Punishment of the Vicious Slave 2

Ms. Chen likes solid colors, she is today's mediator, and she also wore a lavender-embroidered green and blue tapestry jacket skirt, which highlights her long, beautiful face even colder.

The second wife Ms. Han slightly furrowed her eyebrows. This Wang Yushi was a stone-like figure. It was the most rigid and old-fashioned and it followed the rules. All day long, he would accuse this or sue the other, and no one would say anything.

Perhaps because of this, the emperor was always suspicious, although he was obsessed with alchemy all day, he was still willing to hear what Wang Yushi, hard-line figures, would not be bought.

The wife he married was also an upright person. If this matter were passed to Wang Yushi, it would not be good for the emperor to join the empire to rule the country and forgive the sin of the evil servants and deceive the Lord.

The husband is already fighting the villain in court, and she is in a difficult situation and cannot make matters worse.

Mrs. Han made a decision. She looked at Chengyue, who was proud of her face and she didn't know that her disaster was imminent, and she was very cold. She waved her hand and said coldly, "Don't stretch this vicious slave. Kill her!"

After thinking about it, she frowned at Aunt Ma, who was serving alongside her, and said, "It is not good to be able to raise such a servile slave. The whole family will be sold away."

Aunt Ma had been with Madame Han for many years, and immediately understood the master's thoughts, and came here respectfully to receive a blessing, with a look of shame: "Aren't they all slaves and servants? These days, I accompany my lady to the marriage of several young ladies, plus the fourth lady has always been a kind woman, so she can't raise a cunning slave like Chengyue. "

Simply put, she first eliminated Madame Han Er and then erased the savage crime of pleasing the slaves and deceiving the master from Xiliang Dan's head, and she let Xiliang Dan have a good reputation for being kind and kind.

Ms. Han is very satisfied, but she has a reproachful look on her face: "From now on, I will not be an example. If I commit a crime again, I will not be able to keep an aunt like you by my side. . "

Aunt Ma was immediately blessed. After thanking him, she turned around and ordered the two women to drag Chengyue to her death.

Chengyue was still lost. She didn't know how she would be beaten to death by the most favored girl alongside Miss Si, until she heard that even her family had been sold, and she was dying immediately. Panic fell on him. head.

"Madam, the maid was wrong, please forgive the maid, the maid will never dare ..." Chengyue immediately knelt down, made a desperate bow, and Madame Han took a step back in disgust, but Aunt Ma immediately turned around. towards Chengyue winking.

Chengyue still wasn't stupid, she got it right away, so she went up in Xi Liangmo's direction and leaned in, and tried to reach for La Xi Liangmo's skirt: "Sister Mo ... No, miss, just forgive me. Me, my mother is ill in bed, and my younger brothers are waiting to be nourished. You are a living and compassionate Bodhisattva, and you have always been the most understanding of us! "

These words are not cruel. It is clear that Ms. Han is going to kill her and sell her family, but now she comes to plead with Xiliang Mo. If Xiliang Mo does not intercede with Ms. Chen and Ms. Han, then she will name a bad girl. and cruel, since when a few girls talk about marriage, no one likes a girl who is spoiled and intends to marry.

A cold light flashed in Xi Liang Mo's eyes, huh, should she drag her into the water right now? What a shameful servant.

She backed away quickly, staring at Orange Moon in horror, and the large eyes embedded in her slim face instantly filled with tears, glaring at Chengyue as if she saw a ghost: "You ... don't come .... .. Do not ..."

She then she looked at Madame Han for help as if she couldn't suppress her trembling: "Second Mistress."

An insightful person knew at a glance that this evil maid had always been used to bullying Xiliang Mo by making a fortune, and now she was as scared as if she saw a ghost.

Ms. Chen had changed Xiliang Dan and Ms. Han because of Aunt Ma's words. At this moment, she couldn't help but feel that the other party was not only bad by nature, but was also hiding her peace. way. She couldn't help but shake her head and looked at Xiliang Mo with more pity.


She recalled that there seemed to be a daughter born to Ms. Lan in the Guogong family. She must have been this girl. It seemed that this was a difficult life in the hands of her stepmother.

Madam Han's eyes flashed with anger as she looked at Xi Liangmo, and immediately she said, "Don't gag this slave bitch and drag her down!"

Immediately, the ruthless lady approached and unceremoniously blocked Chengyue's mouth, dragging the desperate and scared Chengyue away.

Chengyue desperately struggled to speak, saw Xi Liangmo's ridiculous and cold smile as she lowered her head, but never got a chance to speak again.

