Getting Stronger (1)

[Btw, I'm switching to 1st person writing as I find it far easier to write. Please inform me whether you, my readers would prefer 1st or 3rd person]

Leaving the small cave, I begin to swim around aimlessly, effortlessly gliding through the water as I take in the ocean's natural beauty, a myriad of colours and patterns that could inspire awe in any observer.

As I continue my travel, I eventually spot another fish, similar in appearance and size to the one I had encountered earlier, however, this time rather than just charging in and attacking, I gather my magic around my forefinger and middle finger and will it into lightning. Lightning starts to spark and gather around my fingers, the normal sound of snap crackle and pop muffled by the water. With my attack at the ready, I force the lightning to shoot and strike at the fish.

The lightning launches from around my fingers, forking and bubbling as it travels through the water until it hits the fish on the side near the gills, easily burning a hole through the fish before it dissipates. Leaving a dead fish with a burnt hole through the middle.

[{Mystica: 669/700}]

[Ding... Experience Points Gained: 10 (x4) 40 / User has Leveled up: 4 > 5 (XP: 24/50) / Stat Points Gained: 5]

I swipe away the notification after a having glance and start collecting the fish I had just killed. I move the fish into my inventory to be eaten for a meal later. I continue my exploration, searching for more things to kill to help level up. After a short while of swimming, I come across a small school of fish. These fish despite all of them being smaller than the last two I had encountered they were instead sporting a much more ferocious appearance, with razor-sharp teeth sticking out at an angle, jagged scales adorned with keratin spikes.

Rather than charging in, I take the time to use my intelligence to my advantage, as from what I can see I would likely be ripped to shreds by these fish, perhaps I would be torn apart in seconds from the quantity of fish. Shaking my head of morbid thoughts I gather my magic and direct it to surround the school of fish in a bubble, the distance, my inexperience with utilizing magic and my lack of strength causes me to struggle tremendously, nonetheless, despite my trouble, I ultimately succeed in surrounding the fish with my magic.

With my magic at the ready, the spell becomes far easier to control. I use the magic bubble to pull on the encompassing water until the bubble had a layer of condensed water all over. Once I am satisfied with the spells solidarity, I close my hand tightly and impose my will onto the spell. The bubble in front of me follows a similar action, crushing the fish together in a bloody meaty mess as it encloses around them despite their frantic attempts to escape.

[Ding... (x17) Experience Points Gained: 170 (x4) 480 / User has Leveled up: 5 > 11 (XP: 54/110) / Stat Points Gained: 30]

Satisfied, I release my hold over my magic, causing the bubble of condensed water to explode outwards as the pressure of my magic is released, and so does the blood that starts to diffuse into the surroundings in a cloud of red mist almost immediately.

[{Mystica: 472/700}]

Swiping the announcements away from view and seeing that the blood has already spread out quite the distance I perform a quick check of my surroundings in case another predator has already smelt the blood and has snuck up on me. Seeing nothing I move to hide behind a rock, determined to wait for any fish or other sea creatures to come and sniff out the blood so I could ambush it.

Luckily I didn't have to wait too long as another sea creature approaches soon after. The creature looked like a large squid, large enough to match half my overall size with brown scales and, weirdly enough, fins.

Spotting my pray, I stick my hand from out behind the rock and start to gather magic outside my palm, forming a long rod of sharpened ice. Pushing more of my will into the spell, the ice spear starts to spin rapidly. I hurriedly gather the same amount of magic I had used in my lightning attack and will the spinning ice spear to launch at the squid being. The spear launches at the squid fast enough to produce visible ripples even as it travels and penetrates through the squid and continues into the coral behind, blasting it apart as the ice spear finally shatters.

[{Mystica: 441/700}]

'Hmm... Either my ice magic is more powerful than lightning, even though my magic affinity test showed they are the same, or since I am in the water, the lightning dissipates as it travels due to the sea water's conductivity. Since ice is crystallized water...' I would have continued my speculation if the squid hadn't persisted to flail about, indicating it wasn't dead yet. I gather my magic and form the spinning ice spear again, however, this time I aim closer to what looks like the head. The ice spear flies true as it launches from my hand directly hitting the squid's head, travelling through it with ease and dragging a stream of blood with it, the spear continues until it hits and buries itself within the sand.

[{Mystica: 410/700}]

[Ding... Experience Points Gained: 15 (x4) 60 / User has Leveled up: 11 > 12 (XP: 4/120) / Stat Points Gained: 5 / Achievements Unlocked]

[Ding... Achievement Obtained: First Kill / Reward: +2 Stat Points ]

"What?" I couldn't help but exclaim out loud, my curiosity peaked, as I already have an idea of achievements. 'System, how does the achievement system function?' I vocalise mentally, wanting some more expanded information on how the achievement system works.

