Nightglow (2)

As childish as she probably was, Valkyrie always tried to find fun in what she was doing. Being a vigilante, especially Number One Most Wanted Vigilante, was difficult and could easily kill her if she wasn't careful. So she looked for some fun, either solving a difficult case, or just seeing the stunned look on a criminal's face when a woman maybe half their size knocked them over like nothing.

It turns out that fighting with a person who made a living in underground fight clubs was no fun at all.

Finally, she managed to drop him on the floor and strangle him with her thighs. She released him five seconds after he stopped moving.

"Sorry about that." She sighed, speaking to no one in particular. "But you were trying to kill me."

On the bright side, if they were coming after her so hard, it meant she was going in the right direction.

~ XxX ~

About half an hour later, the criminal was handed over to the relevant authorities, and Luphinus and Nightglow were on the roof of another building. Just ... sitting in silence.

"So ..." Luphinus started, before stopping. In his career, doubt and indecision were luxuries he could not afford. However, there he was, Luphinus, completely unsure of how to talk to a nine-year-old girl. He heard a crumpled sound and saw Nightglow taking a package out of his sweatshirt.

"Are these fruit snacks?" He asked, as soon as the girl put one in her mouth.

Nightglow nodded and, without saying anything, offered some.

Yoshio cautiously took one. Huh, with apple flavor. After finishing, young Morakawa kept the package between them, a silent offer to share. When they were out of fruit snacks, he had something close to a strategy.

"I think we should probably talk about what just happened." The child hugged his legs close to his chest, supporting his chin at the knees.

"I took the knife from him. That's a good thing." She offered as a defense.

The hero nodded slowly. "Yes, it is. But you have to understand that so much about what you did may have gone wrong. Miscalculate the angle of descent, don't have enough strength behind the attack ... and you and that hostage got hurt. Or worse. . "

That silence hung in the air for a long moment.

"Everyone keeps saying that I can't do this, because I'm too young, but I know I can help you." She grabbed the fabric of her sweatshirt. "I can help, if people let me help."

So this is what moves you, huh? Spontaneously, Luphinus began to think about his own origin. To tell Naomi how he wanted to become a pillar for people to trust, and the hero lovingly calling him a crazy dreamer.

"Have you considered that they are not saying this because they doubt you, but because they want to keep you safe?"

Nightglow crossed his arms and looked away. "I can take care of myself."

Luphinus raised an eyebrow. "I think your adoptive mother would disagree with that, Morakawa Yuuko."

Valquíria's self-proclaimed companion had a double vision, jumping to her feet. "What ?! How did you-?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your secret identity." He said, putting on an encouraging smile. "But if you want to know, I found out after you showed me your cure. Being able to heal people is a rare skill, not as much as teleportation, even in this superhuman society."

Young Morakawa nodded wisely, looking at her hands. "But do you want what surprises me even more than your skill? That heart of yours."

She tilted her head, looking at him as if a second head was starting to sprout from her neck. "Let me explain ... after you were taken-"

"I do not want to talk about that." The girl stopped and started to walk away from him.

"OK I understand." He agreed. The girl calmed down, but did not turn. "But what I was going to say was that after something like that, many other people may just be able to see the darkness in the world for a while. But you are not, you are here, trying to save other people and share your wonderful gifts for the world. That's what surprises me, young Morakawa. "

She still had her back to him, and Yoshio had no idea if he had managed to speak to the girl. So stop being so useless and do something you idiot. A voice like that of his former mentor encouraging him.

"And if helping people is something you really want to do, you can always sign up for Gran Rey when you're older! That way, you can learn to be a hero in a healthy environment full of professionals who just want to see you have it. success." Yoshio stomped violently on Makron's many memories, beating him as far as he could. "I bet you will be truly popular too." He smiled broadly, to add an extra level of encouragement.

Nightglow finally turned to face him. "No thank you."

Excellent, a spark lit in the heart of a future hero- what? Luphinus blinked.

Apparently sensing her confusion, the girl elaborated. "The people who put their faces on everything are full of themselves. I want to be a real hero. Not a hunter of fame."

"Ah ... alright ..." said the hero of one of Japan's biggest brands. "My point is, you're probably too young now to be a hero or a watchman."

"And you're probably too old to be wearing 90s clothes." She commented.

~ XxX ~

Valkyrie reached the final part of the hiding place. Behind that door was probably the leader of the Purple Hawks gang and the man she had been looking for all night. Her last obstacle was a special bunker, one way in and one out, and it could only be opened with the impression of the chief's hand and retinal examination. It was probably designed to keep any rival, police raid or treacherous guard away with a lock that simply couldn't be broken into. Most Wanted Number One Watcher responded by taking the door apart, bolt by bolt and piece by piece. She removed the lock with a final clack before kicking the damn thing.

