Distorted Mind

"I don't eat! I don't eat!" Xi Liang Dan sat on the soft seat of the ancestral hall, waved his sleeves, swept all the food off the table with one blow, his beautiful face was angry due to anger and turned less and less beautiful and compelling.

Much of the hot soup fell on Lu Qiao, who almost screamed, but this is not the first time. It is common to be beaten and scolded by Xiliang Dan, Lu Qiao gritted his teeth abruptly.

"Miss Yes, why bother? For the sake of a humble girl, let her lose her body. Isn't it because loved ones are hurt and enemies are happy?" Mother Qin brought a bowl of Japanese rice porridge and put it on her. the table, to Lu Qiao. Winking, she withdrew.

Lu Qiao looked at Mother Qin with gratitude and immediately left quietly to clean the mess from her body.

Mother Qin is Xiliangdan's nanny, and she is also the only one who has not hit or scolded her, she is a shameless mother in front of Xiliangdan and Ms. Han.

Xi Liang Dan looked at Mother Qin impatiently: "Mother ..."

"Ms. Qin is right. Dan doesn't have to eat like that and her body hurts. Don't you mean those bitches?" Madam Han's voice suddenly rang out, interrupting Xi Liang Dan's words.

"Mother!" Xi Liang Dan saw his mother lead the big girl and the women to enter quietly. She immediately reddened her eyes and threw herself into Ms. Han's arms with an "oo".

Ms. Han touched Xi Liang Dan's head in anguish and persuaded her, "Okay, girl, isn't this coming? Get up."

Looking at this scene, the girls and women who were quietly waiting withdrew from the door of the ancestral hall and stood up, leaving only the two mothers of Xiliangdan and is in the ancestral hall.

Madam Han persuaded her for a long time before Xi Liangdan raised his head. She wiped away her tears and said angrily, "Mother, what happened to Grandma today? She really helped the humble girl heal me!"

Madam Han looked at Xiliang Dan coldly and said, "It was your mother who was careless at first. She knew it was a scourge, so she should have sent him away, but it's not too late now."

Xi Liang Dan bit his sleeves and said bitterly: "It is cheaper to send it. It is better to sell it in the oven. Only if a thousand people travel and a thousand people with the pillow can kill my hatred!"

Xiliang Mo didn't look at what it was, and even dared to seduce the Prince. It really made his guts of anger explode!

Madame Han looked at Xiliang Dan, her eyes roved over the tea and food on the ground she knocked over, and she couldn't help but frown slightly: "You too girl, I was too used to you since I was a child, so I don't know. it can pass in front of the old woman. So presumptuous, it makes people take advantage. "

"Mother, even you tell me!", Xi Liang Dan slapped her feet in anger.

When Ms. Han's second wife said this, her head hurt. She endured her anger and said, "If not, you were supposed to kneel in the ancestral hall, but you still have good hot tea and rice waiting, favorite foods. If you switch to that cheap Xiliang Mo girl, don't talk about food, just move indifferently, I can ask family law, interrupt her waist, so she never wants to stand up in this life, if I don't know how to repent, my teacher won't be able to protect you one day, look where you learned foul language from the brothel sisters! "

In her heart, she was thinking of rectifying Xiliang Pill's servants, and she would teach him all good manners!

"Mother ...!" Xi Liang Dan was very upset, but he also knew that his behavior today was too much, but that was also awakened by Xi Liang Mo!

Thinking of this, Xiliang Dan's mouth stiffened again, he stomped his foot and said, "What can the old woman do to me? How can I tell that she is also the fourth lady of the Guogong Mansion who is famous in the capital, and the Future Princess Xiaode, the old woman can not only do it, but also be nice to you, mother! "

"Really, it seems that this old woman really can't afford to offend the future Princess Xiaode!" A cold old voice suddenly sounded behind the two Xiliangdan mothers.

They were so shocked that they all looked back. The old woman did not know when she was taking the girls to the ancestral hall. When Second Lady Han's eyes fell on the people, she couldn't help but shudder, forcing people to lower their heads.

