nine thousand years Bailiqing (2)

When everyone on the ship looked at the people, his complexion suddenly changed. Some even shook like straw. Even a calm character like Si Liufeng had a cold expression. Xi Liangmo accurately captured the cruel color that flashed in her eyes.

She turned to look, but saw a silver python robe embroidered in purple on the head, but the umbrella canopy almost covered half of her face, but the guards behind her were stiff as white paper, wearing a brocade robe black, front and back. . All of them were embroidered with gold and red thread, making them look strangely the same. Six great eunuchs with grim faces led the way. There were also peacock feathers with various fruits and peacock feathers. Fans, Western-style scented sweat towels, and eight treasure mirrors awaited the ladies of the court, who were so honored they were almost the emperor.

"Bold, it's not polite to watch!" The blue-robed eunuch who threw the Xiliangdan had a high-pitched voice, and a pair of narrowed eyes sadly swept over the still stiff people, as if he wanted to write to anyone who was sassy and rude.

No one knows that what Si Li Jian does best is monitor hundreds of officials, make direct and unannounced visits, use bloody methods, and the people who are attacked will never end well. The great prison under Li Jian has always been in and out.

This group of eunuchs has the most distorted mentality, and the most gratifying thing is to bleed in front of them, to cry bitterly.

Everyone was so scared that they all bowed down, the man knelt on one knee, and the woman fell deeply to the ground.

Nine thousand years, nine thousand years, nine thousand plus a thousand, but it's ... long live!

Xiliang Mo raised his eyebrows and everyone knew if this was Sima Zhao's heart.


It is a pity that even if there are thousands of kilometers apart, there will be no successors, are the ministers and historians so tolerant?

Xiliang Mo's gaze swept over the blood-colored lotus flower woven from gold and red threads, and she followed everyone to respectfully worship, saying, "Thousands of years, thousands of years, and thousands of years."

After half a moment, I heard a faint sound like Jiaowei's flying zither: "Get up ...".

The end of the voice was a little longer and weaker. This kind of voice should have been very nice, but everyone just felt that the voice was abnormally cold, as if it came from a very deep ghost domain fan room, a strange and cold voice was quietly The pale hand of the ghost settled softly on his throat in no one's midnight.

-Hair is scary.

"... Xie Jiu Qiansui ...."

This time there was an unconscious tremor in his voice.

As a noble king of heaven, Si Liufeng did not need to bow to the nine thousand year old boy, he coldly lowered his eyes, only planning to briefly greet the other party.

But obviously some people didn't see it so leisurely. The nine thousand year old boy smiled slightly: "It turns out that my nephew is here and I haven't seen him in many days. Why don't you come to meet your uncle at the palace?

Si Liufeng's cold face instantly stiffened, and thick killing intent flashed in his drooping eyes.

They all didn't dare to raise their heads even higher, wishing they hadn't appeared today.

Who does not know ...

A eunuch who trusted in the favor of the emperor, controlled the entire government, was sealed for nine thousand years, and became a king of different surnames. He was still more favored than all the emperor's brothers and nephews, under one person, more than 10,000, and all the princes. We call him uncle when we downgrade him.

This is simply an embarrassment to all royal princes.

Not that anyone wants to reverse it, but the result ...

Thinking of the fate of the three rebellious princes and relatives, they all trembled again.

When Si Liufeng raised his eyes again, there was already a wave of profound calm. He looked at the nine thousand year old boy and shook his hands: "My nephew has a lot of chores at the mansion recently. When he is free, he will definitely go to Uncle Wang's mansion."

"Hehe, that's fine." Nine thousand years old nodded, apparently satisfied, and said, "I heard you have already arranged a marriage. Please ask for two beautiful ladies from the Yasukuni government, and raise your head to let me look at me. Look, don't show your ugliness."

The news from nine thousand years ago was so delicate that no one would dare look at it with contempt. His tone was extremely frivolous, as if he was looking at a humble dancer. Miss Xuan bowed her head in shame when she listened to her. , and everyone was a little scared.

She that is the future princess of Germany.

If Liufeng held the fan by the back of his hand, his veins were exposed, but there was no abnormality on his face.

Xi Liang Dan is now wearing a shirt given to him by mother Qin, and her hair is messy. How could she be willing to 'show one's ugliness' when she was ashamed, but the nine thousand year old man couldn't? It doesn't help, but dare to be stubborn.

He had to really show his ugliness. When he looked up, he was about to speak: "Duke Yasukuni's fourth daughter, Xiliang ... Xiliang ...!"

At the beginning of the speech, she saw that at the time of her nine thousandth birthday, she was dumbfounded and his speech became incoherent.