He suddenly understood that today was the trap set by Xiliang Mo. He used to humiliate her more with the Fourth Miss. He begged and shed tears, but did not expect to kill himself today.

Even the two wives who followed Chengyue were dragged and beaten thirty times, they were dying and they did not know if they were dead.

All the servants were puzzled. They did not expect that Ms. Han would actually have the powerful girl alongside her daughter as the older lady that she had always been. When they looked at Xiliang Mo, who looked panicky, everyone changed.

Madam Han's eyes looked sharply at Xi Liang Mo, who was pale and panicky. She wanted to determine if today's matter was intentional or unintentional. However, after watching for a long time, only to see that he grew more and more frightened under her. It seemed to be true, that what happened today was just a coincidence.

With a smile on Madam Han's face, she personally stepped forward to help Xiliang Mo and said like a mother, "Sister Mo, today it was her mother who made you feel aggrieved."

Xiliang Mo took the second wife's hand with a flattered expression, looked at her shyly and said, "It is Sister Mo who is not sensible and met the second wife ... mother."

Madam Han's expression slightly condensed, but when she looked at Xi Liang Mo as if she discovered that she had said something wrong, she looked annoyed and panicked. She couldn't help a sneer.

Ms. Chen secretly sighed, this girl is truly pitiful, she didn't even dare to call Madam Han her mother. She smiled and stepped forward to reassure her, but she enthusiastically discovered that Xiliang Mo was wearing a simple white robe. The robe was made of silk, it was washed and raised. The shirt cuffs under Xiliang Mo's wide sleeves looked like embroidered edges, but were actually patches.

Although she didn't want to be too involved in other people's residences, she still knew that Lans didn't sink. This girl was obviously a beggar. How did she handle it so badly that she wasn't as good as a servant?

Ms. Han's second wife is too mean and cruel, so blatantly torturing her daughter-in-law is too inhumane.

Mrs. Chen has a direct temper, but she is not stupid. She paused and suddenly smiled: "This is the older lady, she is very pretty. Your mother is running for your sisters these days. Tomorrow it will be you." Looking at the little banquet, I have met some of your sisters, and I have not seen a girl even today. "

Ms. Han's two daughters, Xiliangxian, will be sent to the palace. Except for the fourth miss Xiliang Dan and Lun when they talk about their marriage, the third and fifth young ladies who left the concubine have also come to her house. Age. She is already old. She decided to pave the way for her two daughters with her daughter's marriage, so naturally they spared no effort to look at each other.

She just did not intend to pay attention to the elder lady Xi Liangmo, anyway, Lord Jing Guo did not remember such a daughter, much less the noble family in the capital, the existence of this girl always reminded him that she was just a normal. her wife of hers, if she didn't want to see her suffer for Lan, she had already got rid of this annoying thing.

Originally, she just hoped to casually send him to a common foreign merchant or even to find a country owner, or be someone's concubine, and just take him out the side door.

She did not expect Madam Chen to find this scene because of such a coincidence today. She can't let anyone take responsibility for her, and Madame Han's eyes twinkled insidiously, and she laughed: "The older sister is always shy and refuses to meet people, but today she has a destiny with her."

She looks like she tomorrow she will have to attend the banquet.

Aunt Ma noticed that Madam Chen was looking at Xi Liang Mo's clothes. She immediately turned around and smiled at Madam Mo, "That's right. Madam has made a lot of clothes for Sister Mo, but she doesn't know what Sister Mo is ". working. Before the Buddha cultivated self-cultivation,

I didn't want to ask for anything. Now I put it at Sister Dan's house. Tomorrow is a good day for Sister Mo. You can't say no more. "

After a bit of rhetoric, Xi Liangmo sneered in her heart and looked at Madam Chen, only to find that Madam Chen was looking at her with pity and silence. She knew that Madam Chen understood everything, but she was an outsider. It's not a good idea to intervene directly in people's backyard affairs.

Xiliang Mo looked grateful and gently blessed her, "Yes, Sister Mo thanked her mother."

"Go to your sister. I haven't seen you in a few days. She misses you." Madam Han looked at her with a play on words and smiled. Everyone knows that Xiliang Dan has a violent temper and she likes to spank people at all times. In turn, Xiliang Mo has also suffered many times.

Regardless of whether or not she was aware of it, the most appropriate thing was to let Xi Liang Dan come clean up this girl who was blocking herself this time.

Better hit her so she can't get out of bed tomorrow.

Xi Liang Mo smiled softly and said, "Yes." She was worried because she couldn't find the opportunity to go to Xi Liang Dan, huh, the opportunity arose by itself.

Having accomplished both of her goals today, she left Shishiran, leaving only her gaze full of exploration.