Some would say it is too dramatic. She called it fun.

There was a lone figure in the final bunker, a broad-shouldered shadow sitting behind a table. What an absolutely cliché. "Haga Tatsuya." The watchman greeted, keeping a touch of disgust in his voice.

"Bloody Valkyrie." The man recognized. "I always knew it would depend on you and me."

The vigilante held out her batons. "How about we skip introductions and get to the part where I kick your ass?"

The crime lord looked at her for a moment. He then grabbed the metal chair beside him, turning it into a sword.

Valkyrie gave a wolf smile.

~ XxX ~

Luphinus could say that, Nightglow was starting to have problems. The young woman was leaning against him now, and he could see her struggling to keep her eyes open through her glasses.

When he was about to suggest taking her home, the two saw movement. Yoshio and Yuuko were sitting on the roof of the industrial district. In front of them was a very simple-looking brick building. The back door opened with a 'clang' and there was Valkyrie. She was dragging the leader of the Purple Hawks after her like a garbage bag. Interesting.

"Valkyrie!" Nightglow choked and jumped up to greet her. Luphinus held out his hand, perhaps about to advise them not to let the watcher see them. Very late.

Valkyrie looked at him and then at the Nightglow. The surprised look on Watchman Number One's face hardened quickly. He could feel that she was looking at them through the lens mask. "Meeting. Roof. Now."

"I know you are angry-" Yuuko started.

"I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed." Momoko said, giving the girl a steady look. "See, I know for sure that you're smarter than that. So, I'm disappointed that you didn't use that big brain of yours."

Luphinus tried to intervene. "Valkyrie, if I can-"

"You can't. I haven't even gotten to you yet. Running at night with a school child battling crime? News, this isn't a movie, and she's not your brave helper. Nightglow he could have-" Valkyrie nipped the tip of his nose and forced himself to breathe.

"I'm going to take you home, stay here and don't follow us." She picked up Yuuko and started jumping across the rooftops, leaving Luphinus behind.

~ XxX ~

After taking Yuuko back to Vetochkina, Valkyrie returned to the roof. She didn't know why she was surprised that Luphinus was around.

She silently landed on the roof, put her hands on her hips and cleared her throat. He turned to face her. Hero Number One was giving her 'I'm sorry' eyes, so at least he knew he had done something wrong, although if he regretted doing it or just being caught, Momoko still didn't know.

Momoko lets the silence hang in the air, leaving her disappointment apparent without saying. Luphinus was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Good. "So this child comes up to you and says that she is my partner, and do you just agree?"

"It's not like I really think she was your mate,"

"You say that as if it were some kind of excuse." She pointed.

"Look, at the time I had no idea who she was or where she lived. Not that I could just pick her up and take her home." Luphinus tried.

He was right about that. Not that she was going to tell him that. "So you still allow a nine-year-old to play vigilante, walking through one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Tokyo. At night."

He took a step back, rubbing his hands. "I had everything completely under control ... until I felt bad ... and she stabbed someone ..."

The mother had not thought that she could be angrier than she already was. She was wrong.

"... She healed him."

"That's no excuse." She snarled, although her anger was not directed at him at the moment.

"Of course!" Luphinus agreed.

Momoko forced herself to breathe. As much as yelling at him made her feel better, it wouldn't change what happened. He already knew that what he did was wrong. More screaming would lead to nothing. "I know you did what you did with the best of intentions, but the fact is, by allowing her to keep doing it, you were sending the message that everything was fine."

"That said ..." Momoko took a deep breath again, shifting gears mentally. "What kind of Hero Number One lets himself be dragged by a nine-year-old?"

He blinked, apparently taken aback by her apparent sudden change in mood. Then, Luphinus started to laugh. Not his simplistic 'Luphinus' laugh, but a laugh that probably belonged to a man named Kakinomoto Yoshio. Momoko did not listen as often, but she liked it whenever she heard it.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm kind of a sucker for children."

"This is obvious." She joked.

"It is exciting to see so much determination in someone so young."

"Exciting for someone who is not responsible for enforcing his bedtime." She murmured in Russian.

"What was that?'


There was a friendly silence.

"She was harsh. Children are generally not harsh with me." He said, looking confused and amused at the same time.

"Well." Momoko snorted in understanding. "You don't have to deal with them for long."

"She told me that I was self-centered."

"I beg you pardon?" Valkyrie raised an eyebrow confused by her words.

Luphinus smiled softly. "Well, not directly, but when I said that I thought she might be a famous hero one day, she basically said that famous heroes have their faces plastered everywhere, and that just means they are self-centered." Momoko couldn't help it, she laughed with amusement.

"Hey!" Luphinus pretended to be insulted.

"No, no, it's just that-" She immediately calmed down, "-I used to think the same thing about you once."

