Chapter 2

"Shikamaru, you can let me go now. I wasn't going to hurt your friend here. Also tell Shino, Neji, and Tenten that they can come out now." Soon enough, Neji, Shino, Tenten and Shikamaru came into view. They lifted up their mask so I could see their faces. Shikamaru released the Kage Mane.

I decided to speak to the ninja I was behind, "You can remove your mask as well, Ino." She complied. Yumi and her mother came from the house to see if I was ok. Shikamaru spoke,"Tsunade-sama had asked us to track you down. I told her how troublesome it would be but she had insisted that we find you.

Neji stepped forth to speak, "Naruto, Tsunade-sama has requested that you return back with us to Konoha."

I looked at Neji and laughed, "She requested that I come back? Tell her I am no longer a shinobi of the Leaf and I am not obligated to do as she says."

Ino decided to speak, "Naruto, she asked us to bring you back. Please come back with us."

"Tell me, Ino, what could she want from me? She didn't want anything the past six years, why now all of a sudden?"

Shino spoke in his usual tone, "Uzumaki Naruto, Godaime-sama wishes for you to assist us in this war with the Cloud."

I walked past the ninjas from Konoha and headed to the doorway towards my fiancée who was looking worried. I stopped and spoke, "Instead of trying to get me to fight Konoha's battles, you should be preparing for attacks from Cloud-nin. Tell Obaa-chan that I said good luck defeating the Cloud."

"Naruto, how could you turn your back on your home? It's your duty to protect the Konoha." Tenten said desperately.

"It's not my home, it never was. That place was hell to me. I was hated by every villager in that village. I was also banished by the council. So tell me, Tenten, would you consider a place that exiled you a home?"

There was complete silence.

"I thought so."

"Tell Obaa-chan that the only way I will fight for Konoha is if she's willing to pay for my services. My going rate isn't cheap though. Tell her I want 70,000,000 ryou for my services and an additional 20,000,000 bonus. Take that offer to her and come back to let me know her decision."

"That's an outrageous figure, Naruto." Ino stated.

"Well, I told you I don't come cheap. I'm sure the Cloud will have no problem paying the bill."

Shikamaru sighed. "If that's all you request, then pack your things Naruto. We want to get back to Konoha ASAP."

Ino spoke, "Shikamaru, you can't be serious? That is too much money for …."

Neji interrupted, "Well, Tsunade-sama did say no matter what it took."

"Do you actually think that's what she meant, Neji?" asked Tenten incredulously.

"Our mission states that we bring Uzumaki Naruto back with us to Konoha. After that, it is no longer our responsibility." Shino stated.

Shikamaru looked at Naruto, "So are you coming or what?"

"Naruto fixed his gaze on Shikamaru, "On one more condition."

"What is it now that you demand?" Ino spat out.

Naruto turned to the door, where his fiancée and his mother-in-law-to-be were standing.

"They come with me. When word gets out that I'm fighting on Konoha's side, the Cloud will send nins to use them as bait against me. At least in the Leaf, I know that they will be safe."

Shikamaru thought to himself, 'What a troublesome guy.' After closing his eyes, then re-opening them, he spoke "Fine. As long as you're coming I could care less about who you bring with you."

Naruto gave the group a large grin, "Then it's settled. We depart in two hours." He walked towards Yumi. She had a sad look in her eyes. Truth be told, Yumi didn't want Naruto to be a ninja anymore for fear of losing him. Even so, she knew he was a ninja through and through and she respected it. He placed his hand gently on her face pulling it up so his eyes could meet hers.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me, that I can promise. Come on, we have to pack our stuff so we can get out of here."

With that said, they broke free from each other's embrace and headed into the house. Yumi's mother invited the other ninjas into the house. After two hours had passed, everyone was now ready to head out.

Naruto was dressed in a black, short sleeved shirt with black sweatpants to match. He wore bandages around his shin the way Kakashi did. He also had on black ninja sandals. His sword was placed on his back. The sword was eloquent. One couldn't see the blade, but judging by the black and gold handle, and the black case with a golden fox carved on it, it was safe to say that the sword could cut through almost anything. He got the sword from Minashu Ryuho, the head of the samurai clan who had taught him personally. Yumi was wearing a brown long sleeved shirt and beige pants. Her sandals matched the color of her shirt. Mai had on a long blue long sleeve shirt, black pants, and black sandals much like Naruto's.

