Near the Mansion

Lala clutched her throbbing heart to make much noise in the silent night. Despite being in sleep; she had a dream that someone was keeping eyes on her. The sensation was so frightening that she woke up scared. Almost every living being inside the mansion was sleeping other than the guards on the gate. The master's room was also lit. Master Jax was going through several documents accumulated in the previous decade. His father was Lord from decades and before him his ancestor was the Lord of Woodland. They have been living here from ages and rarely miss any important matter recorded.

The Woodlands was not a small area; it was the biggest state in Dusk Lake and the Lord of Woodland has influence similar to the Lord of Dusk Lake. The old pure blooded Vampire Lord of Dusk Lake wished a capable young vampire for instance Jax Calum inherit the big Lordship. However the events turned strange and cruel for the Calum family. It was disastrous for the Dusk Lake as well. Without knowing the upcoming events it was uncertain what was awaiting for them. The Lord wanted to solve this issue first. He was sending three vampires to assist the young Lord in finding the culprit.

Lala came outside of the room to fetch a glass of water from the kitchen but she was afraid to see the corridors silent and sink in darkness. She called the girl with her. "You should wait in the room; I will bring the water." The maid patted her hand and went toward the kitchen. Lala first time ever felt that she was turning a coward with constant fear. She had to address this problem else she might die with this fear without knowing the root evil. She slightly moved her eyes toward the window where the curtain was hiding the outside view of the mansion.

"Here take the water." She was about to move away the curtain and look outside when the fellow girl brought the glass of water. She was troubling this nice maid thinking that Lala thanked her and gulped the water in one go and then fell flat down on one side of the single bed. Four years ago she was happy; worry-free later her life took a turn. It was a big and unexpected turn. Her sister left the house and Lala thought that perhaps she was kidnaped. Now she regretted that she did not check those two letters.

At the same time near the mansion

A shadow secretly moved around the mansion. The movements were much calculated that none of the guards could sense despite the fact that all of them were from vampire race. Another shadow was lurking in the surrounding. He meant to see the strange shadow which he caught a glimpse back then. Now seeing the same shadow his doubt cleared however before he could lessen the distance the shadow disappeared. The distance was enough for him to lose the shadow again.

At least now he has concrete reason to believe that the Calum family was under threat. Early morning the carriage stopped in front of the mansion and the young vampire came out of it. Foster Grace spent the whole night looking for the shadow but failed. He was here to warn the young Lord about this. Jax Calum was sitting on the chair; the night passed without him noticing the time.

The guards welcomed the guest. One of them respectfully sent the vampire inside the mansion. The housekeeper was surprised to see the vampire this early morning yet he welcomed according to the mansion status.

"I shall inform the master now." The housekeeper went to inform. Before he could knock; master Jax came out ready in his casual dress.

Jax sensed the arrival of his cousin but the reason was unknown and he was curious to know as to what brought him earlier this morning. The guest room was in the middle of the first floor of the mansion while the special guest room was located at the north side. From here the outside view was nicer. "Bring two servings in the special guest room." Jax ordered the housekeeper. He met his cousin and they walked inside the special guest room.

"To see you I can tell that you were awake all night; this means you must have already felt it. I was near the mansion in the night and happened to see the same shadow for me this strange so I came to inform you." Foster Grace picked the cup and voiced. The exquisite view was unable to decrease the tension in the room. Two double sided glass walls of the front view present the backyard of the mansion where the garden was designed to cherish the mood of the people sitting in the north room which was a special guest room too.