He didn't say anything about it, just winked at her.

"It was before I actually met you. When you debuted, I saw the video and heard that laugh of yours and said 'it's not true, he's faking it'. And then I started to see it everywhere, from covers to magazines to cereal boxes and I think that familiarity brought a little bit of annoyance. " How much has it changed? "I used to look at the Luphinus Tower and think 'it's probably too big to contain your huge ego' just like a certain eternal number two."

"Oh." He said, giving her a look that she really couldn't interpret.

Valkyrie elbowed her in the side. "That, and I would joke that you were probably making up for something."

He stammered as she laughed at the embarrassed expression on her face. "If, if I could get this conversation back on track." He said, after she laughed for a few more seconds. "It is obvious that young Morakawa wants to follow in her footsteps. And if she follows her example, I have no doubt that she has the potential to be a great hero."

Valkyrie felt a thud in her chest and unsuccessfully tried to chase him away. "Yes, I really wouldn't call myself a 'role model' to be followed. Anything she conquers will be in spite of me, and not because of that. But I agree with you, she will be incredible, no matter which way she chooses. "

She noticed a look of concern, just before Luphinus pulled on his usual youthful mask. "Nonsense, my friend! Despite your vigilant status, you are a hero to the people of Hamura and an inspiration to the next generation."

"Look, boy." Momoko sighed, really unwilling to get into her own problems now. "Everything I do like ... well, Valkyrie, yes, I can do the shit. But I eat myself." She gestured to herself, "I am a mess."

"I doubt it."

"You do not know me."

Luphinus looked at her. "I may not know your name, Valkyrie, but I know you. You are brave, kind, intelligent ... trying to save people that others ignore, and all on your own ... how could anyone look at you and not get inspired?" He said, with that damn genuine tone of voice that measured no arguments.

Kaguya Momoko felt a twinge of affection. It took another ten seconds for her to discover that what she was feeling was not the kind that came from friendship.

Oh. Oh no.

Holy crap. Momoko needed to punch something right away. Except that she just punched an entire building full of really bad people and now he's looking at her with those big blue eyes and a puppy-dog smile and ahhhHHHHHHH.

"Uh, Valkyrie?" Luphinus asked, and she realized that the silence had started to feel awkward.

"Nothing, you idiot." She managed to get out, her voice a little higher than normal. So, she had an impulse. Something that was probably not such a good idea. And in the classic Momoko style, she rolled with him. She leaned over and gave Hero Number One a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for taking care of my child. See you later!" The watchman said as if it was no big deal, and then started running over the edge of the building.

After about five blocks, Valkyrie fell into an alley. Momoko put her face in her hands and uttered a long and prolonged Russian expletive.

Momoko couldn't see the way Yoshio cradled her cheek after that, a powder of red in her features. "Valkyrie was just thanking me" He justified. "Just, ahem, being affectionate. Apologizing for shouting."

~ XxX ~

Not long after, Momoko was back in her civilian clothes and standing in front of the drinks section at her local grocery store. She had been standing for some time when a salesman approached her. "Can I help you with something?"

"Yes, you can, if you find out that you are hopelessly in love with someone and that it will never work, what would you drink?"

The salesman looked at her and then at the alcohol. "Vodka."

"Vodka." Momoko nodded, picking up two bottles of Smirnoff and headed for the cashier.

~ XxX ~

A week later

"Okay, I'm leaving." Momoko gave a final announcement, reaching for her bag. "Remember, she is still grounded for running away at night and stabbing a guy. That means after she finishes her homework, no TV, no non-educational sites and no parkour classes."

~ XxX ~

The Russian waited a total of five minutes before pulling out her cell phone. "Reykjavik, it's Vetochkina. Mom owl left the nest, I repeat, Mom owl left the nest."

~ XxX ~

There was a knock on the door less than ten minutes later. Vetochkina opened the door and Yuuko lit up the moment she saw who she was.

"Reykjavik!" The girl immediately ran and gave the animal hero a tight hug. It took a while, but he returned it, patting the girl on the back.

"So, training?" The girl asked, practically jumping with excitement. Both the hero and the spy shook their heads in denial.

"Out of respect for your mother's judgment, so we have postponed your self-defense classes for now." Said the professional hero, placing his backpack on the floor. Yuuko pouted.

Reykjavik took out a laptop and a mini-projector. "However, today I prepared a lecture on the iconography, symbolism and meaning behind various tattoos in Japan's criminal subculture."



"What's better than a guy who cares about his feelings, respects his limits and dedicates his whole life to putting as much good as possible into the world? Nothing! And then that idiot had to turn around and take care of mine son for an entire night, * sobs * Life is really so unfair. " Quote from Kaguya Momoko, halfway through a bottle of vodka and lying drunk on Vetochkina's couch.