[Ding... Accomplishing different specific actions will grant an achievement. Upon achievement completion, the User will be rewarded with an item or a set amount of stat points of worth equal to that of the achievement completed / Please Note: Achievements are Hidden]

'So it's the standard achievement procedure. Though I am curious as to why the achievements system was locked until now?' I question inquisitively, wanting to know the exact reason behind the process.

[Ding... The User had to be fully synced with the system to unlock the Achievement System / To become fully synced required the User to achieve level 10]

"Okay... That sounds suspicious" I mutter out in thought, 'If I wasn't fully synced as the system put it, how did I level up and use my stat points. I would have thought that if I wasn't synced enough, adding my stat points would not have worked, hmm... perhaps I'm reading too much into it.'

[Ding... Correct, The Creator simply forgot to add in the achievement system when she had installed the system before the User entered this world / The System is integrated into every aspect of the User, this prevents a dissonance between the User and the System / The System will remain with the User until 1: The Creator removes the System, or 2: User experiences death of both body and soul]

Hearing an announcement from the system brings me out of thought, A I read the information provided by the system I couldn't help but giggle softly before mumbling to the system, "So even The Creator makes mistakes and I assume you weren't supposed to tell me that?"

[Ding... That is Correct]

"Good to know, good to know, now at least I don't have to worry about having problems with my stats" Letting a sigh out in relief, I spun around joyfully, glad that no complications had emerged.

After some more giggling, I start to roughly plan my next course of action, eventually settling on the continued massacre of the sea's inhabitants to use as practice for my magic, and along the way creating more forms of magical attacks to expand my non-existent repertoire, 'Welp, I guess I'm going down the magic path.'

Finished with my basic path planned, I orientate myself and start to swim upwards towards the surface. I swim for a few minutes and before briefly stopping to have a look downwards, and as I do I couldn't help but gasp at the beauty that is the ocean floor that is now covered in a jumble of colours, however as I look around all I can see is misty darkness that seems to consume everything now that nothing is blocking my sight from seeing the horizon within the ocean, 'This is kinda ominous, not gonna lie,' I noted in mind.

I quickly move on from the sight and continue to swim to the surface, easily reaching it within a minute or two. I choose not to break my head through the surface just yet and instead breach the surface with one of my hands, as I do so I shiver at the feeling of the wind blowing through my fingers. Submerging my hand, I slowly raise my head out of the water, so that only the top half of my head was out, I look around for any potential dangers or encounters.

Spotting nothing, I bring the rest of my head out of the water and take my first breath in this new world. 'What an odd feeling. I know how to breathe and did so instinctively as a human, so I woulda thought that it wouldn't have felt so weird.'

Taking a few more breaths, I try to adjust myself to the new yet old... experience of breathing air. Despite the unnatural feeling settling in, I allow myself to float upon the surface of the water, enjoying the wind blowing across my body.

Resting on the surface and staring at the darkening dusk sky, I take the time to relax and think about what has come to pass, the freedom and the power that I have been granted. I stare at the calming and seemingly endless sky and listen to the whisper of the wind as well as the lapping of the water. As I float listlessly on the wavy water, I couldn't help but close my eyes as I feel completely at peace, my thoughts slow down until they're completely consumed by sleep.



I slowly open my bleary eyes and hiss as the light shines brightly within them. I find that I had passed the night and that it was early morning as the sun has just begun to rise from beyond the horizon.

"Damn that was a comfortable sleep, haven't had a sleep like that in years," I mumble to myself before rolling over and performing some exaggerated yet invigorating stretches. Once I'm done with my stretches I sigh after I take in a deep breath of the crisp salty air. Slapping my cheeks I decided to start following my plan. Submerging back into the water I swim down until I near the ocean floor and restart my journey and hunt.


[Ding... Experience Points Gained: 30 (x4) 120 / User has Leveled up: 17 > 18 (XP: 44/180) / Stat Points Gained: 5]

I had spent the majority day travelling and hunting a variety of sea life, however doing so leaves me feeling overwhelmed with mental exhaustion, probably due to yet having grown accustomed to such tiring activities and the constant use of magic. I Ignore the exhaustion as best as I can and keep moving until I find a place suitable for resting. Thankful I find such a place not long into my search, I slide myself into the small space under the rock and lay down on the sandy floor.

Before I go to sleep, I open my system and assign all my acquired stat points.

{Mystica: 1523/1700}

{Level: 18 (44/180)}

{Sp (Stat Points): 0 >72 > 0}

{Strength: 15 > 23 (x2) 46}

{Constitution: 15 > 25 (x2) 50}

{Agility: 13 > 30 (x4) 120}

{Dexterity: 13 > 25 (x2) 50}

{Magic: 15 > 40 (160)}

Happy with my stats, I let my exhaustion overtake me and fall asleep.