Naruto put Yumi on his back, while Neji carried Yumi's mother. The other three carried the small book bags that the three residents of sun country had packed. In a matter of seconds, they took to the trees. It would take an hour to reach the docks, where a ship was waiting to escort them to Konoha, where it would take about two hours to arrive there.

3 hours later in Konoha….

In the Hokage tower, behind the desk of the Hokage office sat a 56 year-old blond woman, who could pass for twenty, doing paper work. With a war going on and missions to complete, she was exhausted. She was trying to find ways to end this war. She tried presenting a treaty to Raikage, but the young prick didn't want a treaty. For the last 8 month's the war went on with no side gaining an upper ground.

She honestly didn't know what the war was for, but she believed that the young Raikage just wanted to prove his country was stronger then the Leaf. She felt that there were better ways to go about doing this but it was his village after all. She ran hers and that was all that mattered.

Sitting with her right arm holding up her head, Tsunade looked at the door when her assistant came in.

"Tsunade-sama, Shikamaru's team has returned with Naruto. They're in the waiting room," Shizune stated.

"Shizune, send them in" Shikamaru and the rest of his team entered with Naruto and two people she didn't recognize. When she saw Naruto, she was trying to hold back her tears. She kept them from falling and she began to speak.

"Naruto, I'm glad that you could make it. I thought that you were going to turn down my request," she said, with happiness in her voice.

" I did turn down your request. The only reason I'm here is because you're paying for my services, " he responded.

One of her eye-brows slightly elevated, "Paying for your services? So you're not doing this to help the Leaf?" she questioned.

Naruto gave her a smirk.

"Tsunade, do you really think that I would fight for this village after what they did to me? No, I'm not here to protect your village; I'm here because of the 90,000,000 ryou I'm being paid for my services."

She felt a pain in her heart when he said her name instead of Obaa-chan. She knew then that their relationship had changed. She blamed herself for that. She got mad at the fact that he was fighting only for money. She responded in angry tone, "So, you only fight for money now? Whatever happened to the kid that fought to protect his precious people? Did you forget about that or what?"

He smiled at her then placed his arms around Yumi.

"I do fight for my precious people. That never has and never will change. However, there is no one here in Konoha that is precious to me, so there is no reason what so ever to fight for anyone here. If you're not willing to pay for my services, then I will leave and return to my life. So what's it going to be?"

Tsunade sighed. "Very well then; before we can pay for your services, you must be brought before the council so they can approve of it. Neji, would you escort Naruto's guest to the hotel? Naruto, follow me."

Naruto kissed his girl, "I'll see you as soon as I'm done okay?" Yumi nodded her head in agreement. Exiting the office, Mai and Yumi followed behind Neji while Naruto and Tsunade headed to the council room. Tsunade started a conversation with the man who was an inch or two shorter than Jiraiya.

"So, tell me Naruto, who were those two back there?"

"My fiancée and her mother"

Judging by the tone in his voice she could clearly see that he didn't really want to talk. She still decided to get some answers about the girl and what he did during the last six years. She knew he was strong. Just mentioning his name in the Rock, Rain, Mist, and Grass caused panic. The man who stood walking next to her was arguably the most feared ninja in the world. She spoke once more.

"Um, Naruto, how did you guys meet?"

Naruto, who never even looked at her "I'm touched that you want to know about my life, but I really don't feel the need to tell you."

She hadn't expected Naruto to be this cold. She knew that there was a chance that he would despise her and this village for what transpired six years ago, but she was hoping he didn't. Deep inside, she was hoping that he would be happy to return but she knew that it would only be in her fantasy.

After a minute of walking, they finally reached the council room in the Hokage tower. Inside the big room was a long square table that sat 14. The room was like a cave in the sense that the light only illuminated it enough for one to see everything in their surroundings. On the walls were pictures, Naruto recognized that some were the Hokages of the past.

Tsunade motioned for him to sit. She walked to the other end of the room and took her seat, which faced Naruto's. There were twelve other members seated. The order was as followed:

On Naruto's left: Yamanaka Inochi was seated at the first seat, Nara Shikaku was seated at the second seat, Akimichi Chouzua the third seat, Aburame Shibi was seated in the fourth seat, and Jin Wei was seated in the fifth seat.