Xi Liang Mo was listening and she slightly furrowed her brows. Xi Liang Dan had seen such a great scene, how could he be so rude?

Could it be that the eunuch is nine thousand years old and looks terrifying? She couldn't help but go through the images of the ugly, fat and horrible eunuchs in the television series from the previous life.

I can't write two Xiliang in one fell swoop, Xiliang Mo had no intention of being implicated by Xiliang Dan, and he immediately raised his head and said in a clear voice: "The eldest daughter of Prince Jingguo Xiliang Mo Mansion, I have seen .. nine thousand years, thousands of years. "

There was a pause in his voice, but there was almost no obvious interval, just because the moment he raised his head, she understood why Xiliang Dan would be stunned.

He was an indescribable face, with very long black hair hanging behind Panlong's official hat. His exquisite facial features were magnificent beyond gender, and it was difficult to distinguish between male and female, especially a pair of Danfeng's eyes outlined like a fine brush, edged with purple rouge. The back third of his eyes blotted onto the layered sideburns, as if a double-petal mandala was blooming on the snow-white sideburns. Her eyes were large and the tails of her eyes flew obliquely and they were as beautiful as a fox. Using heavy purple stones to represent the oblique hooks, Danfeng's large eyes became increasingly inexplicable.

What's more, Bailiqing's eyes are different from the dark brown of ordinary people. They are extremely deep and pure black, with no trace of light. After a long time, it seems that even the soul will be completely sucked into the phantom current. It is a dark and eternally unsurpassed place.

The difference with her eyes is that her complexion is almost transparent and pale, but her lips are thick and crimson stained with dark blood and rouge. The whole person looks like a ... a paper man in the memorial hall, which scares people. Creepy and treacherous, he just stood there, and the haze that couldn't even be lit by the sun gave Xi Liang Mo a suffocating sense of space distortion.

Seeing this person is like seeing: the vastness, the loneliness, just Ye Xiao screaming, the bones of Hell Jiuyou.

But the same person is extremely beautiful. Xi Liang Mo originally thought that Ms. Han and Xi Liang Dan's beauty was enough to make her famous in the capital, but this person is more suitable for makeup than any other woman. There is nothing in the world. Her most expensive powdered fragrance should exist for that person, and only his appearance can be perfected.

He is enough to endure a temporary appeal and country charm.

He is awesome, but also terrifying.

Extremely contradictory and extremely compatible peculiarities are perfectly combined in the nine thousand year old body, forming an extremely shocking effect.

Especially when he was about to sit in the red eight-leaf dragon sandalwood chair carried by the guards, the two eunuchs immediately rolled under his feet, using their backs as cushions to respectfully become the most comfortable, wide, and most comfortable footrest. flat. The court ladies also immediately knelt to show a beautiful but distorted posture, using their backs as a table, while other waiters from both sides skillfully put things on their backs, including extremely hot water and ice. A pot cannot fade slightly. the faces of those two palaces.

At that moment, this effect reached its extreme.

Si Liufeng received the bare hands of the veins behind him and ignored him.

Xiliang Mo finished the ceremony and at the same time controlled his emotions well. After showing no trace of admiration, he lowered his eyes again.

Baili's dark eyes turned and locked the woman below her. Xi Liang Mo instantly realized what it meant to be on her back, and then her eyes fell on Xi Liang Dan, who finally knew how to converge. Pointing Lanhua's finger at his teacup and laughing: "My nephew has a really special vision, this fourth lady, she really shows ugliness."

Bailiqing's malicious ridicule caused Si Liufeng's eyes to turn even blacker. His eyes flashed through the angry Xi Liangdan, and a trace of disgust shot through him. This woman rendered him almost faceless in front of Bailiqing.

But, okay ... her eyes fell on Xi Liang Mo, who was kneeling to the side, and there was more tenderness.

This is the kind of tolerance that the owner of the Royal Palace should have.

Of course, her cuteness did not escape Baili Qingyin's eyes. She lightly moved her orchid fingers, while the great eunuch, who was wearing a blue brocade robe, immediately stepped forward, using the strange tone of being neither male nor female. Authentic: "The nine thousand year old lord have a purpose, that the prince and Miss Xiliang Mo, the eldest daughter of lord Yasukuni, visit Huanbi Lake."

Everyone was shocked, and everyone looked at Si Liufeng and Xi Liang Mo, especially Xi Liang Mo, with some horror, as if she was about to die without a place to bury her. Those who were interested in nine thousand years would not. long life.

Xiliang Mo didn't notice and bowed gracefully again: "Thank you, Mister Qiansui."