Chapter 200 Like It's Mixed with Honey

Lin Aibao adopted the stern face of her own homeroom teacher and said, "When I teach students, the first thing is that they have to listen to me. If they don't listen to me, then I will have to slap their palms, and when that time comes, you all better not feel sorry for them."

Without a second thought, the villagers answered, "Go ahead and hit them. If they still don't listen, I'll spank them when I get home!"

Children in the countryside at that time weren't coddled at all; they were used to taking a tumble and getting roughed up.

Sometimes, when they made their parents angry, the parents would just grab a willow twig and start hitting them with it.

Therefore, Lin Aibao's demands seemed too simple to the villagers, and they didn't take her seriously at all.

One even shouted, "You can hit my child all you want, just don't beat them to disability or death."