On Naruto's right: Inuzuka Tsume was seated in the first seat, Hyuuga Hiashi was seated in the second seat, Howaido Tsuki was seat in the third seat, Kirai Koi was seated in the fourth seat, and Kataki Waga was seated in the fifth seat.

At the head of the council table, Mitokado Homura sat on Tsunade's right while Utatane Koharu sat on her left.

Tsunade was the first to speak "Naruto, do you know why we had asked you to return to Konoha?"

Naruto folded his arms and looked away, "I'm here because the shinobi of the Leaf are weak and you need me to save their asses."

Everyone in the room with the exception of Tsunade narrowed their eyes at Naruto. She just let out a sigh at his comment. Koharu spoke next, " Uzumaki Naruto. You will show respect while you are in the presence of the council. It's true that your assistance is needed but you will show some respect."

Naruto looked at the old woman and smiled, "You talk to me as if I'm one of your shinobi. I don't have to show any of you any respect. You guys want my help, not the other way around. And besides, respect is earned, not given away so freely."

Koharu was angry. She was about to say something when Hiashi decided to make comment, "We have very competent ninjas. We thought that you would love the opportunity that we had decided to present to you."

Naruto looked at Hiashi curiously, "Oh? What opportunity are you talking about?"

"To become a shinobi of the Leaf again." Tsunade said proudly.

Naruto looked at Tsunade. "So that's the opportunity that Hyuuga was talking about. Wow. I really don't know what to say," Naruto replied with a hint of sarcasm. The council members did not catch it.

Tsuki, a middle aged woman with white green hair and brown eyes looked at the Kyuubi container with a smile, " You don't have to say anything. We will reinstate you as a Leaf shinobi and promote you to Jounin. Seeing as you're ranked as an S-class nin in the bingo book, it wouldn't be a problem to do so. You get to enjoy life in Konoha like you did before you left."

Naruto looked at Tsuki like he was about to cry with joy, " I just want to say….."

Everyone in the council was smiling. They knew the boy would fight for them as long as they offered him the chance to return home. There was no way he was going turn down this offer. On the other hand, Tsunade wasn't fooled by Naruto's act for a minute. She looked at Naruto and knew what was coming.

"When hell freezes over." The council gasped in shock. They soon narrowed their eyes at the blonde.

"You kick me out because you said I was the reason why everyone got injured in the mission to rescue Sasuke and it was also my fault for his defection. I'm sure we all know why you really banished me. But, I'm not going to get into that. As for being a shinobi of Konoha, thanks but no thanks."

Inoshi spoke, "Naruto, be reasonable. What about your dream? Being a Konoha ninja, you would once again have the chance to become Hokage."

"That dream died the day I was left to rot by this village. That day was also the birth of a new dream."

"And what was that dream?" Tsunade questioned.

"To become the strongest ninja in the world; since that is no longer a dream and is now a reality, I really have no more dreams to pursue."

There was laughter around the table from council members. Kataki Waga, an old man with gray hair, black eyes, and a scar on his cheek made a comment, "You may be powerful kid, but you're not the strongest ninja in the world. Tsunade and Jiraiya are still the best ninjas around. Just because you have that fox to draw power off doesn't make you the strongest."

Hiashi spoke, "That's borrowed strength. Don't sit here and get cocky, kid."

"Who said anything about using the Kyuubi? Yes, it's true that I can draw his power. But I haven't drawn his power ever since I was twelve. I say I'm the strongest because I know what I'm capable of even without the fox's power. All of you , on the other hand, have no idea."

Tsunade ended their squabble, " Naruto doesn't really want to become a ninja of Konoha. Although it saddens me, I respect his wishes. For his services he has asked for a fee of 90,000,000 ryou."

Mitokado Homura was outraged, "We will not be bullied by some brat. This is an outrageous demand, Tsunade."

The vein on Tsunade's head started to bulge. "Not another word Homura. Although this is an outrageous demand, we did ask him for his help. Besides, Naruto's allegiance to Konoha and his reputation might get the Rain to force Cloud to sign a Treaty of Neutrality."

