile. Over there! When Momoko went to Vetochkina's face again to divert her attention, she tore one of the water bottles off the bench and pointed angrily at her teacher's head. The Russian didn't realize what was going to happen and fell to the ground and Momoko's punch hit her in the chin.

"Ha ha! Look who's at… are you okay?" Momoko immediately fell to Vetochkina's side, setting aside any feeling of victory if she had really hurt her mentor.

Instead, the old woman put her hand on the back of her neck and started to laugh. "Ha! You really got me, Mokochan." She smiled and stood up. "You are really starting to learn, boy." She took a deep breath. "And now it's your turn to defend!" Vetochkina attacked and Momoko returned home that night covered in bruises, as usual.

~ XxX ~

One month later…

Kaguya Momoko was about to kill Yuliya Vetochkina and throw her body parts in a dumpster. But she could not deny the results for which the woman pressed her. Any scarce pride she had in her abilities before that paled in the face of what she could do now. Vetochkina did not teach him a set of kata, but a type of unique style known only to Yuliya Vetochkinab and consequently now to Kaguya Momo, as 'Spartans', who taught versatile tactics that could be effective against different types of enemies under any circumstances.

At the moment, they were in an abandoned warehouse that Vetochkina had bought from the city and then had Momoko clean and renovate for her needs. A workbench with disassembled electronic components was on the side wall, files with encrypted content and thick training mats all over the floor. At the moment, Momoko had her face pressed to one of those training mats now, while Vetochkina held her on an arm bar. Momoko used her Telekinesis to pull Vetochkina's clothes to try to unbalance her, so she managed to escape.

"Very good." Vetochkina greeted, taking a sip of water.

"I have a little gift for you." Vetochkina revealed. "Your old jacket and work boots were fine with a bartender's salary, but I was thinking that you needed an upgrade to do what you're going to do."

Momoko looked at the outfit in front of her in wonder. "Your style requires a lot of movement, so I couldn't go with complete torso protection, and instead I chose a balance between protection and movement. The jacket is made of a more resistant version than the professionals use in their Knife attacks and other similar types can ricochet very well, as well as being fireproof and stain resistant. Given Japan's rather strict firearms laws, I don't expect you to come across weapons so often, if you do that, the jacket can hold up, but you will be very sore in the morning. Leggings are of a similar material, but more breathable and a little lighter. They can be worn under your regular jeans so that you don't lose your working class charm. "Vetochkina smiled. "Your mask also needed a jumpsuit. A domino mask works primarily as a distraction, rather than a real disguise. By incorporating mirrored lenses that do not restrict lines of sight, you have some protection for your eyes from debris and identification. We can discuss other changes after you have done a field test. " Vetochkina smiled.

"You mean that and my ... is that all for me?" Momoko knew she was a crybaby, but that ... no one had ever given her anything so good before.

"I, uh - yes. It is also machine washable."

"THANKS!" She cried, before practically hugging the older Russian woman. And then grab it properly because Kaguya Momoko had learned her lesson.

So, yes, on the timeline, this happens right after the events of chapter 6, White Day. I realized that, as much fun as it was to make Momoko a self-taught vigilante, but to reach the status of Vigilante Number One Most Wanted, she needed some professional training.

~ XxX ~

'Valkyrie is an intelligent and ingenious watchman who keeps her cool and always manages to maintain control over the situation.' Luphinus thought while he was enjoying a healthy meal above a building.

Somewhere else…


Back to Luphinus ...

* Dreamy sigh *

"What a talented woman."
