
Two leaders and one throne

Antoine walked proudly in his big, new office. He was very happy for himself and he could not contain his happiness to himself. He was wearing broad smile in his face and he let others know how contend he was. He had no reason to hide his feelings. He was wearing his best pair of shoes and the best and most costly suit he owns. Good clothes certainly give good impressions and he wanted that. He wanted everyone cheer him and celebrate with him but he also wish for everyone to get jealous on his success. He looked at everyone while walking towards his office and everyone was looking at him back with wary expressions.

They must be jealous or wondering about me, Antoine assumed but he had no idea what was waiting in his office.

As Antoine entered his office, a big centre table was there to welcome him but that was not all. A huge bouquet of beautiful flowers of unknown species was there. Antoine was not sure what kind of flowers were they but they were surely beautiful. Antoine' smile widened and he closed the glass door behind him. Antoine stepped forward where his chair was and he realized that something was not appropriate. Someone was sitting in his chair with his back on. Only the back of chair was visible but some hands were in sight to who were holding a file, presumably for Antoine and someone else was sitting on his chair and touching the stuff meant for him. It was not how Antoine imagined this day will then but then he had no idea what was ahead of him.

"I think you are in wrong cabin and this chair does not belong to whoever you are" Antoine said angrily. He wished to be rough but he had to maintain the decorum of office. Besides he believed that it should be some honest mistake which can be rectify easily but the least he knew that everything was happening for a purpose and the purpose is not going to be benefited for him at all.

"I am exactly where I should be and I am the most capable and deserving for this chair and for this office too" Jerika said turning her chair so that she can see Antoine's shocked expressions clearly and enjoy them.

"You… YOU" Antoine said shockingly. He could have thought of anything in the world but Jerika's return was out of option. It was not something which should have or could have happened after what transpired in the party. Jerika was gone and she should have stayed like that so what were she doing there and why exactly she was there, Antoine wondered and the question swirled in his mind.

"YES… ME… You do not look very pleased to see me" Jerika mocked Antoine. Jerika had broad smile on her face. She too came prepared with her dressings, hair and jewelry altogether. There were two leaders but only one throne and they both desired for the same.

"What are you doing in my office, sitting on my chair? No… what are you still doing at Zion? You yourself left Zion and you are not needed here so go away" Antoine said making Jerika chuckled lightly. Antoine was acting and speaking funny. He was so shocked that he was making all kinds of hand movements. He was just not sure if all this was actually happening to him or he was still on his bed having a very bad dream, possibly a nightmare.

"I am not a fly to which you are trying to shoo away and your suggestions on my need and requirement to the Zion does not match with the upper management of Zion" Jerika said only to watch the disbelief and denial all written on Antoine's face which was very pleasing to watch and enjoy for Jerika. She had waited for this moment entire her life and here she was enjoying every bit of it.

"The upper management?" Antoine said in disbelief. The thing he did not understand was why the upper management will take decision about the title of Project Manager/Project Head. It was the lower management job and mostly the decision was taken by John Riley so why upper management.

"Yes… I did left but upper management felt like I should not and they did believe that they made a mistake. They brought me back with the position I like to have as I deserve it and this office of course" Jerika said. Of course Antoine did not know that the upper management meaning Greg Zion is Jerika's father. Nobody actually other than Daulat knew about that and she used this opportunity to get back to the Zion under her conditions. When he visited her father about the issue, her father did not welcome the idea of Jerika becoming a project head wholeheartedly and he even ended up hurting Jerika instead of understanding her or helping her but when she left, Greg changed his mind although Jerika was not sure why and how he changed his mind. Jerika tried asking from her father but her father never speaks straight. He just said he did it for himself and he is investing in something. Daulat said he was just being fatherly but jerika did not believe that. Her father was anything but fatherly in times like this. He never let his mind rules his heart. He must have some reason for the things he did for her and the time must reveal everything in light and so does her father intentions.

"You are bluffing" Antoine said.

"Am I? I really couldn't tell but seriously… am I bluffing or you are having a nightmare?" Jerika said making Antoine feel more awful.

"I will not accept this" Antoine busted his anger out by yelling making the staff outside get his unwanted attention. Antoine was not ready to keep down his voice anymore or even he was not even ready to keep his true emotions and frustration to himself. It was just so unjustly for Antoine that he feels that it was not actually happening but he was a grown man and he knew he was neither dreaming nor hallucinating. How hard he wished for all this to go other way round, it was actually happening to him and he has to accept that even with bitter heart.

"Oh I do not expect you to accept any of this and the changes which might occur in future" Jerika said by giving him a sweet little warning that this was just a beginning and lot is yet to come in future so he better be ready about all of that. Antoine knew Jerika had only one reason there and that is to make Antoine's life hell but Antoine was not sure if Jerika realized that she had already done the major damage to Antoine with a single blow only.

"This is an insult" Antoine said and he looked the satisfying look on Jerika's face. She was actually enjoying his pain and Antoine cannot even argue with that. She utterly hates him and now hatred had started to build up inside Antoine slowly.

Jerika looked outside from the glass door that all the staff has started gathering around the office and there was quite a crowd whispering and discussing about the debate with Jerika and Antoine. Everyone witnessed the tiff between Jerika and Antoine in the party and it was very well known to others that Jerika left the office because of that. Some felt bad and most of the people just did not care much that to have a topic of gossip for few hours or days but now Jerika's return to Zion was a start of power play between Antoine and Jerika. This matter was not just about a quarrel or difference in opinion; it had become the matter of pride. Jerika was ready to bring everything to stake but Antoine had no option. His pride, his honor and everything was already at stake and Jerika was prepared to challenge him and to attack him now and then whenever he gets the opportunity and the opportunity was the only thing Jerika was waiting for from last two years. She will have her bitter sweet revenge everyday from now on. Antoine knew it and he knew that the best day of his life was just becoming the start of his worst days to come in future. Jerika will make sure of that.

"It indeed is" Jerika whispered to Antoine so that only he can hear it. Jerika again looked outside and she knew she was successfully able to create a scene. Antoine followed Jerika's eyes and her sight only to see people staring at him and whispering to each other. He felt the utter humiliation. He left the office at that instant in rage and disbelief that this was happening to him whereas Jerika watched him leave, contended with her first strike and its impact. The revenge could bring so much satisfaction and peace to heart, Jerika realized it that day.