The council knew she was right. It was no doubt that Naruto was feared throughout Rain, who was allied with the Cloud in this war. They knew this was the reason Tsunade suggested that they offer Naruto to become a shinobi again. She also had feelings for the boy as well. Tsunade spoke once more

" All in favor for paying for the services of Uzumaki Naruto."

Everyone raised their hand. Tsunade smiled "Well Naruto, we held up our end, so it's time you hold up yours. We will discuss the payment plan at a later date. You are to report to my office at 9 am tomorrow morning where you will be placed on a team with Chuunins and Jounins."

"Tell me who I'm working with, and what the mission is. I'd rather know now."

"Well, you're teaming up with four Chuunins and two Jounins for this mission." Tsunade replied.

"I asked who they were, not their ranks. For the sake of the mission, I need to know who they are and their capabilities."

Tsunade leaned back in her chair then spoke, "Very well. The members of your team will be: Sarutobi Konohamaru, Udon, Hyuuga Hanabi, Hyuuga Hinata, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke, acting as squad leader."

Naruto stroked his chin "Why are there two Hyuugas? Honestly, I think one Hyuuga is enough. Hinata, in my opinion, should be adequate for this mission; the other Hyuuga isn't really needed."

Hiashi's anger was visible to everyone in the council. They all knew how highly he thought of Hanabi, and for Naruto to say that he preferred Hinata over Hanabi was crazy.

Hiashi spoke, "Hanabi is the best the Hyuuga has to offer. If anything, Hinata is the one not needed on this mission. She is weak. If you're going to suggest a Hyuuga, never suggest the weakest of them all."

Naruto shook his head in agreement, "You're right."

Hiashi smiled at the boy. Naruto returned the smile, then spoke again.

"Since Neji is clearly the strongest Hyuuga, why not have him replace them both?" Shikaku actually smiled at Naruto's comment. He knew Naruto was getting under the skin of Hiashi. He also was glad that he had knocked him down a peg by stating that Neji, a member of the Branch house, was stronger then the heir of the Main house.

Tsunade wanted to laugh but decided to continue, " Naruto, both Hyuugas are capable. Neji isn't on this team because I need his presence else where. This team I've selected is perfect for the mission at hand."

"Ok, please inform me of their skills" Naruto replied.

" Konohamaru's taijutsu is superb. His ninjutsu is a little above average and his genjutsu is mediocre. Udon is the strategist of this team. You have worked with Shikamaru, Udon is the next best thing. All of his other skills are mediocre."

"Udon may be good, but I would trust a plan developed by Shikamaru with my life. Anyway, please continue."

"Right. Hanabi is arguably the best Chuunin in the village. Her Taijutsu skills are superb, and her ability to see through genjutsu as well. Hinata is basically the same as Hanabi, but Hanabi's taijustsu is slightly better. Sakura is the medic of the team. She will try not to fight but don't worry about protecting her. I've trained her so she is more then capable of handling herself. Sasuke is probably the best ninja in the village. Sasuke isn't really lacking in any skills.

" Okay. I think that's good enough."

Chouza finally decided to speak, "You know all of their skills, but nobody really knows yours."

Tsunade looked at the big boned man, then back to Naruto, "So, Naruto, what are your skills?"

Naruto stroked his chin again, " Well my taijutsu, in my opinion, is second to none, my ninjutsu is excellent, and although I'm not a master at genjutsu, I am exceptional in it and my kenjutsu is only second to one."

Tsunade looked at Naruto. She wanted to question him more but knew she wouldn't get the answers she wanted so she decided to end the meeting. "This meeting is over. Naruto, report to my office at 9 am. I will tell you the mission overview then."

Naruto got up and left the council room. Naruto exited the building and decided to head over to the hotel where his fiancée and her mother were. However, he smelt something that he hadn't smelt or eaten in a long time. Ichiraku Ramen. Naruto walked in and took a seat. The old man who ran the shop was behind the counter cooking. He heard the person come in. He didn't turn around to greet the person.

"Welcome to Ichiraku, how may I help you?"

Naruto spoke, " Old man, you can start by getting your number one customer a big bowl of miso ramen."

The old man turned around once he heard the guy say he was his number one customer. When he saw the blond sitting there, he was excited with joy. "Naruto! It's good to see you, this place wasn't the same without you."