"Don't stare at them. I told them to shut up and not report. My old lady was worried that the Dan'er would be hungry after kneeling in the ancestral hall for a day. It seems that Dan'er is not only very good, but she's really your old lady no, it offends the future princess Xiaode! "The old woman looked at the food that was dumped by Xiliang Dan with a cold expression on her face.

She looked disappointedly at Xiliang Dan, who was still dissatisfied even after the shock, and sighed in her heart. Is a girl who marries Prince Xiaode really a blessing to the Xiliang Mansion?

She is extremely arrogant and stubborn, without half the distraction, not to mention Xiliangxian, even Xiliang Mo is better than her.

She couldn't see why Xi Liang Mo instigated her to come to the ancestral hall to see Xi Liang Dan, Xi Liang Mo's cautious thought about things, how can this old woman not understand that she has infiltrated the house? during decades?

It's just that she always thinks that the Xiliang pill will never be too much, but she now she seems like she really doesn't know how important she is.

Although Xiliangdan is arrogant and direct, he is not completely carefree. He looked at the blue-skinned old woman and looked at herself with strange eyes. He also knew that he was no good. Lord Jinggo was the most filial piety. He now he ran into the old woman, but it is already very good to leave her kneeling in the ancestral hall, if he angers the old woman more, he could be even worse.

"Grandma, Dan'er is frank, just angry, but the dog Xi Liang Mo shamelessly seduces the prince and causes the separation of us grandfather and granddaughter. The old woman must not be fooled by a bitch!" Xi Liang Dan pouted, stepped forward to pull the corner of the old woman's clothing, moaning angrily and extremely aggrieved, her bright eyes filling with tears.

When the old woman saw him, her heart softened greatly. She was her beloved granddaughter, whom she had been suffering from for over ten years. He hated iron and steel and used his finger to touch Xi Liangdan's forehead: "One bite is a bitch, where is everyone's lady? As you should be, you have half-distracted eyes from your sister, old lady, I have to live a few more years! "

Why don't you die a few years earlier, so my dowry gets two more points?

Xi Liang Dan thought viciously, but she didn't show anything on her face. He just said impatiently: "Sister, big sister, everyone likes the big sister, but they cannot divide the big sister into two parts with the ax, one for the emperor and one for the prince."

It is impossible for Xiliangdan not to be jealous of Xiliangxian, but Xiliangxian is a royal sister. She was a talented girl who was famous in the capital since she was a child. She is very smart and admirable, but it is also very troublesome for people to take her and Xiliang Xianbi.

The old woman looked at the jealousy on her face, her eyes cold: "What are you talking about, okay, okay, we used to spoil you too much, always thinking that you are still young, from the future, I will invite the nanny to teach you some things before you get married ! "

After saying that, she tugged at the sleeves.

Madam Han said nothing. She agreed with the old woman on this point.

Xiliang Mo is plotting, but she can't stop Xiliang Dan. It's too easy to get irritated!

Xiliang Dan was upset, but when he saw the old woman, he suddenly remembered something. He turned to her and Ms. Han and said calmly, "By the way, this time the Empress's lotus banquet, the mail sent by the prince of De's Sister Mo, go old folks, this matter is left to you , make sure you take care of him for me, don't have moths, the Xiliang family and the Guogong family cannot afford to lose this face! "

After that, he ignored Madam Han Er and Xi Liang Dan's expressions of resentment, and they slowly left with the support of Grandmother Shangguan and Jin Lian.

Ms. Han Er was the first to recover from the shock, and there was an instant distortion on her face that was glamorous and worthy of her.

Xiliang Mo, you are as humble as your bitch!

To forgive the life of a dog is to suffer for your dog, you dare to seduce Dan'er's fiancé!

This lady can make your bitch linger and can make you go to hell like her!

"Madam Li, take my place at the Jing'an Temple!" After the second lady asked Xiliang Dan to leave, she coldly ordered.

Madame Li couldn't help but shake her entire body and she looked at Madame Han Er: "Ma'am?"

"You do not go?" Madam Han's face flashed like an evil spirit.