New Beginning (2)

'Nice, this must be the gift the creator granted me, along with those penises.' The now named woman, Nymph clears her mind of those thoughts and closes the status screen before asking the system some crucial questions "Okay System, how do I gain experience points?"

[Ding... You have a few ways of gaining experience points, first is the standard killing method, where every kill grants you a differing amount of experience points. Another method granted to you by the creator is through the use of cum, doing different things with cum, for example, making food with it, drinking it, etc. also grants you a varying amount of experience points]

Clapping happily at the answer, Nymph begins to swim around in circles with surprising ease for someone who had just lost their legs and gained a tail, she also surprises herself with the fact. "System, why is it I can move so fluidly and are there any other notable changes to myself?" she asks as she floats down and sits on a smooth rock surrounded by colourful coral.

[Ding... 'The Creator' made it so the soul and mind of the user have perfect synergy with the user's new appearance and body, to prevent insanity and possible soul suicide at the sudden change and swapping of bodies. Your ears have been adjusted to be able to hear perfectly in water and on land, you are also now purely carnivorous and can now drink both salt and fresh water should you go on land, because of your carnivorous nature all of your teeth are have been made for tearing and shredding meat.]

"Aww... Thank you, Creator!" Nymph exclaims cheerfully for the fact that she doesn't have insanity. She touches her ears and discovers they are fin-like in shape and feel extra sensitive along with running her tongue over her teeth and discovering all of her teeth are now like her incisors but with an extra point to them, incisors included.

[Ding... 'The Creator' sent a message "No problem". The system has also been asked by 'The Creator' to remind the user of a system starter kit that is available to be opened]

" Nice nice. please open the starter kit System" She asks politely even if the system is just a tool, her mother always drilled on about having good manners and look what it got her a gift from whoever 'The Creator' is, the gift being four times experience points gain.

[Ding... Opening starter kit, the following has been gained and stored into the inventory: 1 life-saving pill, 5 stat points, a self-repairing and cleaning bikini top, 1 common steel dagger with a holster and a beginner's guide to magic]

"System, do I open the inventory the same way I open status?" She asks curiously even knowing the answer is likely a yes from all those system novels she has read, asking the obvious has always been one of her flaws.

[Ding... Yes]

"Okay, Inventory"

A screen appears in front of her again but this time she doesn't jump as she knew it was coming. This screen rather than having text has had a grid pattern found in many video game inventories, the first few boxes were filled with the items Nymph had just gained from the starter kit. 'Though why haven't I gained a waist wrap or something' As she looks down and sees her dicks had slipped back into their slit, she then realises unless pointed out or had her lower half looked at intently for at least a few minutes, you wouldn't be able to see her two slits, only two vertical black lines near her lower torso.

Nymph taps on the box containing the bikini top and as she does so, the bikini in the box disappears and then it fully materialises floating in front of her. Grabbing the bikini, she feels the material in her hand, smooth black silk with white straps that held it together, silver chains decorated the straps and a frill decorated the bottom edge of the bikini. putting on the bikini, it fits her breasts snuggly, eliciting a sigh of relief from Nymph. She also pulls out the holster that held the steel dagger and wrapped it around her waist, after which she waves away the inventory screen.

'better safe than sorry after all.' "So System where am I and can you tell me anything about this world?" Nymph asks politely wanting to increase her knowledge of this new world she is in, to better her chances of survival. 'If I get experience points from kills I could probably hunt fish and gain easy experience'

[Ding... The world you are currently located in goes by the name of Hesta. Hesta is 5 times the size of the Earth and it has eleven main landmasses and an innumerable amount of islands. All of its oceans are connected. This world is also home to many strong and powerful beings. You are currently located in the Deep Border, a piece of ocean that rest between two of the worlds main landmasses, Nyxcia and Erebuntia. Deep Border is one of the safest ocean regions in the world but still contains many powerful creatures]

"Thanks for the info" she replies while in deep thought, pondering on her next steps. Strength, 'I need strength if I want to survive, no, if I want to live and prosper I need as much strength and power as I can get.' as soon as that thought comes to mind she slaps her fist into her hand, "Alright then let's kill some fishies and *Cough* play with cum, but, but first, Status" she opens her status and uses her stat points.


{Name: Nymph Asherah (Name Giving to You by 'The Creator')}

{Age: 19 (22)}

{Gender: Futanari}

{Race: Royal Mermaid}

{Title/s: Named By 'The Creator' (2x Exp Gain)}

{Mystica: 500/500}

{Level: 1}

{Sp (Stat Points): 5>0}

{Strength: 10 > 12 (x2) 24}

{Constitution: 10 > 11 (x2) 22}

{Agility: 10 > 11 (x4) 44}

{Dexterity: 10 > 11 (x2) 22}

{Magic: 10 (40)}

{Natural Abilities: Cum Manipulation}

{Racial Abilities: Royal Mermaid Bloodline (Every 1 Stat point grants an additional 4 stat points in magic / Human transformation / Mermaid Royalty Aura / Grants Additional Stats in Water)]

"Alright then I'm ready now, let's go kill and eat some fishies!" she exclaims happily before pushing herself off the rock she was sitting on and starts swimming in a random direction.