"Well, I had no control over that. But I'm here now and I haven't had a good bowl of ramen in six years."

"Well, don't worry; this one is on the house. I'm just glad your back." The old man said.

Naruto just smiled at the old man. He was happy to be back at the stand. This place was his safe haven while living in this village. Naruto looked all over the shop but couldn't find what he was looking for

"Hey, where is Ayame-nee-chan?"

"Looking for me?"

Naruto turned to where he heard the voice. He saw Ayame standing by the door, which lead to the storage at the back of the shop, in her apron. She really didn't change all that much in his opinion. If anything she looked better then what he remembered.

"Ayame-nee-chan, it's so glad to see you. I've really missed you and the old man."

Ayame smiled, "I missed you too Naruto-kun. Anyway, what brings you back into town?"

Naruto face became serious "Just business. I don't know how long I will be here, but I'm leaving when my job is complete."

"That's too bad. Father and I really missed you. Well, Naruto I have a lot of work to do, but please come by the shop again so we can catch up, ok?"

Naruto smiled at the girl, "Will do."

"See you later Naruto-kun" She waved and headed back to the storage area at the back of the shop.

"Later, Ayame-nee-chan"

While Naruto was chowing down, the old man leaned on the counter. "She's right you know. Things haven't been the same since you left. I heard what happened, if there was anything that I could have done …"

He cut the old man off, "Don't worry about it. I know you would have. Well, I have to go, thanks for the meal."

Naruto got up from the chair and headed to the hotel. As he was walking he could see the people staring at him. Not the same cold stares, those stares were out of curiousness. He figured it wouldn't be long till word got out about him. Naruto stopped and looked at the hotel, he had finally arrived. After asking the receptionist what room Yumi and Mai was in, he headed to the room. Mai was in the room next to Yumi. Naruto knocked on the door to Yumi's room. At the door stood the prettiest woman he would ever see.

"Hey, sweetie" She embraced him in a hug. After they broke away they entered the room. Yumi decided to speak, " Naruto-kun, are you okay? I was so worried about you."

"I'm fine. Anyway, what did you do in the hour that I was gone?"

Yumi walked to the bed and sat down. "Not much really. I was waiting for you to come back so that you could show me around. I mean...if that's ok with you..." She knew Naruto's history so she didn't want to force him into showing her around.

Naruto, who was leaning against the wall, walked up and sat next to Yumi. "Okay. I'll show you around if that's what you want. Besides, there's one person I want you to meet."

She looked at him with a questionable look, "Who might this person be?"

"Iruka-sensei. I haven't seen him in a while and I want you to meet him."

She smiled "Sure. But can we go before it gets dark?"

"What about your mother? Maybe she wants to come with us?" Naruto said.

"She asked that guy with the white eyes to show her to the bathhouse. But the girl with the blond hair volunteered. "

Naruto knew that she was talking about Ino. He knew Ino wouldn't pass up on this opportunity to try and get Mai to tell her about himself. Naruto didn't worry about it; Mai didn't know what he did prior to meeting her and Yumi. Ino was fishing in a pond with no fish. He laughed in his head knowing that the girl would be mad when she didn't get the information she wanted..

The couple exited the hotel and was walking through the busy village. Naruto grabbed Yumi's hand while they walked down the street. Naruto felt he was being watched. Judging by the stealth of the person he knew that it was his old Jounin instructor. He stopped. Yumi got curious then looked at Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, why did we stop? Is something wrong?"

Naruto looked down at the woman who was a head shorter than him. " No, nothing's wrong. We're just being followed. But don't worry, we're not in any danger."

With that said Naruto turned to face straight ahead, " Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and Gai, you can all come out now."

Asuma appeared directly in front of Naruto, Gai appeared on Yumi's left, Kurenai on Naruto's right and Kakashi was lying in the tree pretending to read his book.

"Yo, Naruto" Kakashi folded his book and appeared next Asuma.

"What do you want Hatake?" Kakashi had expected that from Naruto. Kurenai was looking in awe at how much Naruto had grown. She thought that if he was a couple of years older and she wasn't seeing Asuma, she would consider dating him.

Gai spoke in his usual manner, " Naruto, it's SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN! ARE YOU ENJOYING YOUR SPRINGTME OF YOUTH? It's good to have you as a Leaf ninja again."

Naruto looked at Gai with a serious look, "I'm not a Leaf shinobi."

Asuma responded in shock "What! I thought that they re-instated you."

Naruto turned to Asuma. "They wanted to re-instate me but I declined."

"Why would you do that Naruto?" Kurenai asked.

"Do you actually think that I would want to be a shinobi of this village after what had happened six years ago? I'm not fighting for this village out of love or loyalty. I'm only here to fulfill my end of a deal."

Kakashi spoke, " So, what is the deal that has brought you back here?"

"I'm being paid 90,000,000 ryou for my services. After the job is done, I'm leaving this place,"he said in disgust.

Kurenai was shocked that he was being paid that much, but more shocked that the council had approved. Naruto was getting annoyed, to say the very least.

"Kakashi, if you don't want anything, please leave me alone."

Kakashi looked at Naruto. Then he looked at the girl who was holding on to his left arm, "Naruto, who's your friend?"

"This is Yumi, my fiancée"

Kurenai looked at the girl. She knew her former student was going to be crushed when she found out that Naruto was engaged. She knew how much the girl cared for Naruto and how hurt and depressed she was when he left. Kurenai remembered it had taken the girl almost a year to get out of her depression.


"Um...thanks Gai," Naruto replied with a clueless expression.

Asuma spoke " Naruto you've made quite a name for yourself. You asked Kakashi, what we wanted...well the reason we're here is…."

Naruto interjected, "You're here to measure my skills. I knew that Tsunade would send somebody to test my skills. No matter, you guys won't see much. I don't intend to break a sweat."

Kakashi looked at Naruto with wonder. He wondered if Naruto really came so far that he could dispatch four of Konoha's elites. Asuma broke his concentration.

"I don't think we will be that easy to beat."

Naruto replied "Let's get this over with,okay? I promised Yumi that I would show her around."

Kakashi decided to speak, "Meet us at team seven's former training ground." With that, all four Jounin vanished. Naruto looked at Yumi " Walk around and have fun. I'll find you when I'm done."

"How long do you think you're going to be?"

"5 …10 minutes tops." Naruto replied.

"Okay, but you better be back by that time. You know how I hate it when you're late, right?" Yumi glared dangerously at Naruto. The blond warrior gulped. He would rather face an army of Hokages then face an upset Yumi.

"Don't worry; I'll be back within that time. I promise." He kissed her cheek and was off.

She looked at the town to see so many shops. She decided to walk until she saw a clothes shop.

Team seven Training ground

Naruto appeared a minute after Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, and Gai did.

Naruto was standing in the middle while being surrounded by the four Jounins. Kakashi lifted up his Hitaiate to reveal his Sharingan. Gai took a fighting stance, Kurenai did the same. Asuma pulled out his knuckle knives.

Kakashi and Gai were standing in front him, while Kurenai and Asuma stood behind him. Kurenai started it off by creating and illusion. Naruto was impressed to say the least. Everyone disappeared from view. All he saw was a barren waste land devoid of everything. He knew his eyes were deceiving him, so he pulled a black cloth out of his pocket and covered his eyes.

Kurenai took to the trees after her jutsu took effect. She was watching and wondering why he did that. She then realized he was blocking his vision. She didn't believe he could beat the illusion by doing this. She knew better then anyone that the illusion also messes with you hearing and sense of smell as well. The only people that could defeat this genjutsu were Uchihas, Hyuugas, and people who were masters of genjutsu's.

Naruto was impressed but he knew that this was no ordinary genjutsu. He knew that everything that he smelled and heard were distractions from his real targets. But as good of a genjutsu this was, Naruto new that this wouldn't work on him. He decided who would be the first one he would take out. Naruto vanished from everyone's site. Kakashi realized where Naruto went. His eyes went wide; he looked at the tree Kurenai was in

"Kurenai watch out!" She turned her head to face the person behind her. Black and gold would be the last thing she would see. Naruto hit her in the back of her neck. He placed his sword back on his back. He then grabbed her and leapt down to the ground where they were still watching. He laid her down in the middle of the field.

" That genjutsu was one of the strongest I've every faced. But no genjutsu will be effective against me. I may not be that good at performing them, but I mastered a way to counter all of them. Since the nuisance is out of the way, let us continue." Naruto took off the blind fold.

Asuma was shocked that Naruto had broken Kurenai's strongest genjutsu. " How the hell did you break it? No one with the exception of the Uchiha and the Hyuuga could break that jutsu."

Naruto looked at Asuma, "Your eyes aren't the only thing to see with. There is one thing that a ninja can't mask no matter what and that is their chakra signature. I knew where you all were at because I could sense your chakra. So now that you know how I broke it, care to continue?"

Kakashi formed hand seals. He then shouted " Katon: Housenka no jutsu" Naruto flipped out of the way of the fire balls that were heading his way. He jumped into a tree only to find Asuma behind him. Asuma threw a kick with his left leg. Naruto side-flipped out of the tree back on to the training ground. Gai appeared on his right. He threw a punch that Naruto ducked under. But before Naruto could counter, he saw two kunai's heading in his direction from his left. The kunai hit him dead on.

Gai jumped back after seeing Naruto was hit. " It's over, Naruto."

Naruto looked up at guy and smirked, " Sorry Gai, but I'm not the real one" the clone then poofed out of existence.

Kakashi, who had thrown the kunai, had his eyes widened when he realized what Naruto had done. If anyone could see under his mask, they would have seen him smiling.

All Gai saw was Asuma falling out of the tree. He was clearly out cold. Naruto landed next to Asuma. " And then there was two. Before we continue, Gai, could you take off your weights? I would like to fight you at your fullest."

Gai gave Naruto the nice guy pose "Since you asked so nicely I will do so." Gai took off the rest of his weights.

Kakashi appeared next to Gai. He whispered so Naruto couldn't hear the two. " Listen Gai, he's better then I expected him to be. Keep your guard up."

Gai shook his head. He dashed off to face Naruto. Gai threw a kick with his right foot. Naruto blocked. Gai was moving so fast that Naruto found himself on the defensive. He knew Gai was fast, but this was incredible. Naruto blocked a punch, but he wasn't so lucky with the next punch."

"Naruto, my taijustsu is superior to yours. But, I will say that you are extremely talented, however you lack the speed."

Naruto smirked, " Then let's say I get rid off my ankle weights. I would get rid of the rest, but judging by your speed without your weights, that won't be necessary."

Naruto took of the sticker scrolls that were taped on the inside of his sandals. He looked at Gai before blurring out of sight. He appeared in front of Gai with his hand planted in the man's stomach. Gai looked in shock before he fell over, clutching his stomach. Naruto then turned his attention to Kakashi.

Kakashi and Naruto took to the air, Kakashi threw a punch which Naruto blocked with ease, and he flipped over Kakashi's punch landing in front of a tree. As soon as the copy-ninja landed, he threw at least seven shuriken. Naruto dodged them all. The white haired ninja was expecting him to, for Naruto wasn't his real target. Naruto realized his mistake but the wires wrapped around him, pinning him to the tree.

Kakashi walked up to Naruto, "You did well, but you failed to look underneath the underneath."

Naruto just looked at Kakashi "No, I did. But maybe you should." Naruto turned into a log of wood. A pair of hands broke through the ground and grabbed his feet. Before he could move he felt the blade of a sword pressed against his throat.

"This is over Kakashi, you all lose. If this was a real mission you would all be dead."

Kakashi was shocked to say the least. "When did you make a clone?"

"When I saw you throwing the shuriken, I used Kawarimi, then I made a clone to grab you from underground. That was all the time I needed to get behind you."

Naruto placed the sword back in its holster. Kakashi turned around to face him. "You've gotten better. I heard the rumors and assumed you were good, but I didn't expect you to be this good."

"Well I've been training my ass off since I left here. Anyway, as fun as it was to beat all of you guys in a …." Naruto looked at his wrist watch "7 min span, I really have to get back to Yumi. Later." With that Naruto disappeared.

On a tree nearby, Tsunade watched the whole thing in awe. She had just witnessed Naruto dispatch four of Konoha's elite Jounins without even breaking a sweat. She spoke out loud to no one in particular. "How did he get so strong?"

"He has trained himself beyond human limits."

She looked over to her right to see a man she hadn't seen in approximately six years. The only word that she could utter was, "Jiraiya..."